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Danyael posted:

No one is stopping you from voting. One is commenting on the choice of as Ms Warren said, the choice of that thin-skinned, wannabe tyrant is objectionable to progressive. Even conservatives are running away from that fellow.Ryan calls him a racist, Mc Connell calls him unamericana. This is an unprecedented reluctance of Republicans to self identify with their nominee because they have a dread that this awful fellow will re-brand the GOP as a racist party

You are a shallow ignoramus so it is little wonder you vote against your interest. And what are you doing here sitting on your ass pretending you are the noblesse oblige? What happened, burnham begged you to leave? Dude you are  undeniably an enigma even to yourself since contradictions  do not matter to you.

That's one house of thought!  Now take you opinions in the toilet with you!

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

No one is stopping you from voting. One is commenting on the choice of as Ms Warren said, the choice of that thin-skinned, wannabe tyrant is objectionable to progressive. Even conservatives are running away from that fellow.Ryan calls him a racist, Mc Connell calls him unamericana. This is an unprecedented reluctance of Republicans to self identify with their nominee because they have a dread that this awful fellow will re-brand the GOP as a racist party

You are a shallow ignoramus so it is little wonder you vote against your interest. And what are you doing here sitting on your ass pretending you are the noblesse oblige? What happened, burnham begged you to leave? Dude you are  undeniably an enigma even to yourself since contradictions  do not matter to you.

That's one house of thought!  Now take you opinions in the toilet with you!

Unfortunately for you that brain of yours is not creative enough to craft anything other than crude comments. I can see why you self identify with that loud, thinskinned, small minded, wannabe tyrant.

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

I see you are claiming rajput status...what bullock. You are a child of dalit...just two generations ago you were in the logie...go back three and you were hauling the brahamin crap.

What can I say to that my resident Buckman!!  More power to you!

I bet your mama would have wanted a buckman if she knew your daddy would just fill her up with an idiot child.

Zed posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump is a great man and will be a good prezzy, with or without your liking.  He will become president! start adjusting to that reality!!

Given that both of you are racists no surprise that you think he will do well.

A Trump presidency will be good for you as finally you will learn that you aren't white.

White ppl put up with too much nonsense. It is about time they stand up for their way of life. Who doan like it, just return to where yuh mother mek up and build a society like the great United States of America.

The country has degenerated into the type of leadership they have at the upcoming election. That is because the politicians of these days doan consider USA first, they consider what is politically correct. And the true citizens, white people, builders of America is left at the whims of the Democrats.  And Hillary is another excuse for their loss of prestige.

Suh Trump will have to carry their banner. It is the case of the Citizens versus the Multitudes of Visitors(non white people in the USA)

just imagine if the Hispanics get control. Just go over to Florida and observe what it is like for non-Hispanics.

The Democrats, just wants the Presidency. So they will sleep with the devil, knowing such a move will consume the great USA.

Make America Great Again.

There is so much that is wrong with what is in this post that it will take me all day to point it out. But, I think that it will be an exercise in futility.

yuh think you be wasting your time?. i doan think i will change my ofpinions. i am not concerned about the experiences of others who have had the white man boots on their necks. in my case, overall, they were very eager to assist in promoting my endeavors.

Just privilized to have such favors. Probably even confused the white ppl as well, why they were so willing to move on my behalf. 

Never had to kiss the white-mans ass. It wasn't necessary, these were professional undertakings.

In the USA and Canada, things are very different. 


Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

I see you are claiming rajput status...what bullock. You are a child of dalit...just two generations ago you were in the logie...go back three and you were hauling the brahamin crap.

What can I say to that my resident Buckman!!  More power to you!

I bet your mama would have wanted a buckman if she knew your daddy would just fill her up with an idiot child.

Nah, me don't think so, but me have a half-Buck brother, compliments of me daddy!

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

I see you are claiming rajput status...what bullock. You are a child of dalit...just two generations ago you were in the logie...go back three and you were hauling the brahamin crap.

What can I say to that my resident Buckman!!  More power to you!

I bet your mama would have wanted a buckman if she knew your daddy would just fill her up with an idiot child.

Nah, me don't think so, but me have a half-Buck brother, compliments of me daddy!

 You mean the man was a serial idiot maker?

Cobra posted:
Danyael posted:
Cobra posted:

Danyael, why people must follow your direction to consider themselves smart?

