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DPI, Guyana, Saturday, May 16, 2020

AG - Recount Day 11

Basil Williams S.C


Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General (AG) Basil Williams S.C. said the results of the national recount for the March 2 Elections can in no way alter the results of the ten declarations made by the Guyana Elections Commission.

The AG was at the time addressing the media outside the Arthur Chung Conference Centre where the recount is taking place.

He made clear that GECOM has to work within the framework of the electoral laws of Guyana. Therefore, the powers the commission has Under Section 22 of those laws allow them to solve prospective problems that would occur but cannot erase or act retrospectively to reverse concluded decisions made during the process of the elections.

The recount process is not taking place under the Representation of the People’s Act. It is being conducted due to an agreement with the President, Opposition and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), AG Williams reminded.

The opposition he said recognises that the results previously announced are legitimate, hence their efforts to discredit them. He, however, pointed out that only an election petition can discredit those declarations.

“The law remains the law, so, at the end of the day, the law will determine what happens.  As I said, the electoral laws state that 10 legitimate declarations have been made, they have been laid over to the CEO [Chief Election Officer]. The national recount falls under a constitutional provision and the purpose that it is serving is to examine what happened on that day.”

AG Williams noted that notwithstanding the anomalies that are uncovered or which party it affects, the recount only impacts the issue of credibility of the elections. “And thus far, the recount has shown an attempt by the Opposition to gerrymander the elections.”

Restating that the ten 10 declarations made by GECOM come under the electoral laws, he noted that only an election petition can state otherwise.

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@Django posted:

Recount does not alter previous 10 declarations made – AG

DPI, Guyana, Saturday, May 16, 2020


Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General (AG) Basil Williams S.C. said the results of the national recount for the March 2 Elections can in no way alter the results of the ten declarations made by the Guyana Elections Commission.

The recount process is not taking place under the Representation of the People’s Act. It is being conducted due to an agreement with the President, Opposition and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), AG Williams reminded.

Really Basil Williams ????

GECOM is an independent organization and the President, Opposition Leader, etc., cannot dictate to GECOM how to conduct its business.

Perhaps this AG is oblivious of the recount procedures and pertinent Act.


The AG is trying to interfere with the recount.   He should issue summons to those who denied the PPP the Opportunity to form the next Government by stop the counting claimed that they are sick.  The PPP was leading by 59,000 votes when the counting stopped in order to create a constitutional crises.  The AG should also be charged by the COP for violating his oath of office.   

@Ramakant-P posted:

The AG is trying to interfere with the recount.   He should issue summons to those who denied the PPP the Opportunity to form the next Government by stop the counting claimed that they are sick.  The PPP was leading by 59,000 votes when the counting stopped in order to create a constitutional crises.  The AG should also be charged by the COP for violating his oath of office.   

“The Commission published on its website the results of the section 84(1) verification process for those 9 Districts. That document, a copy of which is attached, shows that the PPP/C got 152,121 votes and the APNU got 100,682, a PPP/C lead of 51,439 votes”, Jagdeo stated.

By about half past midnight of 5th March 2020, Jagdeo said that only 421 of the 879 boxes from District 4 had been verified in accordance with the section 84(1) process. He said that the PPP/C’s tabulation of the verified votes for these 421 boxes showed that APNU got 63,856 votes against the PPP/C’s 24,545.

Here you go do the count.


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