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Recount hours have to abide by curfew – PM tells GECOM

-observers coming for process will have to be quarantined for two weeks

This story is developing and will be updated.

GECOM has been told by de facto Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo that its recount of the votes for March 2nd general elections must not extend into the curfew period and that any persons coming into the country for the process would have to be quarantined for two weeks at a government institution.


Nagamootoo’s decision as Head of the National Coronavirus Task Force (NCTF) will likely lead to a further delay of the long-awaited recount of the votes where it has been alleged that officials in GECOM are attempting to rig the elections in favour of the incumbent APNU+AFC.

Nagamootoo’s disclosure of his advice to GECOM Chair Claudette Singh was contained in his `My Turn’ column in today’s state-owned Guyana Chronicle. Given the importance of the information it is unclear why it has been revealed first in his column and not by way of a press release to the public from the NCTF.

The de facto PM’s response also revealed information that the GECOM Chair has not disclosed to the public, to wit, that she is proposing a 10-hour work schedule. On Friday, Singh disclosed that she was proposing 10 workstations for the recount but said nothing else about other arrangements including the duration of the count. Critics had been calling for  24/7 counting or at least a 16-hour workday.

The section of Nagamootoo’s column dealing with Singh’s request follows:

“So, it should surprise no law-abiding citizen that GECOM’S Chairman, Madam Claudette Singh, a retired Justice of Appeal, should request the NCTF to seek guidance regarding:-

“(a) time at which the daily recount exercise should end;

(b) number of persons who should be safely accommodated at the recount venue at the same time; and

“(c) required protocols for quarantining persons coming from abroad, and who were invited to be part of the recount process.

“Yesterday, I provided the Chairman of GECOM with the advice of the task force, as follows:-

“1. That GECOM adjusts its desired 10-hour work schedule within the daily 6am to 5pm (06:00hr to 17:00hrs) time-frame, and does not extend it into the curfew period (18:00hrs to 06:00hrs).

“2. That all persons who are permitted special entry into Guyana during this period when our air space is closed to in-bound passengers, must submit themselves to being quarantined at a government institution for a period of 14 days.

“3. That GECOM allows four technical experts of the Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC) to conduct a site visit to assess whether distancing arrangements conform to the pandemic guidelines and the published Order”.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nagabutthead if you and your party are so sure you won, why the holdup? We are living in an age where things get done with us being thousands of miles apart, no reason why a simple count cannot be done while in quarantine a short distance away. Do the right thing and get the dam thing done, the Guyanese people want this.

Last edited by cain

. That all persons who are permitted special entry into Guyana during this period when our air space is closed to in-bound passengers, must submit themselves to being quarantined at a government institution for a period of 14 days

All foreign observers must be tested upon arrival, agreed, if negative then be allowed in, if positive then quarantined.

 They have to work overtime and treat this counting serious, Gecom, Moses and Apnu are Pu**y footing over this entire election debacle .Holding the entire country at Ransom.


The de facto PM is just spineless

This seems obvious it is a team effort

Claudette Singh failed to establish a start date and hours of operation.

She was also vague in her response, "up to 10",

This could be just 1

All observers should have a Health Certificate showing they were tested prior to coming to Guyana.

Then there will be no need for a 14 days quarantine

But the rubberstamp wants to get his salary for as long as possible was he knows he will be useless to all after the count.


Vish M
Vish M posted:

The de facto PM is just spineless

This seems obvious it is a team effort

Claudette Singh failed to establish a start date and hours of operation.

She was also vague in her response, "up to 10",

This could be just 1

All observers should have a Health Certificate showing they were tested prior to coming to Guyana.

Then there will be no need for a 14 days quarantine

But the rubberstamp wants to get his salary for as long as possible was he knows he will be useless to all after the count.


Ayuh think they want the recount?  The PM is not spineless, he playing his power game. 

Covid is a gift that keeps on giving to the PNC. 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Not sure if the air space is closed. A WestJet plane departed from CJIA yesterday bound for Pearson with Guyanese Canadians on board.

The closure was for incoming. Flights can enter to take people out. The PNC intend to get rid of all foreign witnesses then they can brutalize the local population like Burnham did. 

Sheik101 posted:
kp posted:

Why is this Jackass relevant?

Why is this jackass even speaking? His word and the other fella never had any weight. I find it very ironic that he would chose to bray now.

PNC cleared him. 

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Why is this Jackass relevant?

He is of your age and he is aging at the same rate as you are. That makes him relevant. 


Sometimes I wonder if you believe what you post. It's not about you or me, stay stable.


Dear Moses,

You have done it again with your foolish statement to quarantine the international observers. It is a ploy to delay the recounting of the votes and steal the elections. I thought that you were a man of principle, but apparently, you were not. This remains true today.

The same way you believe in the quarantine laws you should also believe in the constitution. The constitution states that election results should be declared 15 days after an election is held, it is more than forty days since the elections and you have not said a word. Why are you silent?