Whare did I ask anyone to follow me? I commented on the candidate as unfit and the people following him uninformed and shallow. That means you.

We are shallow and you're full of shit. Isn't that so?

I don't get these people.  The man so "shallow and stupid", why are they so bothered!!  He has to contend with "smart and crooked" Hillary!!

ba$eman posted:
Cobra posted:
Danyael posted:
Cobra posted:

Danyael, why people must follow your direction to consider themselves smart?

Whare did I ask anyone to follow me? I commented on the candidate as unfit and the people following him uninformed and shallow. That means you.

We are shallow and you're full of shit. Isn't that so?

I don't get these people.  The man so "shallow and stupid", why are they so bothered!!  He has to contend with "smart and crooked" Hillary!!

Anti Trump fellas upset because some people can think for themselves. I doan understand why dey so angry. Man de way dey behaving is like dey want to kill.

Maybe they know Trump will be the next President. That has already been fulfilled. Just waiting for real time to catch up with the future.

Dey should be packed and ready. 

ba$eman posted:
Cobra posted:
Danyael posted:
Cobra posted:

Danyael, why people must follow your direction to consider themselves smart?

Whare did I ask anyone to follow me? I commented on the candidate as unfit and the people following him uninformed and shallow. That means you.

We are shallow and you're full of shit. Isn't that so?

I don't get these people.  The man so "shallow and stupid", why are they so bothered!!  He has to contend with "smart and crooked" Hillary!!

He is running for office so that is the bother. That he has an army of bedraggled racists supporting his cause is also a matter of some import.

seignet posted:
ba$eman posted:
Cobra posted:
Danyael posted:
Cobra posted:

Danyael, why people must follow your direction to consider themselves smart?

Whare did I ask anyone to follow me? I commented on the candidate as unfit and the people following him uninformed and shallow. That means you.

We are shallow and you're full of shit. Isn't that so?

I don't get these people.  The man so "shallow and stupid", why are they so bothered!!  He has to contend with "smart and crooked" Hillary!!

Anti Trump fellas upset because some people can think for themselves. I doan understand why dey so angry. Man de way dey behaving is like dey want to kill.

Maybe they know Trump will be the next President. That has already been fulfilled. Just waiting for real time to catch up with the future.

Dey should be packed and ready. 

Does he think? Do you know his foreign policy except banning Muslims and building a wall? Do you know his domestic policy except "it will be great, greater than ever"? How about him bringing back coal in Kentucky and West Virginia? You and your mama believe that swill? Dude Coal is dead...Hillary has it right. Time to produce alternative industries in these areas. Same for the rust belt. Steel is not coming back. Time to transition to a different economy

Trump will not win. Americans always get it right.

Last edited by Former Member

China is doing all the things America used to do. And they get very rich from it. So rich that they now loan America money.

American businesses have bankrupt the American people. Trump has one message to them (the people), "I will bring back your jobs. From where ever they are."

If white people has narrow vision, then they have found a person whom they can relate to.

White people care about their livelihood, everything else is of no consequence.

There is no other economy other than manufacturing. Every Asian nation is busy making some kind of product destined for the American economy. 


politikalamity posted:
ba$eman poste

Actually, the comment was not racist 

 Seriously for all practical purposes what is the F***ing difference between racist and prejudiced?

Man you Hindu "boys" on GNI are giving Guyanese Hindus a bad name. You bunch are as prejudiced and stinking pus filled sore

Dey certainly getting under ur skin. Dem like jiggers. Racists is much more hateful word.

seignet posted:

China is doing all the things America used to do. And they get very rich from it. So rich that they now loan America money.

American businesses have bankrupt the American people. Trump has one message to them (the people), "I will bring back your jobs. From where ever they are."

If white people has narrow vision, then they have found a person whom they can relate to.

White people care about their livelihood, everything else is of no consequence.

There is no other economy other than manufacturing. Every Asian nation is busy making some kind of product destined for the American economy.

"Trump has profited from foreign labor he says is killing U.S. jobs"

Last edited by cain
seignet posted:


 Trump has one message to them (the people), "I will bring back your jobs. From where ever they are." 

man you are gullible. You think a billionaire who made his money by exploiting others will bring back jobs to the USA so that he can make less money? Trump supporters are delusional.

Every billionaire is at the least a sociopath and at worse a psychopath! 

