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PRESIDENT David Granger yesterday commissioned two 24-seater buses which will be used to transport children in Region 5 (Mahaica/Berbice) to and from school free of charge.

The President said he saw the vehicles as essential links

One of the two big buses commissioned on Friday

One of the two big buses commissioned on Friday

between qualifications for employment, economic advancement,
and a good life for beneficiaries.

At a well-attended commissioning ceremony at the Headquarters of the Regional Development Council (RDC) at Fort Wellington, President Granger said he was disappointed that the Chairman of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region 5, which is controlled by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), had been instructed to boycott the ceremony.

“I heard that the Regional Chairman was not permitted to come. He is not here. Some people in this country don’t seem to realize that the traffic lights have changed from red to green. I am not President of Region 4 or President of Region 5, I am President of Guyana.”

He said the Minister of Communities should chide the Regional Chairman who did not have the common courtesy to be present when the President of the country is officiating at a function within his Region.

The two 24-seater buses, David G1 and David G2, were handed over to the Regional Education Department of the RDC. This Department will work out the modalities of the use of the buses, which are expected to start picking up school children and taking them to and from school free of charge from early next week.

Initial information suggests that the buses will play a major role in getting school children who attend school on the other side of the Berbice River to the water boats in the mornings and back home in the evenings.

The buses were gifted to the Regional Administration via the President, who also was gifted the buses from businesses and from prominent members of the corporate community.

Minister of Social Cohesion, Ms Amna Ally, said that those who contributed included Mr. Brian Tiwari of BK International, who coordinated the monetary supply group; Mr. Nasrudeen Mohamed, known as ‘Jumbo Jet’; Mr. Eddie Boyer, National Hardware Limited; and individuals: Mr. Eton Chester of Georgetown and Mr Gordon Winter and Mr R.B. Ricknauth of Canada.

In a half-hour-long address before the commissioning, President Granger said statistics showed that 400 students dropped out of school every month, mainly due to the inability of their parents to find money to meet their transportation costs to and from school.

He stressed: “Education is the key to development of a community and of a country, and no child should be deprived of an education because he or she lives far away from school and parents cannot afford travelling expenses. Every child must go to school.”

He noted that the Government had, between July last and the present time, provided school children in riverine areas with six boats, which were now taking them to school and back without any charge.

He said that Government appreciated that Region 5 had the potential to become an economic powerhouse.

He said: “These buses are not here for excursion. We want these children who will be using these buses to become scientists, to become engineers who can help us to generate cheap energy and help us to deal with the challenges of climate change. We are looking for education; for employment; we are looking for enterprise and cheap energy.”

He said it was his view that the buses were the first event in a chain reaction leading to improved access to education, leading to qualifications for employment, and ending with enterprise, economic independence and a good life for all.

The President also urged residents of the villages in Region 5 to stop using their villages as dormitories – as places where they just come home and sleep after a hard day’s work elsewhere.”

“Do something; plant something; process something, so that your villages can become economic powerhouses in their own right,” he admonished his audience.

He pledged that his administration would support micro loans for productive activities.

The programme, chaired by Region 5 Councillor Ms. Carol Joseph, included presentations by school children and cultural artistes, and a stirring presentation by Ms. Amna Ally, Minister of Social Cohesion.

Minister Ally, who hails from Region 5, reminded the gathering that President Granger had promised support for school children to get to and from school, and by this means benefit from a level playing field in pursuit of their dreams.

She said: “Therefore, today is a red letter day for Region 5, since this is the first Region to receive buses for free transportation for school children. You are the first Region to receive this very tangible and meaningful support for education.”

She promised that the two buses were just the beginning of gifts for Region 5, and disclosed that the Government would, in keeping with its commitment, provide free riverine transportation for the children of Moraikobai in the upper reaches of the Mahaicony River before the end of this month.

By Clifford Stanley

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PNC does Bruk Iron!!!!!!!!!!!!  Look at Guyana now and May 11. Crimes and more crimes, sugar in trouble, Rice almost dead, people killing themselves, Military tracking civilians, Civil servants getting replaced by Party hacks, Politricians receiving heavy increases while nothing for Pensioners, the Energizer Bunny tired so he will take a short rest.


