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Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django - do you realize that you arecontradicting yourself?  Read the article again!!!!!

I am not  "the bill was passed by acclamation"

The opposition lapsed in calling a division,they probably didn't pay attention that "Dr Rupert Roopnaraine was not present at the point at which the question was put."

"Had a division been called for by the opposition, where each vote would have had to be registered, the bill would have failed as it required a majority"


Sooo which side was really "sleeping"?at the critical point in time?! 

Pls don't get me wrong, I don't think it is ok to sleep in any August assembly where the Nation's policy and laws are formulated. But being practical - if they choose to nap, what can anyone really do, post in newspapers? The average person might just have a laugh and move on. This Governemnt has a majority in parliament period. 

susan posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django - do you realize that you arecontradicting yourself?  Read the article again!!!!!

I am not  "the bill was passed by acclamation"

The opposition lapsed in calling a division,they probably didn't pay attention that "Dr Rupert Roopnaraine was not present at the point at which the question was put."

"Had a division been called for by the opposition, where each vote would have had to be registered, the bill would have failed as it required a majority"


Sooo which side was really "sleeping"?at the critical point in time?! 

Pls don't get me wrong, I don't think it is ok to sleep in any August assembly where the Nation's policy and laws are formulated. But being practical - if they choose to nap, what can anyone really do, post in newspapers? The average person might just have a laugh and move on. This Governemnt has a majority in parliament period. 

Clearly the opposition,they know the rules...i guess they were caught up with looking who are sleeping in the government benches and miss the boat.


Do you realize that a bill cannot pass in Parliament with a 32 - 32 vote???? And that is what the coalition was trying to do.  That is breaking the law and violating the constitution of Guyana!

And that is bullcrap that the bill was passed by acclamation.  BJ, Anil, and Gail called them out on it right away!!  Trust me they were wide awake.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted:

she is dough, sour dough!!

Base, make a right turn and exit Women's Abuse Avenue. Take the high road yonder, just past Tolerance Street. 

Gilly, not sure what you getting at here.  This is not abuse or anything gender.  Stop overdoing it.  You, and others, make some sexually suggestive remarks to female poster as standard sport, baseman never does!  Being "dough" refers to someone who shapes or the moment!!  My saying that does not constitute anything insulting or abusive.

You think women should be molested for a raise. Shut yuh sahayak raas. Is why yuh referring to the lady as 'Sour Dough' eh Dough Boi?

Now, where/when did I ever molest you for a raise?  Sour dough is not gender specific, unless you are sour puss!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Do you realize that a bill cannot pass in Parliament with a 32 - 32 vote???? And that is what the coalition was trying to do.  That is breaking the law and violating the constitution of Guyana!

And that is bullcrap that the bill was passed by acclamation.  BJ, Anil, and Gail called them out on it right away!!  Trust me they were wide awake.

There are measures to avoid this "Parliament with a 32 - 32 vote" which was not taken at the time.

"bill was passed by acclamation" this is a rule of the house from what i read.

Any way we are going around in circles,the opposition can take the matter up,they know the parliamentary rules.

baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted:

she is dough, sour dough!!

Base, make a right turn and exit Women's Abuse Avenue. Take the high road yonder, just past Tolerance Street. 

Gilly, not sure what you getting at here.  This is not abuse or anything gender.  Stop overdoing it.  You, and others, make some sexually suggestive remarks to female poster as standard sport, baseman never does!  Being "dough" refers to someone who shapes or the moment!!  My saying that does not constitute anything insulting or abusive.

You think women should be molested for a raise. Shut yuh sahayak raas. Is why yuh referring to the lady as 'Sour Dough' eh Dough Boi?

Now, where/when did I ever molest you for a raise?  Sour dough is not gender specific, unless you are sour puss!!

