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Recorded cases of suicide climbs

April 23, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

By Jeanna Pearson
In just three months reported cases of suicide have hit 28; half of the Pan American Health Organization

PAHO country representative William Adu-Krow

PAHO country representative William Adu-Krow

(PAHO) expected deaths from suicide every year, PAHO Country Representative Dr William Adu-Krow said in a recent interview with Kaieteur News.
He stated that in the first two weeks of the year, Guyana had recorded ten cases of suicide. By the end of March there were 28 recorded deaths. “Which is out of the ordinary, because we expect a maximum of 60 deaths from suicide each year,” he said, highlighting that Guyana is only through the first quarter of the year and has recorded this.
According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) suicide is one of the leading causes of deaths in Guyana, with the country recording one incidence of suicide every 36 hours. At present, Guyana is the suicide capital of the world after having recorded 44.2 suicides per 100,000 people.
Guyana’s ranking comes although there was an 8.5 per cent drop in the country’s suicide rate between 2000 and 2012, signifying that local efforts to fight suicide have simply not kept up with that of other countries.
Also present, statistics show that about 15 per cent of Guyanese suffer from a mental disorder, while some three to five per cent suffer from severe chronic mental disorder. And more than 80 per cent of the people who committed suicide are Indo-Guyanese.
“This definitely needs urgent attention because the figures are not for the first half of the year but only for the first quarter. This is disturbing,” a sombre Adu-Krow said, suggesting that there is need for more community work.
“[The Public Health Ministry] needs to get on the ground because it’s the people that are affected. It is the family.

Public Health Minister within ministry Karen Cummings

Public Health Minister within ministry Karen Cummings

So they need to engage the religious community and also the people because someone who is contemplating to kill themselves would not want to walk into a health centre. No, they would talk to their family. It is the family that needs to be targeted,” he posited.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Report, “Preventing suicide: a global imperative,” in some countries, like Guyana suicide is at its highest in vulnerable groups struggling with a lack of social support from families and friends.
The report stated that suicidal behaviour often occurs as a response to personal psychological stress in a social context where sources of support are lacking. It added that isolation occurs when a person feels disconnected from his or her closest social circle: partners, family members and friends.
While persons who share close personal and enduring relationships typically have a sense of purpose, security and connectedness.
Adu-Krow further said that while there is evidence to suggest that suicide is decreasing in Guyana, statistics for 2016 reveal that it is on the rise. He noted that these figures do not include the amount of unreported cases.
The Country Representative indicated that there are a lot of activities being pushed through the Public Health Ministry but the impact is not seen. He reiterated that although there is a need for a multi-sectoral approach there is evidence to suggest that more community work should be carried out.
On the other hand, Adu-Krow stated that amount of money allocated for suicide prevention has not been made public. “There is money set aside for mental health and from that, money was allocated for suicide. How much that is? We don’t know,” he noted.
Minster within the Ministry of Public Health Dr Karen Cummings yesterday acknowledged the country representative sentiments, stating that the ministry has started works at the community level.
“We are doing capacity building, which is an inter-sectoral approach with other ministries and community leaders,” she said, adding that they have adopted a ‘gate-keeper’ approach to deal with the people.
She explained that community leaders, especially in the areas where there is a high incidence of suicide, are trained to counsel persons struggling with thoughts of suicide and exhibiting suicidal behaviour.
She also indicated that the ministry is taking stringent steps to have laws on suicide revised. Presently, the law criminalizes suicide. She said further that there are four strategies that the ministry is implementing to tackle the scourge.
Cummings stated that surveillance and research are high on the agenda while the other three strategies include health promotion, pesticide reduction and strengthening of the health system.
Psychologist Dawn Stewart had previously indicated that the large percentage of the Guyanese struggling with unemployment and underemployment are two of the leading risks of suicide.
Stewart stated that there is extensive evidence supporting the link between the factors and suicide. She explained that employment security and mental health and well-being have a bidirectional relationship that promotes good mental health.
She noted that persons with good mental health are better able to seek, obtain and maintain gainful employment. Therefore, she added it was necessary for Guyana to have a very effective and structured local government system, where communities would have the benefits of support groups, health centres, functioning community centres.
“If we build stronger communities and give the people hope and things to do the probability is that we will see a reduction in the suicide cases,” she said, indicating that once people are occupied they are better able to function mentally.
However, relationship issues are one of the major risk factors of suicide and suicidal behaviour.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

ba$eman posted:

Anyone seen or heard from Tola recently?  Is he hotline up and running?