Four things to note. First the buses will be welcomed by parents who have to pay lots of money to send their children to school.  Second,  It will have very little impact on the region as a whole because of the number of students who, on a daily basis take public transportation to and from school. I wonder how they will decide which students get the free transportation to and from school. Third, it is interesting who the donors are. Some of these  guys were chief beneficiaries of the former government largesse. Tiwari, we knew, had funded the APNU election campaign. Are the others hoping that the front money for the buses is an investment which will result in continuing or new gains? Fourth, the attendance at the event seems to point to this being a narrative exercise. Where is the minister of Education? Why Amna Ally. She is minister of social cohesion. Was this a social cohesion exercise? In what way other than the superficial one of "well, more students would be attending schools". Yes, I did not say getting a good education. Look at the results of the grade 6 and CXC exams for region 5.


I must complement this Government for some of the initiatives they have taken. This current Government will do things to appeal to the current generation, who will see progress. 

Businesses owners are not stupid also not to support the Government of the day, in fact they don't have a choice when that phone call was made to them " Granger Need Buses For School Children ".

The previous Government should have been more innovative with programs ten years ago to appeal to this millennium. 

The PPP should wise up and joint this Government for the betterment of its people, rather than stay away. The country will benefit. 

Let's face it guys this current Government will be there for the next 20 years. ABC countries will ensure that, and Granger will ensure he do what they want.

The mismanagement and corruption will be there, and truly speaking Indians will be more secure in their homes. The current criminals are from the neighborhood who are drugs users. We don't have the kick down doors. Businesses owners have to wise up and use technology to improve security for their business and customers. 

Granger has the support of the arm forces, and he will ensure they work.

In two to three years, this Generation will see huge progress in this Government. Non of them can recall what happened in PNC days. In their eyes PPP didn't do anything. 

ian posted:

I must complement this Government for some of the initiatives they have taken. This current Government will do things to appeal to the current generation, who will see progress. 

Businesses owners are not stupid also not to support the Government of the day, in fact they don't have a choice when that phone call was made to them " Granger Need Buses For School Children ".

The previous Government should have been more innovative with programs ten years ago to appeal to this millennium. 

The PPP should wise up and joint this Government for the betterment of its people, rather than stay away. The country will benefit. 

Let's face it guys this current Government will be there for the next 20 years. ABC countries will ensure that, and Granger will ensure he do what they want.

The mismanagement and corruption will be there, and truly speaking Indians will be more secure in their homes. The current criminals are from the neighborhood who are drugs users. We don't have the kick down doors. Businesses owners have to wise up and use technology to improve security for their business and customers. 

Granger has the support of the arm forces, and he will ensure they work.

In two to three years, this Generation will see huge progress in this Government. Non of them can recall what happened in PNC days. In their eyes PPP didn't do anything. 

Well said,Ian.

Django posted:
ian posted:

I must complement this Government for some of the initiatives they have taken. This current Government will do things to appeal to the current generation, who will see progress. 

Businesses owners are not stupid also not to support the Government of the day, in fact they don't have a choice when that phone call was made to them " Granger Need Buses For School Children ".

The previous Government should have been more innovative with programs ten years ago to appeal to this millennium. 

The PPP should wise up and joint this Government for the betterment of its people, rather than stay away. The country will benefit. 

Let's face it guys this current Government will be there for the next 20 years. ABC countries will ensure that, and Granger will ensure he do what they want.

The mismanagement and corruption will be there, and truly speaking Indians will be more secure in their homes. The current criminals are from the neighborhood who are drugs users. We don't have the kick down doors. Businesses owners have to wise up and use technology to improve security for their business and customers. 

Granger has the support of the arm forces, and he will ensure they work.

In two to three years, this Generation will see huge progress in this Government. Non of them can recall what happened in PNC days. In their eyes PPP didn't do anything. 

Well said,Ian.


Django posted:
ian posted:

I must complement this Government for some of the initiatives they have taken. This current Government will do things to appeal to the current generation, who will see progress. 

Businesses owners are not stupid also not to support the Government of the day, in fact they don't have a choice when that phone call was made to them " Granger Need Buses For School Children ".

The previous Government should have been more innovative with programs ten years ago to appeal to this millennium. 

The PPP should wise up and joint this Government for the betterment of its people, rather than stay away. The country will benefit. 