The only reason is that you are only interested in power for yourself, which is selfish. narcissistic and pitiful. This leads me to believe that when you said you fought Burnham for democracy and fair and free elections, you were lying. What you fought for was the power for yourself just as you are doing now.

But you will not get it. If you do not know, then let me tell you, your political career is not only in shambles, it is disgraceful and it has ended. You are becoming the most hated person in the country and in the Diaspora. Anywhere you go, you will be picketed. Your silly actions have made it difficult for you to venture into the public after your political career is over. You were dishonest then and you are dishonest now.

If according to you, APNU has won the elections, then you should be happy to have the votes recounted swiftly. But you continue to put obstacles in the way of the recount. You are doing a disservice to the people and the country. You are hated on the Corentyne, including Whim village where you were born and you know it. That was the reason you could not have campaigned on the Corentyne.

It is shameful what you are doing to the country. You are holding an entire nation hostage for your personal political ambitions. Moses, you are over 70 years, it is time to exit the political scene. For the past five years, you were clueless as to the development of the country. Granger relegated you to be the Prime Minister of the Chronicle newspapers because he did not trust you and he realized that you are visionless and has little competence. That is why he placed Harmon over you. To say the things you are saying and to act them out is nothing but ghetto behavior. Shame on you Moses.

Your deceit and your lust for power have left me no choice but to end our friendship. I am a principled person who has put the country first but you are not. Looking back, I believe that all that you have said in the past about the PNC and rigging elections and the PPP were to enhance your political ambitions. You were not concerned about the poor people of the country, but only Moses. Now it has ended. I will be writing a series of letters in the papers against your shaggy behavior.


Baseman posted:
Vish M posted:

The de facto PM is just spineless

This seems obvious it is a team effort

Claudette Singh failed to establish a start date and hours of operation.

She was also vague in her response, "up to 10",

This could be just 1

All observers should have a Health Certificate showing they were tested prior to coming to Guyana.

Then there will be no need for a 14 days quarantine

But the rubberstamp wants to get his salary for as long as possible was he knows he will be useless to all after the count.


Ayuh think they want the recount?  The PM is not spineless, he playing his power game. 

Covid is a gift that keeps on giving to the PNC. 

Granger, Nagamottoo, Harmon, Vulga Vulva, Mingo, Lolofield and the whole pack of PNC are collaborating this conspiracy to steal an election from the Guyanese. These Fudda Muckers should be put in front of a firing squad and rid the world of these leeches.
I will be praying for these ass holes to contract COVID-19

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

There is no 14 day quarantine requirement anymore.  All they have to do is give each observer the 15 minute Covid 19 test that was created by Abbott Laboratories. End of story. 

LOL. There remains a 14-day quarantine requirement EVERYWHERE. Please stop spreading misinformation. 

Totaram posted:

Me fren Moses gun look after them.  Wen dis ting over me an he gat fo tek a drink..Eldorado 50 year ole.  Lang time me an he drink capenter rum but dis time na lang time.   

Your damn friend is a hypocrite.  Do you remember the days when he used to curse black people and declared that he will never be a part of the PNC?  Power hungry Kakamootoo will now cut his grand mother's throat to get what he wants.  And this your friend..  tells me a lot about you.

Ramakant-P posted:
Totaram posted:

Me fren Moses gun look after them.  Wen dis ting over me an he gat fo tek a drink..Eldorado 50 year ole.  Lang time me an he drink capenter rum but dis time na lang time.   

Your damn friend is a hypocrite.  Do you remember the days when he used to curse black people and declared that he will never be a part of the PNC?  Power hungry Kakamootoo will now cut his grand mother's throat to get what he wants.  And this your friend..  tells me a lot about you.

Maybe, he FINALLY realized Indians will never want to include Afroes in Guyana's governace. And now he wants to do the right thing knowing that is what Jagdeo's agenda is all about.   

kp posted:

Isn't Rumjaat  the Minister of Curfew? Where is he? These guys are just Winging It.

I see your hood is on the news, heavily hit by COVID19. Hope you are OK. Drink your malt and practice social distance. Stay safe. 

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Isn't Rumjaat  the Minister of Curfew? Where is he? These guys are just Winging It.

I see your hood is on the news, heavily hit by COVID19. Hope you are OK. Drink your malt and practice social distance. Stay safe. 

You got to be living in a hole, if you don't have covid 19 in your area.


Question for the educated posters, Is Gecom an independent body? supposedly not politically biased.

Well, why the chairperson seek advise from a PNC hack,Moses Nagamootoo, he who is bent to remain in office. They are all De Facto ministers!


PPP rejects Nagamootoo limiting of recount hours

Moses Nagamootoo
Moses Nagamootoo

The opposition PPP last night condemned the proposed limiting of hours for the recount of votes from the March 2nd general elections by de facto Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo and also flayed his contention that observers entering the country for the process will have to be quarantined for two weeks.


GECOM was told by Nagamootoo on Saturday that its recount of the votes for the general elections must not extend into the COVID-19 curfew period from 6 pm to 6 am and that any persons coming into the country for the process would have to be quarantined for two weeks at a government institution.