Cobra posted:
Chief posted:

Cobra where are you?

You have to remind yourself that being angry with the people who supports Trump is undemocratic in the USA. I am NOT angry with you for supporting Hillary because it's your right. Old people does say when you hate someone, that person may be your worst nightmare.

I am proud to vote and support Trump in the primary, and I will vote for him in November. I am not here to shade the illegals or the terrorists. Trump is a decent man that means no harm to law abiding Muslims. Are you afraid of something if Trump get elected, Chief?

BTW, no one on GNI can ever trample on my democratic right to chose. I am sorry to disappoint you.

Bro, Ramadan is still on. What the hell you arguing over Trump for?

Ramadan or no Ramadan , Trump is a danger to society.

I am angry because immigrants like yourself are turning your back on fellow immigrants. Why build a wall with Mexico and do say nothing about the illegal Irish and Europeans who are coming and not returning.

Trump is  a racist!

politikalamity posted:
ba$eman poste

Actually, the comment was not racist 

 Seriously for all practical purposes what is the F***ing difference between racist and prejudiced?

Man you Hindu "boys" on GNI are giving Guyanese Hindus a bad name. You bunch are as prejudiced and stinking pus filled sore

Can someone please translate this into English for me?

Bibi Haniffa
politikalamity posted:
seignet posted:


 Trump has one message to them (the people), "I will bring back your jobs. From where ever they are." 

man you are gullible. You think a billionaire who made his money by exploiting others will bring back jobs to the USA so that he can make less money? Trump supporters are delusional.

Every billionaire is at the least a sociopath and at worse a psychopath! 

He has millions of people believing in him, they are not delusional.

I doan think you and cain can veer into the future. 

I can understand, his rhetoric has much to be desired, but he has the ears of the downtrodden Americans. 

Maybe, he is a modern day Spartacus.

Carneige worked his employees to bare bones, yet he gave to every country of the world books and libraries.

Suh, one never knows.

Chief posted:
Cobra posted:
Chief posted:

Cobra where are you?

You have to remind yourself that being angry with the people who supports Trump is undemocratic in the USA. I am NOT angry with you for supporting Hillary because it's your right. Old people does say when you hate someone, that person may be your worst nightmare.

I am proud to vote and support Trump in the primary, and I will vote for him in November. I am not here to shade the illegals or the terrorists. Trump is a decent man that means no harm to law abiding Muslims. Are you afraid of something if Trump get elected, Chief?

BTW, no one on GNI can ever trample on my democratic right to chose. I am sorry to disappoint you.

Bro, Ramadan is still on. What the hell you arguing over Trump for?

Ramadan or no Ramadan , Trump is a danger to society.

I am angry because immigrants like yourself are turning your back on fellow immigrants. Why build a wall with Mexico and do say nothing about the illegal Irish and Europeans who are coming and not returning.

Trump is  a racist!

U really doan know the consequences of Mexico. Illegal immigration is a problem even for backward Guyana. Dey had to deport some Indian nationals the other day. U think Granger is a racist for doing dat?

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Cobra posted:
Danyael posted:
Cobra posted:

Danyael, why people must follow your direction to consider themselves smart?

Whare did I ask anyone to follow me? I commented on the candidate as unfit and the people following him uninformed and shallow. That means you.

We are shallow and you're full of shit. Isn't that so?

I don't get these people.  The man so "shallow and stupid", why are they so bothered!!  He has to contend with "smart and crooked" Hillary!!

He is running for office so that is the bother. That he has an army of bedraggled racists supporting his cause is also a matter of some import.

The people will decide!!  His message resonates and that's his game!!  You need to work and get [crooked] Hillary to resonate!

politikalamity posted:
ba$eman poste

Actually, the comment was not racist 

 Seriously for all practical purposes what is the F***ing difference between racist and prejudiced?

Man you Hindu "boys" on GNI are giving Guyanese Hindus a bad name. You bunch are as prejudiced and stinking pus filled sore

Wow, for a fullah Mullah, you talking dutty deh man!!

Racist decides on race.  Prejudice mean you judge before judgement.  The problem is you cannot cry wolf post-judgement.  Trump is no more prejudice than any/all you PPP/Indian haters on this board!  He is far less racist than many Blacks here who see any Indian leader in Guyana as not worthy, even before they were born!

