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Reduction of VAT, Berbice Bridge toll engages Cabinet attention

June 11, 2015 4:10 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Fareeza Haniff

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon. [iNews' Photo]

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.

The APNU+AFC government is holding to its promise of reducing the Value Added Tax (VAT) and the toll of the Berbice River Bridge within its first 100 days in office.


Minister of State, Joseph Harmon told a news conference on Thursday, June 11 that the two issues are being “actively considered in cabinet.”

As it relates to the reduction of VAT, the Minister noted that President David Granger has already instructed the National Assembly on its way forward, which will see the reduction a success.

However, in relation to the decrease in the bridge toll, Harmon explained that a number of experts are perusing various figures to make the reduction a reality.

“We haven’t reached a point in the conversations as yet where we say this is what’s going to happen. We already have a review and cabinet has already asked another set of experts to look at the figure with a view of reducing the toll,” the Minister of State said.

The reduction of the Berbice Bridge toll is a rather contentious issue, given the fact that it does not enjoy the support of the Private Sector. As a matter of fact, the APNU+AFC, while as the majority Opposition in Parliament during 2014, passed a motion calling on the then Public Works Minister, Robeson Benn to make the order, as is mandated, to reduce the exorbitant toll.

The motion was passed in the House despite strong objections by the then ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), which said the move was a political one and an attack on private investment.

The motion was piloted by Harmon, who had proposed that for cars and minibuses which currently pay $2,200 to pay $ 1,000; for cycles to pass free and for four wheel drive vehicles to pay $3,000 instead of $4,000.

Harmon had said the current toll structure was a burden on Guyanese people and represents a serious devolution of wealth from the people of Berbice.

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Quote "

The motion was piloted by Harmon, who had proposed that for cars and minibuses which currently pay $2,200 to pay $ 1,000; for cycles to pass free and for four wheel drive vehicles to pay $3,000 instead of $4,000.

Harmon had said the current toll structure was a burden on Guyanese people and represents a serious devolution of wealth from the people of Berbice." unquote


APNU/AFC is making the decrepit PPP/C looking like ass holes. Especially Jadgeo and Ramotar.


Pensioners will soon take home $15,000 Dollars.

Last edited by Former Member

The motion was piloted by Harmon, who had proposed that for cars and minibuses which currently pay $2,200 to pay $ 1,000; for cycles to pass free and for four wheel drive vehicles to pay $3,000 instead of $4,000.


Harmon had said the current toll structure was a burden on Guyanese people and represents a serious devolution of wealth from the people of Berbice.

“We haven’t reached a point in the conversations as yet where we say this is what’s going to happen. We already have a review and cabinet has already asked another set of experts to look at the figure with a view of reducing the toll,” the Minister of State said.

Reduction of VAT, Berbice Bridge toll engages Cabinet attention, June 11, 2015 4:10 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-, By Fareeza Haniff, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon., []

In 2014, the PNC as the opposition was quite clear when passing the motion that the toll fees should be reduced to the above-noted amounts.


Now in 2015, with the PNC in power they requite experts upon experts for studies to determine what should be the costs.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The motion was piloted by Harmon, who had proposed that for cars and minibuses which currently pay $2,200 to pay $ 1,000; for cycles to pass free and for four wheel drive vehicles to pay $3,000 instead of $4,000.


Harmon had said the current toll structure was a burden on Guyanese people and represents a serious devolution of wealth from the people of Berbice.

“We haven’t reached a point in the conversations as yet where we say this is what’s going to happen. We already have a review and cabinet has already asked another set of experts to look at the figure with a view of reducing the toll,” the Minister of State said.

Reduction of VAT, Berbice Bridge toll engages Cabinet attention, June 11, 2015 4:10 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-, By Fareeza Haniff, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon., []

In 2014, the PNC as the opposition was quite clear when passing the motion that the toll fees should be reduced to the above-noted amounts.


Now in 2015, with the PNC in power they requite experts upon experts for studies to determine what should be the costs.

You don't live nor travel to Berbice. Run along now and make love to your self. No one will interrupt you.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Run along now and make love to your self.

Interesting, that you are expressing your personal activities publicly on GNI.

I am telling you in a nice way to  GFYS.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

VAT and Bridge reductions promises are important to keep.

So they are going to have less revenue to run the country.

They will also raised salaries of Civil servants, police, army, teachers and all government workers.



Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

VAT and Bridge reductions promises are important to keep.

So they are going to have less revenue to run the country.

They will also raised salaries of Civil servants, police, army, teachers and all government workers.



Rama, your dumb thinking is like the PPP. Its no wonder they were in shit creek and lost the election.

Don't you invest in your children to make you family better ?

Do you see accountable to perform better, if they are paid better ?


We see pictures how the police station are under the PPP, now we know why their performance was so poor.

You treat them like shit, like the PPP did and they will perform like shit.

Those in the PPP only think about their personal bank account and care little about how others live.    

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You indeed have pleasure in doing that to/with yourself.

After you pleasure yourself, damn, you keep forgetting you don't like me. Do you still have your Demba Driver's Licence?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Politicians can't see beyond their nose. I want to see how they plan to wiggle their way out of this one.

Thyself shall know the truth!

Yuh lashing meh dey uncle Rama_can't with some Shakespearian English .  

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Politicians can't see beyond their nose. I want to see how they plan to wiggle their way out of this one.

Thyself shall know the truth!

Yuh lashing meh dey uncle Rama_can't with some Shakespearian English .  

Right on!


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