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Red Thread plans protest action against Govt – on decision to increase salaries of Ministers

RED Thread, a non-governmental organisation, is in the process of mustering up support to protest Government’s decision to increase the salaries of its Ministers. According to Joy Marcus, a member of the organisation, the protest is set for October 15 in front of the Parliament Buildings. “The protest action is another means of speaking directly to the Government and the rest of Parliament,” Marcus said.


In an opened letter to His Excellency President David Granger and his Administration on Thursday, Red Thread signaled its disappointment. Alluding to statements made by the Minister of State Joseph Harmon, in which he told the press that “we have to pay people well if we want them to perform,” Red Thread questioned why ordinary citizens are being made to accept low wages and salaries.


“People have been working as public servants for years but get very meagre increases in salaries and wages. This government is in office for merely five months but already they are giving themselves HUGE increases,” the letter, which was signed by Marcus, Halima Khan, Wintress White and Joycelyn Bacchus, stated.

The organisation said it found Harmon’s explanation for the increase “insulting.” The Minister of State had explained that the Cabinet is made up of a group of quality people who should be paid “well” for the execution of their duties.

“We ordinary citizens are responsible for the government being in office. If it wasn’t for us, the presumably ‘no quality’ people, the ‘quality’ people would not have been in the positions they now hold. When they wanted our votes they were not so high and mighty but now the Minister of State has the gall to say he has no apologies to make about them getting that increase.”

Red Thread added that Minister Harmon should now do the responsible thing and apologise to the people who would have voted the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition in office.

“It would seem that Mr. Harmon and his Cabinet members lack integrity. We find his justification very disturbing. If they can’t survive on over $500,000 per month why do they expect other people to live on $6,500, $17,000 and $50,000 per month? These categories of people don’t get duty free concessions and all the other perks the government officials are entitled to.”

The organisation further said that if those in Government were earning more prior to the May 11 elections then they should have simply remained in their old posts. “We never asked them to sacrifice their high-paying jobs at the expense of us, the grassroots, being trampled upon. Yes. This is what we feel, trampled upon. This just goes to show where their true interest is. They are not sufficiently better than the ones they replaced.”

A tabulation, done by Red Thread, showing the “huge” gaps between the salaries of the Ministers and those of ordinary citizens.

Government officials Amount per annum Ordinary citizens Amount per annum Difference

Prime Minister 20,580,000 Minimum wage

Old Age Pension
Public Assistance 600,000
78,000 34.3 times less
100.8 times less
263.8 times less
Cabinet Ministers 10,439,124 Minimum wage Same as above 17.3 times less
51.1 times less
133.8 times less


By Svetlana Marshall

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Ministers’ pay hike not bad but process was – Lewis


Everything must be put in context if we want to be honest. We live in a poor country where G$100,000 is considered to be a good paying job, some fortunate ones make G$200,000 per month and they are considered to be truly blessed. Most, if not all of the girls who work at those Regent street stores barely make G$8,000 per week, G$32,000 to G$40,000 per month. Their salaries barely cover their travelling expenses but it's a chance to get out of the house so they do it. Most Guyanese are under-employed, an American term for being underpaid. So now we have the ministers of government who were earning G$575,000 per month with additional benefits such as housing allowance, a state vehicle at their beck and call with its fuel totally paid for by the state. A driver for that vehicle along with a security detail. A member of the Guyana police force stands guard at their homes permanently, the state pays for a gardener and a house keeper, they enjoy free electricity and water. They are entitled to a duty free letter every three years to import an used vehicle of their choice or they can opt for the five year deal which allows them to import a new vehicle instead of an used one, saving themselves US$75,000 in govt duties as would be charged on a new vehicle purchased at say Beharry or Ainlim. So along with all this, and an entertainment allowance, the big boys at OP still saw the need to increase their earnings by a massive 50%, after being in power for a mere 4 months. They have done nothing to help the struggling economy, they took a few dollars off of fuel prices even though drivers in other countries, who earn way more money than us, are paying half of what Guyanese drivers are paying. Fuel is the backbone of any country's economy, the higher it is, the more you pay for everything related to it. Other than cleaning some of the drains around the city, of which we are yet to hear the cost, this new government has basically done nothing of significance. Do I and the rest of Guyana think they deserve a pay increase, definitely not. Had the PPP done this, Lincoln Lewis would have blown his fuse, I've seen him go ballistic for a lot less.


This enormous raise is in pay can't be justified by any yardstick or rational. Its greed. What have these ministers done to date to deserve such an increase in pay? Granger should roll this back. The people should take to the streets and demand a roll back. This was not discussed during the runup to the elections. These salaries will also impact pensions of the President and the Prime minister when they demit office. Pensions should also only be paid on attainment of age 65. .


in a "wage led economy" ?? what has ANY of these LEECHES done to deserve...... what will ANY of dem PLAN to do to GROW the economy for it to be "really" wage led !!!!! u start hangin yuh mouth EARLY !!