Nagamootoo’s disclosure of his advice to GECOM Chair Claudette Singh was contained in his `My Turn’ column in yesterday’s state-owned Guyana Chronicle. Given the importance of the information it is unclear why it was revealed first in his column and not by way of a press release to the public from the National Covid-19 Task Force (NCTF) or from GECOM.


I don't quite understand what Granger is doing. He should be able to rule under emergency powers whilst the country tackles the coronavirus crisis. Now is not the time to change administration, given the danger of an uncontrollable pandemic taking hold in Guyana.

Mr.T posted:

I don't quite understand what Granger is doing. He should be able to rule under emergency powers whilst the country tackles the coronavirus crisis. Now is not the time to change administration, given the danger of an uncontrollable pandemic taking hold in Guyana.

He skunk was doing a half-ass job in the best of times. She spending all his time figuring how to cheat the elections. 

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Admin, why is KP posting her wardrobe? 

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Admin, why is KP posting her wardrobe? 

I posted a beautiful woman, and you choose to post a MAN??

No pictures in the posts.

What seems to be the problem ??

Last edited by Django
Rochelle posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

There is no 14 day quarantine requirement anymore.  All they have to do is give each observer the 15 minute Covid 19 test that was created by Abbott Laboratories. End of story. 

LOL. There remains a 14-day quarantine requirement EVERYWHERE. Please stop spreading misinformation. 

GECOM gets green-light to adjust recount hours, no quarantine for foreigners


The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) will possibly work a 10- hour work day for the national recount and the CARICOM high level team and international observers will no longer have to be quarantined for 14 days.

Sources have confirmed to News Talk Radio Guyana that communications to the GECOM Chairman Justice Claudette Singh informed that the seven-member commission that the National COVID-19 Task Force could recount the ballots from  8:00am to 6:00 PM. The start-date has not yet been announced.

Further the CARICOM high level team and international coming to observe the recount process will be pre-tested instead of being quarantined.

Earlier advice from the chairman of the National COVID-19 Task Force, Chairman Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo on Sunday had informed that the recount would be conducted from 6:00am to 5:00pm . He had also stated that the high level CARICOM team and international observers  would be expected to undergo a compulsory 14 day quarantine on arrival at a government run facility before given clearance to observe the recount process.

The GECOM commission is meeting Monday to advance plans for the commencement of the national recount.

Currently, the commissioners are back at the Arthur Chung International Conference Centre where the recount will be conducted.


COVID-19 task force drops quarantine requirement for CARICOM recount officials

Following widespread consternation, the National COVID-19 Task Force this afternoon announced that it had reversed its position requiring that CARICOM officials coming here for the recount of votes be quarantined for two week.


A statement from the task force follows:

NCTF approves decisions for CARICOM officials to do WHO approved pre-testing prior to arrival in Guyana


The National COVID-19 Task Force (NCTF) today held its statutory weekly meeting. Chairman, Hon. Moses Nagamootoo, Prime Minister of Guyana, presented the guidance and advice of President David Granger on the issue of screening guidelines for CARICOM officials who have been invited to take part in the recount of ballots cast in the March 2 General and Regional Elections.


Prime Minister Nagamootoo advised the meeting that His Excellency disclosed that he had received proposals from the CARICOM Secretary-General, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, for medical examinations of members of the delegation to be done in the members’ country of origin before their arrival in Guyana.



Following discussions, the NCTF took the decisions outlined below:-


(i)          the CARICOM officials identified to participate in the recount of ballots be permitted to undergo WHO approved reverse transcriptase polymeras chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests for COVID-19 in their respective home countries prior to arrival in Guyana, and they will be permitted entry on the basis that such test results are negative;


(ii)          if any official is unable to have such medical test conducted prior to arrival in Guyana, the Ministry of Public Health will have such test done upon arrival in Guyana on the condition that the official self-quarantines for a maximum of 48 hours while the test results are being ascertained;



(iii)          therefore, quarantining of the incoming officials for the mandatory period of 14 days will not be applicable upon compliance with either of the aforesaid requirements.


(iv)          Having been reviewed, and the interest of public health safety being considered, the NCTF accordingly varied the decision taken previously on this issue.Prime Minister Nagamootoo has written to the Chairman of GECOM, Madam Justice Claudette Singh, and to the Secretary-General of CARICOM, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque to convey these decisions.


Last edited by Django
Demerara_Guy posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:



Admin, why is KP posting her wardrobe? 

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:


Admin, why is KP posting her wardrobe? 

I posted a beautiful woman, and you choose to post a MAN??

No pictures in the posts.

What seems to be the problem ??


Last edited by Django
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana's economy will collapse in a matter of months if this government continues to rule illegally. 

If the economy collapsed, then there would be chaos.  The Police force, Army and Civil Service wouldn't be paid. There would be food shortage which would result in the reviving of the "choke and rob" culture.


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