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Cobra posted:

The Qur'an said nothing about fake Muslim. Killing is a sin, and those who teach killing and praise the killers for their actions are also sinners. How do we know if a few of those imams haven't involved in wrong doing of their own? 


I understand where you are coming from but those killers did not help honest law abiding Muslims by their horrid actions. I say feed em to the carrion.

Do you remember the hoop la when the PNC buried one of their criminals and covering the casket with the GY flag? They should have thrown his arse in a swamp.

Last edited by cain

Islam practiced with tolerance is a beautiful religion of equality and peace since the days of the Prophet. For example; Before Muhammad one man could marry a thousand women.  But he gave women rights that they did not have before.  Every religion has fanatical elements.  I have seen the pure hate that Nepal Hindus have for Indian Hindus.  It is very important that we don't generalize a religion by the actions of a few.

Last edited by Prashad
cain posted:
Cobra posted:

The Qur'an said nothing about fake Muslim. Killing is a sin, and those who teach killing and praise the killers for their actions are also sinners. How do we know if a few of those imams haven't involved in wrong doing of their own? 


I understand where you are coming from but those killers did not help honest law abiding Muslims by their horrid actions. I say feed em to the carrion.

Do you remember the hoop la when the PNC buried one of their criminals and covering the casket with the GY flag? They should have thrown his arse in a swamp.

IF it is mandated that they have a burial according to their religion then that in it's own basically states that do what you want and you get treated like any other muslim excusing their actions. If this has to be, have a separate section for them. I'd be insulted if any of these carrion were to be buried in the same place as my father.


Islamically there are two  

1. that such a person is not prayed over by leaders of the community nor is his burial given communal sanction, although he is due a basic funeral.

2. not allowing for the dead body’s preparation, prayer, or burial. The body is merely buried as found, with no public recognition or even personal religious ceremony.


I would opt for number 2


There are two reasoning from all the killings.

1) Either those chaps are real muslims and willing to die for their faith


2) the rest of the 2 billion are lost souls, which they plan to deal with as moderates. Considered the same as infidels eventually.

There is confusion in the Camp. I hope dey doan practice wah dey doing every friday in Pakistan. Iz a good thing Jinnah called Gandhi a fool and insisted in the creation of Pakistan, which the British favoured.  


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