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@cain posted:

Sheik bai, aint it funny how we deh here cussing up each other over dem stupidy people down there and it seems as though the people doan give a shit what's going on because they know those who are now poor gonna stay poor, those now rich staying rich regardless who's leading.

No argument there bai. Same ole..same ole.

@Rochelle posted:

How can ALL the poll books for the entire Region One be in Mabaruma with the Returning Officer? Why were these poll books not submitted to GECOM previously?

How can keys to the ballot boxes not be in the custody of PPP/C's representatives at the Arthur Chung Convention Center where the exercise is taking place?

How is this now APNUAFC's fault?

Miss cook up, you throwing spaghetti!!  

@Rochelle posted:

How can ALL the poll books for the entire Region One be in Mabaruma with the Returning Officer? Why were these poll books not submitted to GECOM previously?

How can keys to the ballot boxes not be in the custody of PPP/C's representatives at the Arthur Chung Convention Center where the exercise is taking place?

How is this now APNUAFC's fault?

Why are we having multiple thread discussing issues pertaining to the recount? and where is your source for this information. 

See me other thread, I will post the video who claims keys was missing.  

@Former Member posted:

Why are we having multiple thread discussing issues pertaining to the recount? and where is your source for this information. 

See me other thread, I will post the video who claims keys was missing.  

Did you see the title of your thread?? You were quick to label it as "PNC Skulduggery Continue with the Recount"

My above posting has nothing to do with PNC. I will not add to that discussion when its already skewed against one party, when my topic addresses issues with the other party.

I would be happy to update and add the source of my findings in this thread. 

@Rochelle posted:

How can ALL the poll books for the entire Region One be in Mabaruma with the Returning Officer? Why were these poll books not submitted to GECOM previously?

How can keys to the ballot boxes not be in the custody of PPP/C's representatives at the Arthur Chung Convention Center where the exercise is taking place?

How is this now APNUAFC's fault?

This is a bunch of bologna.  Stop spreading lies and propaganda.  The locks of some of the ballot boxes were rusted and could not even be opened with PNC keys.  You are dangerous and evil.  All Poll books and SOPs are locked in the ballot boxes with the corresponding ballots. 

Bibi Haniffa

This is a bunch of bologna.  Stop spreading lies and propaganda.  The locks of some of the ballot boxes were rusted and could not even be opened with PNC keys.  You are dangerous and evil.  All Poll books and SOPs are locked in the ballot boxes with the corresponding ballots. 

Ad hominem attacks are the refuge of the intellectually barren.  @Bibi Haniffa is incapable of making a point without stupidly engaging in personal attacks.  Of course, she could only do so hiding behind a keyboard.  


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