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Last week Gina reported that President Donald Ramotar had met Guyanese in Washington and Queens, New York, in the course of his visit to the United Nations, and that he had asked them to return home and invest in the country’s economy. One wonders if he was serious when he put that question to his compatriots in the diaspora, or whether he was just going through the motions. If he was serious, then he is truly divorced from reality; we have been waiting twenty-two years for this flood of returnees to swamp us with their US dollars, their overseas skills and their drive to nurture their homeland, and no one, even President Ramotar one would think, anticipates that they will do so in the immediate future.

Even given the framework within which President Ramotar is working, it is always conceivable that retirees from the diaspora with the kind of nostalgia for their homeland which the younger generation does not harbour, might be tempted, given the right conditions, to spend their remaining years here. Financially secure and with no children to educate, they might be persuaded in certain circumstances to impart some of their skills on a part-time or voluntary basis in their various fields. A few have done so, but not in the kind of numbers which would make any impact.

Before that could happen, where older potential remigrants are concerned, they would require as a prerequisite physical security and good health institutions. President Ramotar cannot be unaware that what obtains at present in those departments does not fit the bill. (And a specialist hospital, if it existed, still would be insufficient.) If the next generation down were to contemplate remigrating, they would also be concerned about the quality of the educational institutions locally, for the days when foreign diplomats were comfortable sending their sons to Queen’s College have long since gone.

For all possible returnees, middle-aged or old, there is the deterrent of the offensive environment and the foul garbage-dumping habits of the locals, not forgetting either the challenge of a defective and clogged drainage system. So just what does Mr Ramotar think members of the diaspora who return should invest in? More garbage trucks?

Then there is simply the virulent nature of our politics and the sheer vulgarity of some of our politicians. Who from abroad would want to expose themselves to that if they didn’t have to? The venomous exchanges between the guardians of the state and their opponents, and the pervasiveness of the malignant political atmosphere, would not persuade any remigrants that the country was going anywhere in developmental terms, or that any modest investment financial or otherwise on their part would make the least difference in terms of the development of the society.

This does not seem to have crossed the President’s mind, however, as he duly zoomed off down to Florida where along with the Attorney General, he belaboured the diaspora on his favourite topic of how the opposition is strangling development. If nothing else, the gathering would have recognized that those who rule in their homeland would not be getting to grips with the real world any time soon. Back in Guyana the Head of State was soon holding forth at the opening of GuyExpo on Thursday about “transformation” in the lives of Guyanese, but his largely local audience, like their counterparts in the diaspora, have heard it all before and just let it wash over them like the receding tide.

It was Mr Ralph Ramkarran who eloquently invited President Ramotar in a recent column, to take up “the pen of history.” Aside from the fact that there may be more than one “pen” in the Guyanese inkwell of history, neither the Head of State nor his party has any intentions of making amendments to the PPP’s well-thumbed script. And if there was any doubt on that score, General Secretary Clement Rohee, invariably a man of unvarnished expression, soon dispelled it. He made it clear that Freedom House was seeking an overall majority in the next general election – no surprise there; however, he conveyed the impression that the party seriously believed this was going to happen, since it had been working with its base which was now recommitted.

As has been said before, it is always possible that the PPP will manage to secure an overall majority in the next national election (whenever that may be), but in the medium to long term demographics and various other factors are against it. In any event, even supposing that the ruling party did secure its coveted majority, it will not find that events will proceed as they did, say, between 2006-11; too many things have changed since then, and will continue to change, added to which the population (the PPP constituency included) is suffering from incumbency fatigue.

The ruling party has never understood that trying to control everything means that you will lose control of most things. And trying to control everything leads you down paths not compatible with a liberal democracy, and certainly not with the freedom which they so noisily tout.

People need areas of their life over which they have control without having to look over their shoulders to see whether a vindictive government will make them pay in some way for a decision they have made; they need to be able to choose their own local authorities and exert pressure on these if they do not perform, without central government interfering by appointing officials who answer to it and not the ratepayers; they need autonomous institutions which function in accordance with the law and not the whim of government; and they need a vastly expanded and professionally staffed Audit Office (among other agencies) to confront the corruption that besets us all around. There are many other things too, including constitutional reform, but in brief, it can be said that the people need to breathe.

So when the President and his fellow party members talk idly about ‘freedom’ and ‘deepening democracy,’ they don’t mean anything by it. And when they talk about ‘development’ they don’t mean anything by that either. Of course, they have their list of ‘successes’ since they came into office, many of which do them credit, it is just that in terms of an overarching vision for the country and how to reverse the exclusion experienced by significant segments of the society, they have not had a new idea since 1992. And without those, there will be no dramatic advances, and certainly no flood of remigrants.