Let's face it guys this current Government will be there for the next 20 years. ABC countries will ensure that, and Granger will ensure he do what they want.

The mismanagement and corruption will be there, and truly speaking Indians will be more secure in their homes. The current criminals are from the neighborhood who are drugs users. We don't have the kick down doors. Businesses owners have to wise up and use technology to improve security for their business and customers. 

Granger has the support of the arm forces, and he will ensure they work.

In two to three years, this Generation will see huge progress in this Government. Non of them can recall what happened in PNC days. In their eyes PPP didn't do anything. 

Well said,Ian.



To the other posters who see nothing good from this government even though it's shoved in front of their eyes just because is not dem people who in power you are are an ignorant lot.

Yall rass can go ahead and post all sorts of bullshit now, call me dumb ass names guys, go ahead it means nothing, it does not change a thing, you are all still an ignorant lot, period.

Last edited by cain


Good governance being eroded in Guyana

Clandestine SOCU surveillance, probe


– Guyana Human Rights Association



In light of the botched Army operation and countless questions surrounding the series of events that claimed the lives of three persons on Carifesta Avenue last December, the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) believes good governance principles in the country appear to be wearing away.

Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan

Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan

Sergeant Robert Pyle

Sergeant Robert Pyle

Mike Mccormack

Mike Mccormack

It contends that the existence of such an operation also suggests that lines between the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition; the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and the Guyana Police Force (GPF) are becoming “once again somewhat blurred”.
The GHRA opines that the goodwill which the Government has thus far enjoyed from a wide cross-section of citizens “well beyond active supporters” of the APNU/AFC is now being tested by a perception.
Guyana Times understands that this perception is that the coalition is beginning to act as if the righteousness of a cause justifies the disregard for “established conventions and democratic procedures”.
The Rights Association pointed out that it was far from reassuring that Head of State David Granger “seems to feel that once the GDF is satisfied” concerning the surveillance operation that had been conducted outside the home of the Executive Director of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), the many questions raised by civil society had no merit.
In a media statement on Friday, the GHRA stated that in a society where incompetent implementation frequently obscured original intention, the GDF was vulnerable to having well-meaning involvement in Government activities perceived in more sinister terms.
“Furthermore, creeping expansion of the role of the military is encouraged by enmeshing anti-corruption into the counter-terrorism rhetoric.  This development, prompted from abroad, is currently driving hasty re-alignment of Guyanese laws and financial institutions that far exceed domestic requirements. Moreover, despite efforts to project the Special Organised Crimes Unit (SOCU) as required by the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating of Financing of Terrorism Act (AML-CFTA), this is not the case,” the release said.
The GHRA reiterated the fact that SOCU was initially set up without recourse to Parliament in order to strengthen Guyana’s capacity to “investigate suspicious financial transactions that are suggestive of money laundering”, as declared by former Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon in 2013.
When the Unit had been established, it was placed under the authority of the GPF, not the GDF, the Rights Association noted.
According to the GHRA, the most disturbing features of technical changes imposed in response to international pressure are the multiple opportunities they provide to suspend civil liberties and bypass democratic processes.
“The current “Operation Dragnet”, described as ‘a massive anti-crime and counter-terrorism operation’, is a logical progression in this disturbing sequence, despite being airily passed off as normal for the Army to support the country’s law enforcement and regulatory agencies in operational activities. Political surveillance by civil authorities in well-established democratic societies is always a sensitive matter. In our context of rudimentary democratic traditions, inexperienced and zealous political leadership, surveillance by military authorities is an ominous development,” the body also said in the media statement.
The GHRA also stated that assurances would be welcome over the extent to which the shadowy electronic surveillance capacity established under the previous Government, referred to as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is being deployed in “Operation Dragnet”.
It declared that such speculation is encouraged by the dominant priority assigned to the Government’s anti-corruption campaign which remains insulated from public scrutiny, marginalising other policy discussions.
The GHRA is of the view that a broader discussion of military involvement would allay any disquiet that these activities fall within their traditional constitutional role of assisting the civil power in maintaining law and order, when required to do so.
“In addition to the requirements of civil law in the cases of any untimely deaths, therefore, the multiple political and legal questions raised by the incident in question require a parliamentary statement from the Ministry of the Presidency, referencing all the legitimate questions raised. Public reassurance would be further advanced with respect to all of the above were the coalition Government to develop the practice of strengthening its capacities by engaging all sectors of civil society rather than by turning so readily to the military sector,” the GHRA added. (

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ian posted:

I must complement this Government for some of the initiatives they have taken. This current Government will do things to appeal to the current generation, who will see progress. 

