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Former Member
Recycled crowds at rallies…what a shame
October 20, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters

The PPP/C continues to boast about the large crowds they are attracting at their rallies all over Guyana. What they are in fact doing is recycling crowds at these events. It is the same set of people all the time with a few additions trucked or bussed into areas where rallies are being held. Guyanese are not fools, they are fully aware of this kind of politics. The PPP/C has a mobile and easily transportable crowd of supporters.
Another thing, they are presumptuously using state resources to propagate their message. This is cheap politics that has no place in democratic societies. State resources belong to the people not the government and therefore political parties have no business using it for partisan political activities. GuySuCo is an ailing company, workers are underpaid, yet its vehicles and fuel are used to make the PPP/C look good at their rallies. Also, other vehicles belonging to other ministries are being used to transport people – supporters and sympathizers to these rallies. What a shame.
Then they are using public servants on their political platform. This is in breach of the public service rules. How can public servants be politicians, speaking at public rallies on behalf of a particular party and still carry out their Ministries’ tasks in a professional manner. It is not only illegal but affects the behaviour of all other employees who may not be inclined to get involved in party politics. Further, the government is encouraging public servants to flout the rules which were put in place to preserve the integrity of the public service.
Also, the goings-on at these rallies are to say the least very distasteful. Imagine, the president of this country, the presidential candidate and other party supporters wining on stage at their rallies. Serious political meetings, which should be used to inform the public on very important issues like the alleviation of poverty, approaches to tackle corruptions and nacro-trafficking, which continue to embarrass this country, have become entertainment shows with inappropriate actions and antics by senior politicians in this country. These rallies are fast becoming monkey business.
On the face of it, APNU has made the best decision not to get involved in ‘big rallies’ which could never be a true indicator of solid support. It would really be stupid for anyone to think that crowds at rallies equal support or votes. APNU must meet people on the ground in all areas and let the people know the truth about this government.
It seems good to say that APNU should not have to spend too much to score a landslide victory at these elections, because the facts are just public for everyone to see. In spite of the loud promises of the PPP/C, all Guyanese who live here know exactly what happened for nineteen years, the crime, the corruption, executive lawlessness, the phantom squad, the killings in 2002, Roger Khan’s army which took this nation into moral decline, the piracy on the high seas, the unsolved murder cases, discrimination against people, awarding of big contracts to party favourites, and the host of evils and their impact on the populace.
Joy Smith

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by raymond:
I was wondering why Caribj keep showing up in all the pictures

raymond according to you and others I hate Indians. Yet I join a party packed with them...the most racist and clannish ones on top of that.

Think before you write nonsense. Your time will be better spent trying to find out whats really up with the AFC in Gtwn and why they refuse to show pics of their meetings there.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by raymond:
I was wondering why Caribj keep showing up in all the pictures

raymond according to you and others I hate Indians. Yet I join a party packed with them...the most racist and clannish ones on top of that.

Think before you write nonsense. Your time will be better spent trying to find out whats really up with the AFC in Gtwn and why they refuse to show pics of their meetings there.

now yuh spaeking falsehood...I never thought or said yuh hated Indians...but it looks like yuh with them nowadays
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by caribj:

raymond according to you and others I hate Indians. Yet I join a party packed with them...the most racist and clannish ones on top of that.

Think before you write nonsense. Your time will be better spent trying to find out whats really up with the AFC in Gtwn and why they refuse to show pics of their meetings there.

now yuh spaeking falsehood...I never thought or said yuh hated Indians...but it looks like yuh with them nowadays

Caribj has an internal conflict, his own pragmatism and the messages/attitude of those in Brooklyn he hangs around. I happen to know some of these PNCites from Guyana and to put it mildly, they held a deep disdain for any Indian of any political persuasion. They harbor great nostalgic pride in the PNC glory days. Certain groups in Guyana, long phantomized, have been their withering hopes of resurrection.
Base, some of these people may be people Van West Charles was talking about last night on Benschap radio. They are racist and they are allowed to continue to be racist by the PNC leadership. How can that be right. At the end of the day as Van West Charles said it is racism being practiced in a multi-racial country and it is not right.
Originally posted by Wally:
Base, some of these people may be people Van West Charles was talking about last night on Benschap radio. They are racist and they are allowed to continue to be racist. How can that be right. At the end of the day as Van West Charles said it is racism be practiced in a multi-racial country and it is not right.