When President Ramotar lauds development under the current regime to the diaspora, therefore, he is conveying the message of more of the same. In addition, since most of those who turned up to listen to him in North America would have heard it all before, they would understand very well what the primary purpose of his engagement with them was, ie, to lay the groundwork for raising funds should an election be in the offing.

Until circumstances in Guyana itself change, as said above, there will be little in the way of overseas-based Guyanese repatriating; however, even now they could still be more than just sources of party funding. A creative connection could be cultivated with the diaspora along the lines which David Jessop, for example, has outlined in some of his columns, and which the Jamaicans have begun to develop. However, this government has demonstrated to date it is far too parochial in its outlook and far too obsessed with clinging on to power to explore the possibilities of a different kind of relationship.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

To be fair, yuji says he may live out his retirement years in Guyana. Of course, he dreams that the PPP will hold power for 100 years.

As for Rev, dat banna is full a' talk. He comfy in Manhattan with Hatwoman.


Home is where the anchor drops



* There are hundreds of thousands of Guyanese, including folks like Mitwah, Yuji, Rev and gilbakka, whose homes are away from Guyana.


* Guyana may be our country of birth. It's where our roots will always be. But Guyana is no longer our home.


* When Presidents ask members of the diaspora to return home and invest they are just being gracious, but they know better.


* 99.9% of the diaspora will never leave their HOME(America, Canada, UK, etc) to return to their roots(Guyana).



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

Home is where the anchor drops



* There are hundreds of thousands of Guyanese, including folks like Mitwah, Yuji, Rev and gilbakka, whose homes are away from Guyana.


* Guyana may be our country of birth. It's where our roots will always be. But Guyana is no longer our home.


* When Presidents ask members of the diaspora to return home and invest they are just being gracious, but they know better.


* 99.9% of the diaspora will never leave their HOME(Americs, Canada, UK, etc) to return to their roots(Guyana).



Rev but we can invest of time,knowledge, Charity or even start a business in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Rev:

Home is where the anchor drops



* There are hundreds of thousands of Guyanese, including folks like Mitwah, Yuji, Rev and gilbakka, whose homes are away from Guyana.


* Guyana may be our country of birth. It's where our roots will always be. But Guyana is no longer our home.


* When Presidents ask members of the diaspora to return home and invest they are just being gracious, but they know better.


* 99.9% of the diaspora will never leave their HOME(Americs, Canada, UK, etc) to return to their roots(Guyana).



Rev, why 99.9% would not leave their homes to return to Guyana under the PPP/C. BTW, I still have property there. My dread is security and health care.

Originally Posted by Rev:

Home is where the anchor drops



* There are hundreds of thousands of Guyanese, including folks like Mitwah, Yuji, Rev and gilbakka, whose homes are away from Guyana.


* Guyana may be our country of birth. It's where our roots will always be. But Guyana is no longer our home.


* When Presidents ask members of the diaspora to return home and invest they are just being gracious, but they know better.


* 99.9% of the diaspora will never leave their HOME(Americs, Canada, UK, etc) to return to their roots(Guyana).




I frequently visit Guyana. I don't have any investments in Guyana either. I usually go for about 3-4 weeks at a time. After about 10-12 days I get bored and want to leave. Even though I call Guyana home, I know America is still my home. This where I live with my family. All my friends and relatives are gone and now that my mother has passed on, I doubt I will be visiting frequently. I still love Guyana and enjoy the time I spend there.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Rev but we can invest of time,knowledge, Charity or even start a business in Guyana.

* You are absolutely correct.


* And let's not forget REMITTANCES.


* Guyanese sent back over $400 million in 2011.



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


I frequently visit Guyana. I don't have any investments in Guyana either. I usually go for about 3-4 weeks at a time. After about 10-12 days I get bored and want to leave. Even though I call Guyana home, I know America is still my home. This where I live with my family. All my friends and relatives are gone and now that my mother has passed on, I doubt I will be visiting frequently. I still love Guyana and enjoy the time I spend there.



* Like you, I enjoy visiting Guyana and I believe most Guyanese who have dropped anchor overseas enjoy returning to their place of birth.


* I have travelled all over the world, but I must say going to Guyana is always a special feeling. A man must never forget his roots.


* I didn't get a chance to visit Guyana this year, but my Mom told me she wants to visit at least one more time, so I'll take her next year.





Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, why 99.9% would not leave their homes to return to Guyana under the PPP/C. BTW, I still have property there. My dread is security and health care.



* If you love your country of birth it doesn't matter which political party is in power(PPP, PNC, AFC) you will pay a visit.


* I always have sweet memories whenever I travel to Guyana.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

To be fair, yuji says he may live out his retirement years in Guyana. Of course, he dreams that the PPP will hold power for 100 years.

