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Kamla: Recent murders shocking

Published on Jul 22, 2015, 8:48 pm AST, Source


Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has said the recent spate of murders was shocking.


Speaking at the United National Congress (UNC) Monday Night Forum in Guaico, Sangre Grande, the Prime Minister said she was shocked by the recent murders that gripped the country but vowed to tackle crime head on.


She noted that last week, a family of four were gunned down in their home in Chatham.


She noted Jamie Fitzworme—a wife and a mother of two girls—was shot dead in her home in Malabar.


Persad-Bissessar said in Blitz Village, Pleasantville, San Fernan­do, a man called Brent Luces was shot to death in his own backyard.


“These killings should shock us all. But the truth is—with more than 200 murders in Trinidad and Tobago this year alone—these appalling crimes have become almost routine for some,” said Persad-Bissessar.

She said the violence has to end.


The Prime Minister said her Gov­ernment has been successful in the crime fight but more must be done.


She said overall, serious crime is down by almost half.


Burglaries, robberies and car crimes are all down by more than half, she said, adding “drug crimes are down by more than 15 per cent, shootings are down by 19 per cent, and kidnappings are down by 41 per cent and murder is down by more than a fifth.”


If re-elected, Persad-Bissessar said the focus on crime fighting with continue.


Ready to debate Rowley

Persad-Bissessar also reitera­ted she was ready to debate Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley.


She said the Caribbean News Media Group (CNMG) had organised a debate for July 30 and she was ready.


“I want to debate. I am ready. I’ve cleared my diary and I am enthusiastic to put my plan and vision to the people of Trinidad and Tobago,” she said.


Persad-Bissessar claimed Rowley was afraid to debate her as he has no clear policy for the country.


“He does not want the people of our country to know that he has no plan, no vision and no idea.


He’s afraid the people will see him for what he is. An angry man without the first idea how to improve our people’s lives,” she said.


“If he debates, he knows the people will shout, ‘The emperor has no clothes’,” added Persad-Bissessar.


She said a man who will not debate and will not tell people his policies is not fit to govern any­thing.

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