Ministerial salary increases: The runner stumbles


Context is everything in life. Context underlies the movement of life in the world and individual action in it. Every action has a context. One of the greatest, phenomenal explanations of the indispensability of context in understanding human action I have ever seen was when a cricket writer in the Guardian newspaper of the UK analyzed the achievements of the global cricket star, Sachin Tendulkar.

Using the methodology of context, the writer showed that in cricketing history, Tendulkar was far down the order as a great batsman. He put him as the 28th greatest batsman in history. There isn’t space here to elaborate on the article. I suggest you Google and read it. You will learn from it. I have.The fifty percent salary increase for Ministers and Parliamentarians is creating waves. It may be more factual to describe it as a tsunami of disappointment. Why is there this huge reverberation? Context is the answer.

Context 1- In two Ashni Singh budgets since 2011, APNU-AFC had denounced the huge income for many PPP big-wigs. Since that was just a year ago, it was too early in the rule of the coalition government to award themselves a substantial elevation in income. It is not a question of justification because of poor ministerial earning. Cabinet Ministers deserve to be paid more. It is context.Coming so soon after the denunciation of the hefty sums the PPP kings and queens paid themselves, the move was unwise. Maybe next year, but not four months after the assumption of office.

Context 2 – The entire population of Guyana will admit that the pay packet of policemen, teachers, nurses and public servants is as ugly a sight as sadistic hunters killing innocent animals. The coalition government just passed a budget in which public sector employees were awarded an Ashni Singh pittance. Why in the context of that recent national outpouring of chagrin did the Ministers assign themselves a hefty pay packet?
Surely, the Cabinet has to have some pretty naïve members if they think that the increase would not have irritated large sections of the population. At the time of writing, the teachers’ union is livid. No doubt as the days move out, other unions will sing the same refrain.

Context 3- Raphael Trotman made some pellucid statements in August when the salary hike was announced. Speaking on behalf of the Government, he literally backed down and apologized for any move the government might have made to guide people into thinking that salary increase for Ministers was about to happen.
In unambiguous language, he said it would not happen in the immediate future. From August to the end of September is certainly the immediate future. In Canada, the US, Europe and in places like Nigeria, India, Brazil, Chile and Argentina, Trotman would have received calls for his resignation.
However light-handedly the media want to treat Trotman, he is facing extensive embarrassment and needs to jump on a damage-control machine ASAP

Context 4- Guyana in the midst of a huge corruption exposure campaign. On a daily basis, Guyanese are hearing about extravagant sums that went into the pockets of the major players of the previous regime.  Big money is the centre of these corruption scandals.
It is not wise thinking and a good strategic move that right in the middle of this campaign that Guyanese have emotionally embraced, that the new government gave its Ministers some handsome pay packets.

Context 5- The salary increase came too soon after the 2015 election victory. Four months is too short a period for a government to stumble. Governments are going to make mistakes that exasperate citizens but not just four months after electoral success.  After a rapturous, emotional and satisfying election victory, the victors have to ensure they nurture the extensive sympathy and support they received.
A huge salary increase isn’t the most elegant way to do it.

Context 6 – The PPP is on the warpath. Even the blind can see that. Armed with the optimism it lost the election by less than 5000 votes, it won seven (?) of the ten Regions, and that there is no grand embrace between the AFC and APNU ( Stabroek News and Ralph Ramkarran said so), the PPP is in election mode. The PPP is in a fighting mood. Why would the ruling coalition embark on an unpopular policy that would make its enemy’s work easier?
The AFC called in Dick Morris from the US to help with polling. The AFC called in Alstrom Stewart from Jamaica to help with election campaigning. It has to call in Julius Caesar to help with strategizing. But he died along with the Roman Empire thousands of years ago.

Last edited by Django

I think that they believe it is better to have the pay increases early in the mandate so people will forget by the time the next elections come around. The seemed to forget that they get one chance to make a first impression. No matter how they try to spin it, the massive pay raise is unjustified and they are taking some heat over it. Makes me wonder who is advising them. Would be more interesting if the PPP decides that their MPs will not take the raise, or take the raise and donate it to charitable foundations, etc.

Originally Posted by Zed:

I think that they believe it is better to have the pay increases early in the mandate so people will forget by the time the next elections come around. The seemed to forget that they get one chance to make a first impression. No matter how they try to spin it, the massive pay raise is unjustified and they are taking some heat over it. Makes me wonder who is advising them. Would be more interesting if the PPP decides that their MPs will not take the raise, or take the raise and donate it to charitable foundations, etc.

Yes, PPP should take the raise and donate it to Uncle Eddie's Home and the Palms.


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