Now, if you believe because someone is a judge he/she will be even-handed, then why are Blacks up in arms over the perceived bias of judgements handed down against Blacks by White judges?

Trump has a concern as a defendant and that should be considered regardless how you may feel.  All parties must "perceive" fairness as such the judge should step aside!

ba$eman posted:
politikalamity posted:
ba$eman poste

Actually, the comment was not racist 

 Seriously for all practical purposes what is the F***ing difference between racist and prejudiced?

Man you Hindu "boys" on GNI are giving Guyanese Hindus a bad name. You bunch are as prejudiced and stinking pus filled sore

Wow, for a fullah Mullah, you talking dutty deh man!!

Racist decides on race.  Prejudice mean you judge before judgement.  The problem is you cannot cry wolf post-judgement.  Trump is no more prejudice than any/all you PPP/Indian haters on this board!  He is far less racist than many Blacks here who see any Indian leader in Guyana as not worthy, even before they were born!

Now, if you believe because someone is a judge he/she will be even-handed, then why are Blacks up in arms over the perceived bias of judgements handed down against Blacks by White judges?

Trump has a concern as a defendant and that should be considered regardless how you may feel.  All parties must "perceive" fairness as such the judge should step aside!

Trump is a racist prick and only bigots like you rationalize his nasty racism. His own party admonishes him and many are reluctant to go along with him and have repudiated his behavior. That is almost unheard of.

When defendants are suspicious of the fairness of a judge they have recourse. They do not ridicule them in the press.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump is a great man and will be a good prezzy, with or without your liking.  He will become president! start adjusting to that reality!!

Given that both of you are racists no surprise that you think he will do well.

A Trump presidency will be good for you as finally you will learn that you aren't white.

White ppl put up with too much nonsense. It is about time they stand up for their way of life. Who doan like it, just return to where yuh mother mek up and build a society like the great United States of America.

The country has degenerated into the type of leadership they have at the upcoming election. That is because the politicians of these days doan consider USA first, they consider what is politically correct. And the true citizens, white people, builders of America is left at the whims of the Democrats.  And Hillary is another excuse for their loss of prestige.

Suh Trump will have to carry their banner. It is the case of the Citizens versus the Multitudes of Visitors(non white people in the USA)

just imagine if the Hispanics get control. Just go over to Florida and observe what it is like for non-Hispanics.

The Democrats, just wants the Presidency. So they will sleep with the devil, knowing such a move will consume the great USA.

Make America Great Again.

Hispanics are fastly becoming white people. They are making the transition Italians made 100 years ago in America. Those two Hispanics that ran recently in the Republican election with Hispanic names it would have been unheard of 20 years ago. 20 years ago they would have had to have an English name and no one knows that they were Hispanic like that Candi Crowley girl from CNN or Bill Richardson from New Mexico.

Prashad posted:

Trump is using the one percent of Muslims that are using Islam to carry out violent crime to win American votes.

Islam is a religion of equality that cares deeply about poor people. 

The one % act and speak it out.  That much larger portion do support or at least sympathize with some of these reprehensible acts!

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
politikalamity posted:
ba$eman poste

Actually, the comment was not racist 

 Seriously for all practical purposes what is the F***ing difference between racist and prejudiced?

Man you Hindu "boys" on GNI are giving Guyanese Hindus a bad name. You bunch are as prejudiced and stinking pus filled sore

Wow, for a fullah Mullah, you talking dutty deh man!!

Racist decides on race.  Prejudice mean you judge before judgement.  The problem is you cannot cry wolf post-judgement.  Trump is no more prejudice than any/all you PPP/Indian haters on this board!  He is far less racist than many Blacks here who see any Indian leader in Guyana as not worthy, even before they were born!

Now, if you believe because someone is a judge he/she will be even-handed, then why are Blacks up in arms over the perceived bias of judgements handed down against Blacks by White judges?

Trump has a concern as a defendant and that should be considered regardless how you may feel.  All parties must "perceive" fairness as such the judge should step aside!

Trump is a racist prick and only bigots like you rationalize his nasty racism. His own party admonishes him and many are reluctant to go along with him and have repudiated his behavior. That is almost unheard of.

When defendants are suspicious of the fairness of a judge they have recourse. They do not ridicule them in the press.

I don't rationalize any racism but I understand why he is resonating with certain sections of the community.