Businesses owners are not stupid also not to support the Government of the day, in fact they don't have a choice when that phone call was made to them " Granger Need Buses For School Children ".

The previous Government should have been more innovative with programs ten years ago to appeal to this millennium. 

The PPP should wise up and joint this Government for the betterment of its people, rather than stay away. The country will benefit. 

Let's face it guys this current Government will be there for the next 20 years. ABC countries will ensure that, and Granger will ensure he do what they want.

The mismanagement and corruption will be there, and truly speaking Indians will be more secure in their homes. The current criminals are from the neighborhood who are drugs users. We don't have the kick down doors. Businesses owners have to wise up and use technology to improve security for their business and customers. 

Granger has the support of the arm forces, and he will ensure they work.

In two to three years, this Generation will see huge progress in this Government. Non of them can recall what happened in PNC days. In their eyes PPP didn't do anything. 

So they buy school buses with donated money and that makes them successful?  Why should the PPP join with a government that keeps alienating its members from the workforce?  Business is dead.  Belize just rejected the rice that was shipped to them.  Nagamootoo was blowing hot air about the New Mexican rice markets which is now for all intents and purposes dead.  Eight months into the new government and the people of Guyana are still waiting for s development plan to move the country forward.

From now until May all the time, effort, and money will be going to an Indepence celebration which will give no returns back to the economy.

Wake up buddy.  Nothing you have said there is realistic.

Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:
Django posted:
ian posted:

I must complement this Government for some of the initiatives they have taken. This current Government will do things to appeal to the current generation, who will see progress. 

Businesses owners are not stupid also not to support the Government of the day, in fact they don't have a choice when that phone call was made to them " Granger Need Buses For School Children ".

The previous Government should have been more innovative with programs ten years ago to appeal to this millennium. 

The PPP should wise up and joint this Government for the betterment of its people, rather than stay away. The country will benefit. 

Let's face it guys this current Government will be there for the next 20 years. ABC countries will ensure that, and Granger will ensure he do what they want.

The mismanagement and corruption will be there, and truly speaking Indians will be more secure in their homes. The current criminals are from the neighborhood who are drugs users. We don't have the kick down doors. Businesses owners have to wise up and use technology to improve security for their business and customers. 

Granger has the support of the arm forces, and he will ensure they work.

In two to three years, this Generation will see huge progress in this Government. Non of them can recall what happened in PNC days. In their eyes PPP didn't do anything. 

Well said,Ian.


Right on!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ian posted:

I must complement this Government for some of the initiatives they have taken. This current Government will do things to appeal to the current generation, who will see progress. 

Businesses owners are not stupid also not to support the Government of the day, in fact they don't have a choice when that phone call was made to them " Granger Need Buses For School Children ".

The previous Government should have been more innovative with programs ten years ago to appeal to this millennium. 

The PPP should wise up and joint this Government for the betterment of its people, rather than stay away. The country will benefit. 

Let's face it guys this current Government will be there for the next 20 years. ABC countries will ensure that, and Granger will ensure he do what they want.

The mismanagement and corruption will be there, and truly speaking Indians will be more secure in their homes. The current criminals are from the neighborhood who are drugs users. We don't have the kick down doors. Businesses owners have to wise up and use technology to improve security for their business and customers. 

Granger has the support of the arm forces, and he will ensure they work.

In two to three years, this Generation will see huge progress in this Government. Non of them can recall what happened in PNC days. In their eyes PPP didn't do anything. 

So they buy school buses with donated money and that makes them successful?  Why should the PPP join with a government that keeps alienating its members from the workforce?  Business is dead.  Belize just rejected the rice that was shipped to them.  Nagamootoo was blowing hot air about the New Mexican rice markets which is now for all intents and purposes dead.  Eight months into the new government and the people of Guyana are still waiting for s development plan to move the country forward.

