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– expresses sadness over lack of Mashramani parade

By Indrawattie Natram

Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) Chairman Devanand Ramdatt has called on major stakeholders and

Region Two Chairman Devanand Ramdatt and REO Rupert Hopkinson pledging to work in unity at Republic Day celebrations

Region Two Chairman Devanand Ramdatt and REO Rupert Hopkinson pledging to work in unity at Republic Day celebrations

Regional officials within the Region Two Administration to work in unity in moving the Region forward and to iron out “petty political” differences.

He was at the time delivering the feature address at the 46th Republic Anniversary flag raising ceremony held on Tuesday, under the theme, “Celebration of Diversity, Unity and Sovereignty”.
During his address, the Regional Chairman said that political differences must be resolved via civilised approaches that would benefit the people of Region Two. Ramdatt added that in celebrating the 46th Anniversary, people must be given a fair opportunity to be a part of an integrated approach of development.

“We must aim to demonstrate for the rest of Guyana that we have grown above petty differences and working in the interest of our people so that we can work in the interest of national development.”The Chairman informed the gathering that the approach must be democratic – one that will bring continued progress and equality in development. “As a republic, this represents a bold effort, we, the people, move to become stronger and confident in managing the affairs particularly at a time when we became an independent nation four years earlier.”

Ramdatt said that Guyanese should be grateful for the sacrifices that their ancestors made in creating a better Guyana, and implored Essequibians that they had a duty to continue their work as a region and county in transforming the landscape.
“This anniversary must certainly inspire us to work for the greater good of all our people, equality in development must be given stronger emphasis; our people must be given fair opportunity to be part of an integrated approach to development, particularly in this region, as we aim to demonstrate for the rest of Guyana that we have grown above petty differences and working in the interest of our people is working in the interest of national development,” the Regional Chairman declared.

He also called on RDC officials to work with one common goal in finding solutions to addressing the ailing rice industry.
In conclusion, the Chairman said he was very sad that this year the Mashramani parade had been eliminated from the celebration. Ramdatt noted that “it is a pride to see people marching with unison at one venue, but this has been taken away from the people”.

During the flag raising ceremony, Region Two Executive Officer (REO) Rupert Hopkinson said that this year’s Mashramani theme was quite relevant as it embraced national social cohesion. Hopkinson said that he believed that it was time for the nation to embrace social cohesion fostering unity.“ Let us not be prisoners of history, let us not rehash a sordid past, but let us work together to create new and better possibilities, new and better opportunities, a new and better environment for this Region [as well] as nation,” Hopkinson said.


Unity talks

During Hopkinson’s address, he said that the 46th Anniversary theme should be a guide so that regional officials can pursue vigorously the development path: setting aside petty differences, drafting a plan that pushes aside old barriers and establishing a commonality.“The common goal of politicians is to work to improve the livelihood of the people. Let’s all take ownership of this Region, the offices of the REO and the Regional Chairman of this Region are just that of offices, by extension we are to listen to carry out the orders of the citizens of this Region,” Hopkinson said.

At the ceremony, Regional Chairman Ramdatt took the salute of the Disciplined Forces and inspected the ranks after which the programme featured songs including calypsos and addresses. Also attending the ceremony were Commander of G Division (Essequibo Coast and Islands) Kevin Adonis, Assistant Commander, Roger Pilgrim, Prime Ministerial Representative Karam Chand, and Regional Councillors Naithram, Hardat Narine and Julian Cummings.

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