I actually do understand his apprehension with the judge.  Right or wrong, I don't know however, everyone deserves fairness even perceived fairness. If he believes the judge will not be fair to him, for whatever reason, then that should be addressed and the easiest way is to get another judge!

I don't know what's the big deal, unless there is a hidden agenda!  If another judge comes in and rules against him, then he cannot complain and [crooked] Hillary and her contingency and supporters will have a political field day!

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
politikalamity posted:
ba$eman poste

Actually, the comment was not racist 

 Seriously for all practical purposes what is the F***ing difference between racist and prejudiced?

Man you Hindu "boys" on GNI are giving Guyanese Hindus a bad name. You bunch are as prejudiced and stinking pus filled sore

Wow, for a fullah Mullah, you talking dutty deh man!!

Racist decides on race.  Prejudice mean you judge before judgement.  The problem is you cannot cry wolf post-judgement.  Trump is no more prejudice than any/all you PPP/Indian haters on this board!  He is far less racist than many Blacks here who see any Indian leader in Guyana as not worthy, even before they were born!

Now, if you believe because someone is a judge he/she will be even-handed, then why are Blacks up in arms over the perceived bias of judgements handed down against Blacks by White judges?

Trump has a concern as a defendant and that should be considered regardless how you may feel.  All parties must "perceive" fairness as such the judge should step aside!

Trump is a racist prick and only bigots like you rationalize his nasty racism. His own party admonishes him and many are reluctant to go along with him and have repudiated his behavior. That is almost unheard of.

When defendants are suspicious of the fairness of a judge they have recourse. They do not ridicule them in the press.

I don't rationalize any racism but I understand why he is resonating with certain sections of the community.

I actually do understand his apprehension with the judge.  Right or wrong, I don't know however, everyone deserves fairness even perceived fairness. If he believes the judge will not be fair to him, for whatever reason, then that should be addressed and the easiest way is to get another judge!

I don't know what's the big deal, unless there is a hidden agenda!  If another judge comes in and rules against him, then he cannot complain and [crooked] Hillary and her contingency and supporters will have a political field day!

He resonates among older white men in the rust belt and the south because the see their quality of life decrease as industries move and they rationalize it on the backs of immigrants who the believe are all illegals and who they think are taking the available jobs. Trump plays on this misplaced belief despite the fact he outsource all of his merchandising and even staffs his businesses with specially imported workers! Surely some suffering town in Tennessee would have loved if he came to them to recruit workers instead of going to Poland!

If you can understand his apprehensions of the judge you miss the fact this is a professional who has done his job and has a spotless record. You mis the fact his parents preceed Trumps mother as an immigrant and that Trump saw himself as "American" and this fellow as not american even if logics would see them as the same. No one calls Trump Scott and discount his identity as an American ( but even the Scots hate him!) The man is clerarly doing a nasty dog whistle and is on that account as racist as any who prejude on race and perceived ethnicity.

Trump does not pay small people, takes all the tax breaks he can, seeks our subsidy and grants ( even sought and got aid for supposed effects or the WTC bombing. The man is an a vile duplicitous, ignorant racist seeking the highest office of the land only as a prize for himself. Note if he loses the presidency ( and he will) he will take a financial ass whipping across the globe as his brand suffers. I wonder if he willl sat he was ignorant of the deal and choked like a dog on his own vomit


Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
politikalamity posted:
ba$eman poste

Actually, the comment was not racist 

 Seriously for all practical purposes what is the F***ing difference between racist and prejudiced?

Man you Hindu "boys" on GNI are giving Guyanese Hindus a bad name. You bunch are as prejudiced and stinking pus filled sore

Wow, for a fullah Mullah, you talking dutty deh man!!

Racist decides on race.  Prejudice mean you judge before judgement.  The problem is you cannot cry wolf post-judgement.  Trump is no more prejudice than any/all you PPP/Indian haters on this board!  He is far less racist than many Blacks here who see any Indian leader in Guyana as not worthy, even before they were born!

Now, if you believe because someone is a judge he/she will be even-handed, then why are Blacks up in arms over the perceived bias of judgements handed down against Blacks by White judges?

Trump has a concern as a defendant and that should be considered regardless how you may feel.  All parties must "perceive" fairness as such the judge should step aside!

Trump is a racist prick and only bigots like you rationalize his nasty racism. His own party admonishes him and many are reluctant to go along with him and have repudiated his behavior. That is almost unheard of.