May have been. The issue for Granger, he is desparate, especially for funding and some of these guys do have money stashed away, looted from Guyana during the "glory days".
Base, you are absolutely correct. That is why the PNC leadership has never in its history want to touch these racists. They have money, muscle and they have access to weapons so they let them do what they want. It is similar to the Pakistan government and Kashmir terrorists.
Originally posted by Wally:
Van West Charles said it is racism being practiced in a multi-racial country and it is not right.

When Burnham was punishing Indians did VW Charles say anything? Or is he one of those who claim that Indians had things great under Fat Boy. Yes he will cite a few opportunists as examples.

Dont embrace this man too closely in case you got caught up in something from that Burnham era.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Wally:
Van West Charles said it is racism being practiced in a multi-racial country and it is not right.

When Burnham was punishing Indians did VW Charles say anything? Or is he one of those who claim that Indians had things great under Fat Boy. Yes he will cite a few opportunists as examples.

Dont embrace this man too closely in case you got caught up in something from that Burnham era.

CaribJ are you trying to jump on the soup bandwagon? Dude, you have to be consistent in who you are! It seem as though you are trying to buddy up with the PPP
Originally posted by Wally:
Base, some of these people may be people Van West Charles was talking about last night on Benschap radio. They are racist and they are allowed to continue to be racist by the PNC leadership. How can that be right. At the end of the day as Van West Charles said it is racism being practiced in a multi-racial country and it is not right.
the ppp and pnc are both racist,their is indians right here on this site that is full racist.who the cap fit let them wear it
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
CaribJ are you trying to jump on the soup bandwagon? Dude, you have to be consistent in who you are! It seem as though you are trying to buddy up with the PPP

Funny VW Charles was a bad man until he embraced the AFC. All of you reminded us that he was Burnham's son in law and benefited tremendously as a result. I bet if it was he and not Granger who was the Pres candidate you would have been singing a different tune.

Take care you embrace a man with a history and some one reminds you of it. Especially a man who brings no support. Think of this if VW had support he would have used it to ensure a strong position within the PNC.

VW supporting the AFC is fine. He is a citizen who I presume is registered to vote. Dont however embrace his endorsement too closely because I dont recall VW having a good reputation when he was Minister of Health under Burnham. What kind of health care did you get in Guyana in the late 70s when he was minister?
Originally posted by SuperMike:
The AFC shoula ah contack the PPP an dfind out about renting some people cause it looking sad on their part as to the 5 and 6 people they have at their meetings
you call joe people,this man step out of a horror movie.maybe if you was at one of the ppp meeting,when he come with is crew and kick and cuff some of those collie women who had to you guys is renting him
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
The AFC shoula ah contack the PPP an dfind out about renting some people cause it looking sad on their part as to the 5 and 6 people they have at their meetings
you call joe people,this man step out of a horror movie.maybe if you was at one of the ppp meeting,when he come with is crew and kick and cuff some of those collie women who had to you guys is renting him

like yu drunk or waa..i talking bout renting crowds to make it look like yall gat looking sad bro...yall talking bout win and yall can only 5 and 6 people attending yall meetings..yall need a miricle now
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
CaribJ are you trying to jump on the soup bandwagon? Dude, you have to be consistent in who you are! It seem as though you are trying to buddy up with the PPP

Funny VW Charles was a bad man until he embraced the AFC. All of you reminded us that he was Burnham's son in law and benefited tremendously as a result. I bet if it was he and not Granger who was the Pres candidate you would have been singing a different tune.

Take care you embrace a man with a history and some one reminds you of it. Especially a man who brings no support. Think of this if VW had support he would have used it to ensure a strong position within the PNC.

VW supporting the AFC is fine. He is a citizen who I presume is registered to vote. Dont however embrace his endorsement too closely because I dont recall VW having a good reputation when he was Minister of Health under Burnham. What kind of health care did you get in Guyana in the late 70s when he was minister?