From now until May all the time, effort, and money will be going to an Indepence celebration which will give no returns back to the economy.

Wake up buddy.  Nothing you have said there is realistic.

Listen up Bibi... isn't it Great they take the donated money and buy buses that will serve the community rather than buy    Expensive houses and cars. 

The people getting alienated from the work force were not performing or and was close associate of the PPP. The PPP did the same thing when they got into power.

I have no idea what experience you had in politics but from your comments I sense you speak from your heart rather than your brains. 

I was a member of the PYO, I was a polling agent in the 1985 elections and was thrown out because of rigging election by the PNC when I object. When Desmond Hoyte took over the president, he was making effort to turn Guyana around, he brought in the Economic Recovery Program that the PPP took and continue from. Jagan refuse to investigate the PNC. Should the current Government return the favor.. NO! 

My dad was the Chairman for PPP group in his community and work his but off  and never ask for anything. Frank Anthony was our neighbor who I went to school with and did party work in the wee hours of the morning And he refuse to provide any help to  his community. I was rob numerous times I my business and was shoot under the PPP government and I approached  Kemraj for a fire arm who arrange a meeting with Donald Ramotar.  

Donald look at me and said, go through the system... couldn't believe what I was hearing at Freedom House that Saturday morning.

I was thrown into the lockup because of the PPP. 

I give Gagrage a TV and $ 50,000 G at the ministry of home affairs to get my firearm license , and my dad mentioned it at the PPP meeting and the news got back to Jagdeo. He said PPP is neglecting their grass root people the rest was history...

We had enough and we left Guyana, we still have our loyalty with the PPP. But credit must be given to people who makes things happen. 

I can go on and on about my experience with PNC. That's another story. 

Bibi I don't know what creditability  you have in politics... so I am happy to hear your experience. 

What ever money is spending on Independence, every race will benefit from it, and the PPP would have done the same. 

I have already wake up along with everyone else to see efforts been made. You need to open your eyes and admit the truth. 

The PPP under Jagdeo and Donald had opportunity to work with Kemraj, Nagamootoo and Ramkaran but because of their selfishness to help themselves, family and friends and neglect their grass root, they are in the opposition. And they still took some of the incompetent ex ministers back to cabinet, thinking they will learn. 

Jagdoe admit now at a public meeting at Success ECD, that the PPP ignore their people BS. The PPP meets every Saturday morning at Freedom House, why wasn't it notice then. 

Vasti father Baniee along with my dad told them they are heading down thw wrong road. But they were more interested in filling their pockets. 



ian posted:

I must complement this Government for some of the initiatives they have taken. This current Government will do things to appeal to the current generation, who will see progress. 

I made a comment on this a few years back after visiting Guyana.  Getting kids to school in an inexpensive way is a great step.  However, what is the overall game plan, to place 100 in service across the nation?  This is an expensive proposition, they run one/two times morning, afternoon, then sit idle the rest of the time and all weekend?  You have to pay drivers, maintain, manage, control, funding etc.

I said this a while back, a partnership with the private sector would be much more viable.  Stipulate the bus-type, invite bids, vet the drivers, give contracts for the free or cheap transport of kids to school.  The Govt pays for this usage and the bus owner is free to make his living the rest of the time.  Furthermore, naming it David G sounds overly political meaning it could be misused for political purposes, as Bibi indicated.


This is all a publicity stunt by Granger, a drop in the bucket for the real needs of the school children. Meanwhile he had no problem giving himself and the cabinet 50% raises. Now he is trowing a pittance at the school sector and expect us all to cheer. 

cain posted:
baseman posted:

I tell you, that Bibi is one "cut-to-the-chase" fire-rass woman.  She call a spade a spade in the blink of an eye!!

You really meant a "chase to the cut" right?

You are one fkin miserable person. I am quoting you here bro.
No hard feelings. Life must be miserable for you being who you are.

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:
baseman posted:

I tell you, that Bibi is one "cut-to-the-chase" fire-rass woman.  She call a spade a spade in the blink of an eye!!

You really meant a "chase to the cut" right?

You are one fkin miserable person. I am quoting you here bro.
No hard feelings. Life must be miserable for you being who you are.

I'm sure you been told nuff nuff times fo haul yo rass!


Last edited by cain

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