When defendants are suspicious of the fairness of a judge they have recourse. They do not ridicule them in the press.

I don't rationalize any racism but I understand why he is resonating with certain sections of the community.

I actually do understand his apprehension with the judge.  Right or wrong, I don't know however, everyone deserves fairness even perceived fairness. If he believes the judge will not be fair to him, for whatever reason, then that should be addressed and the easiest way is to get another judge!

I don't know what's the big deal, unless there is a hidden agenda!  If another judge comes in and rules against him, then he cannot complain and [crooked] Hillary and her contingency and supporters will have a political field day!

He resonates among older white men in the rust belt and the south because the see their quality of life decrease as industries move and they rationalize it on the backs of immigrants who the believe are all illegals and who they think are taking the available jobs. Trump plays on this misplaced belief despite the fact he outsource all of his merchandising and even staffs his businesses with specially imported workers! Surely some suffering town in Tennessee would have loved if he came to them to recruit workers instead of going to Poland!

If you can understand his apprehensions of the judge you miss the fact this is a professional who has done his job and has a spotless record. You mis the fact his parents preceed Trumps mother as an immigrant and that Trump saw himself as "American" and this fellow as not american even if logics would see them as the same. No one calls Trump Scott and discount his identity as an American ( but even the Scots hate him!) The man is clerarly doing a nasty dog whistle and is on that account as racist as any who prejude on race and perceived ethnicity.

Trump does not pay small people, takes all the tax breaks he can, seeks our subsidy and grants ( even sought and got aid for supposed effects or the WTC bombing. The man is an a vile duplicitous, ignorant racist seeking the highest office of the land only as a prize for himself. Note if he loses the presidency ( and he will) he will take a financial ass whipping across the globe as his brand suffers. I wonder if he willl sat he was ignorant of the deal and choked like a dog on his own vomit


Listen what is all this fuss alyuh mekking.  If there is a case, another judge will come to the same conclusion as all are fair and guided by similar principles and rules.  Let the man have his day and let it be done fairly, at least in his eyes.  From what I see, this is the Left's best shot at deflecting from Hillary crookedness.

On Trump and taxes, if he takes the breaks allowable under the law, then change the law, not castigate him.  Trump himself does not do his taxes, he likely have a team of professionals whose mandate is to minimize taxes.  What is he to do, tell them not to do their job?  If you feel so, then also tell people not to itemize and deduct mortage interest, taxes and charitable deduction.  Disregard it and be patriotic and stick with the standard deduction!

As long as Trump does not commit tax fraud, if he pays -0-, that's his right.  The solution, change the law for everyone.  This is what Trump is proposing and he himself says if it mean more taxes for him, so be it!

You Liberals/Lefties and really funny!!

Danyael posted:


Trump plays on this misplaced belief despite the fact he outsource all of his merchandising and even staffs his businesses with specially imported workers! Surely some suffering town in Tennessee would have loved if he came to them to recruit workers instead of going to Poland!


This is his greatest hypocrisy. He preaches that he will bring jobs back to America even if he has to do it through intimidation. The trouble is that he can bring his own clothesline back with no intimidation but chose not to because as he claim it would not be profitable.

How does his foreign born wives stand there and listen to him speak so horribly about foreigners is in itself puzzling.

ba$eman posted:


Listen what is all this fuss alyuh mekking.  If there is a case, another judge will come to the same conclusion as all are fair and guided by similar principles and rules. 


Actually Baseman, Trump is a vile man who resorts to cussing down anyone who confronts him even if he is wrong. His university is bogus. Anyone who went to school has to agree that these fly by night schools are bogus and prey on the worse off of our communities. And for him to call it a university is disgraceful. If he was an honest person, he would accept his folly, pay his fine and move on. He is wasting more of his money running for president which he must know by now he will lose than he would have spent repaying those people for their loss. But his narcissistic tendencies will not allow him to do the right thing. That makes him crooked so for him to call Hillary crooked Hillary is downright hilarious.

Kari posted:

Trump made millions while filing for casino bankruptcies - and this has nothing to do with him following the law and taking advantage of loopholes and having accountants do this for him. ook at his financial behavior versus Bill Gates and Warren Buffet and Zuckerburg.

Kari, you talking sheer crap, and you know it!!


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