VW Charles in not in the leadership team of the AFC, he like everyone else is free to chose whatever party they like but VW Charles does not define what the AFC is and secondly, apart from being Burnham Son-in-Law what is so bad about him? He benefited because he was Burnham son in law, but it does not mean that he embraced and supported all that Burnham stood for. Since he came back to Guyana, he was behind the PNC to apologize to the Guyanese people for all the atrocities they put the Guyanese people through. He was calling for change. Desmond Hoyte was part of the Burnham leadership and when Burnham died Desmond Hoyte changed a lot of things for the better and that is why the PPP was able to achieve power in 1992.

Why can't we disagree but still be objective?
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Wally:
Base, some of these people may be people Van West Charles was talking about last night on Benschap radio. They are racist and they are allowed to continue to be racist by the PNC leadership. How can that be right. At the end of the day as Van West Charles said it is racism being practiced in a multi-racial country and it is not right.
the ppp and pnc are both racist,their is indians right here on this site that is full racist.who the cap fit let them wear it

Indians are not "racist", maybe "clannish" Wink, but not racists.
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Recycled crowds at rallies…what a shame
October 20, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters

The PPP/C continues to boast about the large crowds they are attracting at their rallies all over Guyana. What they are in fact doing is recycling crowds at these events. It is the same set of people all the time with a few additions trucked or bussed into areas where rallies are being held. Guyanese are not fools, they are fully aware of this kind of politics. The PPP/C has a mobile and easily transportable crowd of supporters.
Another thing, they are presumptuously using state resources to propagate their message. This is cheap politics that has no place in democratic societies. State resources belong to the people not the government and therefore political parties have no business using it for partisan political activities. GuySuCo is an ailing company, workers are underpaid, yet its vehicles and fuel are used to make the PPP/C look good at their rallies. Also, other vehicles belonging to other ministries are being used to transport people – supporters and sympathizers to these rallies. What a shame.
Then they are using public servants on their political platform. This is in breach of the public service rules. How can public servants be politicians, speaking at public rallies on behalf of a particular party and still carry out their Ministries’ tasks in a professional manner. It is not only illegal but affects the behaviour of all other employees who may not be inclined to get involved in party politics. Further, the government is encouraging public servants to flout the rules which were put in place to preserve the integrity of the public service.
Also, the goings-on at these rallies are to say the least very distasteful. Imagine, the president of this country, the presidential candidate and other party supporters wining on stage at their rallies. Serious political meetings, which should be used to inform the public on very important issues like the alleviation of poverty, approaches to tackle corruptions and nacro-trafficking, which continue to embarrass this country, have become entertainment shows with inappropriate actions and antics by senior politicians in this country. These rallies are fast becoming monkey business.
On the face of it, APNU has made the best decision not to get involved in ‘big rallies’ which could never be a true indicator of solid support. It would really be stupid for anyone to think that crowds at rallies equal support or votes. APNU must meet people on the ground in all areas and let the people know the truth about this government.
It seems good to say that APNU should not have to spend too much to score a landslide victory at these elections, because the facts are just public for everyone to see. In spite of the loud promises of the PPP/C, all Guyanese who live here know exactly what happened for nineteen years, the crime, the corruption, executive lawlessness, the phantom squad, the killings in 2002, Roger Khan’s army which took this nation into moral decline, the piracy on the high seas, the unsolved murder cases, discrimination against people, awarding of big contracts to party favourites, and the host of evils and their impact on the populace.
Joy Smith

This letter was written by a AFC ghost. The real Joy Smith penned a disclaimer already Big Grin

Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:

VW Charles in not in the leadership team of the AFC, he like everyone else is free to chose whatever party they like but VW Charles does not define what the AFC is and secondly, apart from being Burnham Son-in-Law what is so bad about him? He benefited because he was Burnham son in law, but it does not mean that he embraced and supported all that Burnham stood for. Since he came back to Guyana, he was behind the PNC to apologize to the Guyanese people for all the atrocities they put the Guyanese people through. He was calling for change. Desmond Hoyte was part of the Burnham leadership and when Burnham died Desmond Hoyte changed a lot of things for the better and that is why the PPP was able to achieve power in 1992.

Why can't we disagree but still be objective?

VW is free to offer an opinion as to which party he supports and I said so. For the AFC to grab onto him however might bring its risks given his connection to the Burnham regime.

My point is when VW appeared on the scene loads of people had bad comments to make. Dont change your mind just because he joins your party. You then look like the PPP embracing PNC thugs who once assaulted them.

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