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ksazma posted:
Leonora posted:
Prince posted:
Amral posted:

We drink when we got woman trouble too

Amral, what women do when they get men problems? 

Lots of things: keep busy at the workplace and at home, visit family and friends, shopping, beauty parlor, restaurant, etc.

Sometimes dem duz tek adda man. 😀

Was trying to tell him that rum is not the answer to everything and that some of us are not guzzlers.   Happy Wednesday.   

Leonora posted:

Nehru, remember the bums in Guyana used to drink Sujjical? I guess it was a Surgical medicine. What in the world was it and how did they get it? 

It was called Surgical Spirits and you could buy it from the drug store. My grandfather used to carry it in his drug store but he would tell the “Sagiwan” men that he didn’t have any if they came to buy it. It was like methylated spirits but not exactly the same. 

Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mars, was it clear or purple in colour ?

They added the purple coloring to one of them but I don’t remember which one. They called it surgical spirits because doctors supposedly washed their surgical instruments in the alcohol to sterilize them.

The village bums drank from a bottle of purple liquid. My dad used to say it will burn out their guts.


There was a family in a neighbouring village who drank bush rum every single day. The Grandfather, father, son and grandsons were all alcoholics. They all died young. Very sad. I remember seeing one of them trembling when he did not get his drink.

They would do menial tasks for a quarter bottle. 

I noticed that liquor in Guyana is Cheap and I wonder if this what encourages drinking ? Indos seem to be in heavy liquor while Afros seem to be occasional drinkers with lighter liquor like a few beers.

My children asked my why do Guyanese people drink so much and I told them that I don't know since I don't drink and even though they are of a legal drinking age, my children don't drink.

Did drinking started in India ? Or was it something started as a British tradition which became a bigger problem later on ?

I visited Haryana, India (the land of my foreparents) and none of my original relatives drank. Haryana recently imposed harsh anti drinking laws.

Many of my Guyanese relatives drink and it is very uncomfortable to visit or participate on any occasion that they have. They poke fun at me and my family for not drinking.

I don't not condemn social drinking and it should be done on moderation. 

Leonora posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mars, was it clear or purple in colour ?

They added the purple coloring to one of them but I don’t remember which one. They called it surgical spirits because doctors supposedly washed their surgical instruments in the alcohol to sterilize them.

The village bums drank from a bottle of purple liquid. My dad used to say it will burn out their guts.

You can look at those men and tell when they are drinking spirits. It burns their lips and leaves it dry, scaly and discolored. Just imagine what it’s doing to their internal organs. They don’t live to an old age. 


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