Tola must have the worst record when it comes to accomplishing anything. Maybe he is part of the problem and not the solution. Think of it, Tola is so painfully incoherent. Just listening to him could drive people to commit suicide.

ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Anyone seen or heard from Tola recently?  Is he hotline up and running?

Tola must have the worst record when it comes to accomplishing anything. Maybe he is part of the problem and not the solution. Think of it, Tola is so painfully incoherent. Just listening to him could drive people to commit suicide.

You wutliss


"Guyana’s ranking comes although there was an 8.5 per cent drop in the country’s suicide rate between 2000 and 2012, signifying that local efforts to fight suicide have simply not kept up with that of other countries.
Also present, statistics show that about 15 per cent of Guyanese suffer from a mental disorder, while some three to five per cent suffer from severe chronic mental disorder. And more than 80 per cent of the people who committed suicide are Indo-Guyanese."

It is unfortunate that many Indians take too much for granted. We live with the false belief that our families are well grounded in social, political, economical and religious foundations and that is enough to keep them safe and successful. Unfortunately there are many missing ingredients in that approach. People need to get out and smell the fresh air. Too many Indians don't even socialize with others. Too many are left to exist by themselves even though they live in a home with many other family members. There are a lot of room for improvement if the Indian family and the community as a whole will save their families from these eventualities. We live in a very good neighborhood and the relationship between the two parents and two children are one of a team but I never take anything for granted. I don't assume for a moment that things are so good that my teenager will never decide to not get on that school bus at the end of the day. I am constantly working on our relationship to make it very difficult for him to take that step. I refuse to play the fools game. Coming back to how nice our neighborhood is, if we go ten miles east of it, our son visibly tightens up because the areas don't look as spic and span as ours. We live west of the I75 and getting to SR 9 is rough for our son. We went to 441 on Friday to pick up my car from the mechanic and he couldn't believe how rough it was over there. and trust me, all of these areas are way batter than many parts of Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx.


Sorry. Didn't mean to pick on NY again but it is the area I am most familiar with outside of South Florida. I couldn't use Northern Virginia because that area is really nice especially in the newer developments. I could have used Alexandria though since that area is really rough.

My point is that we need to be less assuming of things and never stop working on the relationships we have with our spouses, children, other family members and communities.

Last edited by Former Member

I swear I would never watch FoxNews if it wasn't for the hot women on the show. They are currently talking to a woman whose sonogram looks like Jesus on a cross. Where do they find these people.

ba$eman posted:

Ksazma, you wutliss rass.  That's the whole idea, and while you staring at the messenger, the message sinking into your brain, next thing you fall, hook, line and sinker!!

Bai, this ohman has it going on. She not too long ago got married which makes her more available. Remember the line from Eyes Wide Shut where the guy told Kidman that women get married so they can have sex with other men?

Damn, I was going to say something and I forgot. Oh well, maybe I will when I remember.

Oh I now remember. So FoxNews always have this ohman showing off her legs every Saturday and Sunday proudly. But today, they strategically places a floral ornament on the coffee table to try to block the view of her legs. My guess is that they made an exception today because of Passover because they made the same exception for Holy week about a month ago. But she wutliss because she shifted her position away from the floral ornament so that she can still show her legs.

Watch FoxNews ratings go up on Saturdays and Sundays now.

Last edited by Former Member

With all these suicides being talked about,  there was one lady who did get the finish the job. sometime last week, she jumped off the harbor bridge and landed in the mud. the tide was low which was a good thing and was recued by passing motorists.

Sheik101 posted:

With all these suicides being talked about,  there was one lady who did get the finish the job. sometime last week, she jumped off the harbor bridge and landed in the mud. the tide was low which was a good thing and was recued by passing motorists.

The article above indicated that between 2000 and 2014, suicide rate in Guyana dropped by 8.5%. They should review what occurred during that period to effect that reduction and double down on those efforts to reverse the current increase and even surpass the result of those 14 years.


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