As for Rev, dat banna is full a' talk. He comfy in Manhattan with Hatwoman.


Thanks Gil.


You are always fair and honest. I hope that some day you return to the PPP camp.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, why 99.9% would not leave their homes to return to Guyana under the PPP/C. BTW, I still have property there. My dread is security and health care.



* If you love your country of birth it doesn't matter which political party is in power(PPP, PNC, AFC) you will pay a visit.


* I always have sweet memories whenever I travel to Guyana.






It is so refreshing to see that we all love Guyana.


Mits attack on us is distasteful.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, why 99.9% would not leave their homes to return to Guyana under the PPP/C. BTW, I still have property there. My dread is security and health care.



* If you love your country of birth it doesn't matter which political party is in power(PPP, PNC, AFC) you will pay a visit.


* I always have sweet memories whenever I travel to Guyana.






It is so refreshing to see that we all love Guyana.


Mits attack on us is distasteful.

I love my Guyana too. It's good to see you didn't disagree. Have you invested in Windsor Estates?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Though one lives abroad love, respect and interest for the country of birth never dies.

You are confusing your love of Burnham which seemingly has not died.


Ah watchin yuh......ole scoundrel...

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Though one lives abroad love, respect and interest for the country of birth never dies.

You are confusing your love of Burnham which seemingly has not died.


Ah watchin yuh......ole scoundrel...

Your extremely focused abilities to indulge with blatant lies and idiocy indeed have no limits.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:

Home is where the anchor drops



* There are hundreds of thousands of Guyanese, including folks like Mitwah, Yuji, Rev and gilbakka, whose homes are away from Guyana.


* Guyana may be our country of birth. It's where our roots will always be. But Guyana is no longer our home.


* When Presidents ask members of the diaspora to return home and invest they are just being gracious, but they know better.


* 99.9% of the diaspora will never leave their HOME(Americs, Canada, UK, etc) to return to their roots(Guyana).



Rev but we can invest of time,knowledge, Charity or even start a business in Guyana.

For all possible returnees, middle-aged or old, there is the deterrent of the offensive environment and the foul garbage-dumping habits of the locals, not forgetting either the challenge of a defective and clogged drainage system. So just what does Mr Ramotar think members of the diaspora who return should invest in? More garbage trucks?

Then there is simply the virulent nature of our politics and the sheer vulgarity of some of our politicians. Who from abroad would want to expose themselves to that if they didn’t have to?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, why 99.9% would not leave their homes to return to Guyana under the PPP/C. BTW, I still have property there. My dread is security and health care.



* If you love your country of birth it doesn't matter which political party is in power(PPP, PNC, AFC) you will pay a visit.


* I always have sweet memories whenever I travel to Guyana.






It is so refreshing to see that we all love Guyana.


Mits attack on us is distasteful.

rev only go to rub kwame back 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, why 99.9% would not leave their homes to return to Guyana under the PPP/C. BTW, I still have property there. My dread is security and health care.



* If you love your country of birth it doesn't matter which political party is in power(PPP, PNC, AFC) you will pay a visit.


* I always have sweet memories whenever I travel to Guyana.






It is so refreshing to see that we all love Guyana.


Mits attack on us is distasteful.

rev only go to rub kwame back 

While the Rev was rubbing Kwame's back, you had your bottle of coconut oil in hand massaging "you laand" waiting for your turn at Kwame.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Though one lives abroad love, respect and interest for the country of birth never dies.

You are confusing your love of Burnham which seemingly has not died.


Ah watchin yuh......ole scoundrel...

Your extremely focused abilities to indulge with blatant lies and idiocy indeed have no limits.

Are you saying that you unequivocally never sniffed burnham's balls?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Rev but we can invest of time,knowledge, Charity or even start a business in Guyana.

* You are absolutely correct.


* And let's not forget REMITTANCES.


* Guyanese sent back over $400 million in 2011.



 we have been waiting twenty-two years for this flood of returnees to swamp us with their US dollars, their overseas skills and their drive to nurture their homeland, and no one, even President Ramotar one would think, anticipates that they will do so in the immediate future.

Even given the framework within which President Ramotar is working, it is always conceivable that retirees from the diaspora with the kind of nostalgia for their homeland which the younger generation does not harbour, might be tempted, given the right conditions, to spend their remaining years here. Financially secure and with no children to educate, they might be persuaded in certain circumstances to impart some of their skills on a part-time or voluntary basis in their various fields. A few have done so, but not in the kind of numbers which would make any impact.

Before that could happen, where older potential remigrants are concerned, they would require as a prerequisite physical security and good health institutions. President Ramotar cannot be unaware that what obtains at present in those departments does not fit the bill. (And a specialist hospital, if it existed, still would be insufficient.)



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