Hari boi, like she na gi yuh de raise. hahahahahah! You sour-faced avatar very aptly depicts your morose, peevish temperament. Have a nice day!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The Dis-honorable Amna Ally.  Wonder who she will start to cuss when she wake up.12801517_928797733906964_3867511583966193284_n[1]


And now this sleeping beauty is threatening Her fellow MP, Dharamlall with physical assault because he let the world know she was sleeping on the job.  And this was done in the presence of other Ministers.  Where do they find these people from? How does a person like this become a Minister in the Government when there are so many good and qualified people out there?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The Dis-honorable Amna Ally.  Wonder who she will start to cuss when she wake up.12801517_928797733906964_3867511583966193284_n[1]


And now this sleeping beauty is threatening Her fellow MP, Dharamlall with physical assault because he let the world know she was sleeping on the job.  And this was done in the presence of other Ministers.  Where do they find these people from? How does a person like this become a Minister in the Government when there are so many good and qualified people out there?

  you sure know where to find this stuff, Bibi.

Yes I wonder about some too like Basil and the young woman at Public Works, I don't recall her name. Same goes for the previous administration. Some appointments made me wonder about what were the criteria for selecting some of the ministers, e.g. we had Rohee heading Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade at one time. That was quite an experience. 

A friend who manages a big company in Guyana and who is totally frustrated with how both the previous  and the current administrations were/are dealing with a big business/legal issue said that both Basil and Anil should both be strayed in the bush. 

So good and bad in both administrations. 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Happening Right Now!!!

It is 5:45pm in the Parliament... There was a lunch break at 4:00-5:10pm.

Currently, Charrandass Persaud MP; Basil Williams AG, MP; Khemraj Ramjattan Vice Preaident and Min of Public Security MP; Catherine Hughes Min of Public Telecommunication and Tourism MP; Winston Felix Min of Citizenship MP are all ASLEEP...

Very good going Honourable Ministers of the APNU+AFC....
Your bellies are full and you're fast asleep; the country is in racial turmoil and the economy nose-diving...

This is so normal, after eating the HUGE parliament snack, is DOO DOO time.  Happened in the past, is happening now and will continue to happen in the future. But does DhaRUMlal have any alternative comments to the policy was being debated?

Nah - but he is a good KWAME spreading mischief and attacking the geriatrics in Parliament.

Georgie posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Happening Right Now!!!

It is 5:45pm in the Parliament... There was a lunch break at 4:00-5:10pm.

Currently, Charrandass Persaud MP; Basil Williams AG, MP; Khemraj Ramjattan Vice Preaident and Min of Public Security MP; Catherine Hughes Min of Public Telecommunication and Tourism MP; Winston Felix Min of Citizenship MP are all ASLEEP...

Very good going Honourable Ministers of the APNU+AFC....
Your bellies are full and you're fast asleep; the country is in racial turmoil and the economy nose-diving...

This is so normal, after eating the HUGE parliament snack, is DOO DOO time.  Happened in the past, is happening now and will continue to happen in the future. But does DhaRUMlal have any alternative comments to the policy was being debated?

Nah - but he is a good KWAME spreading mischief and attacking the geriatrics in Parliament.

I thought so too. LOL!  

Mitwah posted:
Georgie posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Happening Right Now!!!

It is 5:45pm in the Parliament... There was a lunch break at 4:00-5:10pm.

Currently, Charrandass Persaud MP; Basil Williams AG, MP; Khemraj Ramjattan Vice Preaident and Min of Public Security MP; Catherine Hughes Min of Public Telecommunication and Tourism MP; Winston Felix Min of Citizenship MP are all ASLEEP...

Very good going Honourable Ministers of the APNU+AFC....
Your bellies are full and you're fast asleep; the country is in racial turmoil and the economy nose-diving...

This is so normal, after eating the HUGE parliament snack, is DOO DOO time.  Happened in the past, is happening now and will continue to happen in the future. But does DhaRUMlal have any alternative comments to the policy was being debated?

Nah - but he is a good KWAME spreading mischief and attacking the geriatrics in Parliament.

I thought so too. LOL!  

This lawless character assassination and demonizing of good people is getting stale now.  What are you all ashamed of?  The man had a right to expose the sleepers in Parliament.  This is a lame attempt at silencing the truth.  Sase is only digging up trouble and spreading lies as he doesn't know any better. 

Bibi Haniffa

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