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THE Regional Administration of Region Six yesterday issued a statement in which it sought to point out obvious inaccuracies in an article published in the Kaieteur News on Saturday January 31st, 2015 under the caption: ‘Berbicians upset over substandard road work’.


The project highlighted in the article is in fact a ‘completed reinforced concrete culvert bridge’ built at a contract sum of $4,544,558.

Inaccuracies published are as follows:
1. One photograph used in the very short and un-researched Kaieteur News article is in no way related to the area or surroundings of the National Insurance Scheme, National Library nor the Basketball Court, New Amsterdam which are all adjacent to subject of this article.

Instead, the photo features what clearly appears to be the building of an NGO [Resource Centre] located many miles away at Miss Pheobe, Port Mourant, Corentyne. This seems to be a deliberate attempt to mislead the public with falsehoods and inaccuracies.

2. In reality the actual project executed was the construction of ‘a reinforced concrete culvert bridge’ as stated above, and NOT a road project. Additionally, shortly after the asphaltic capping [1½ inch thickness] was done it started to loose and the Regional Administration informed the contractor of the defects, corrective works were done since the project was still under the defects and liability period.

Further, within the last three years the Regional Administration said it has undertaken a number of public works projects within the township of New Amsterdam such as: building of footpath bridge at the Vyrman’s Erven Nursery School; construction of a reinforced concrete main access bridge at Vryman’s Erven; construction of timber bridge at Vryman’s Erven to Angoy’s Avenue; potholes patching of Main Street, New Amsterdam; rehabilitation of Tucber/Smythfield Road network; repairs to Strand Road and rehabilitation of a footpath bridge at Angoys’ Avenue, all to the satisfaction of the residents.


Regarding the erroneous Kaieteur News article, the Regional Administration said it was never contacted and as such views the article as “intentionally skewed and designed to satisfy the whims and fancies of people with ulterior motives aimed at embarrassing the Regional Administration”.

The Region Six RDC also said it remains open at all times to the general public and the media for clarifications on its functions and projects executed under the five programmes of the Administrative Region.

Regional Executive Officer of Region Six, Mr. Paul Ramrattan is urging all media operatives to diligently seek clarifications and confirm information regarding the Regional Administration rather than publishing unconfirmed information which is not in keeping with proper, responsible and professional journalism.

Regional Chairman, Mr. David Armogan in January this year at his end-of-year press briefing, reminded media operatives that they must always remain committed to balance and accurate reporting.

Following the trend of past years, the Chairman once again stated that the Regional Administration is resolute in its obligation to answering questions and providing information at any time regarding its mandate.

Above is a photo of the actual re-enforced concrete culvert taken on Monday 2nd February, 2015

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Berbicians upset over substandard road work

January 31, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


Notwithstanding the volume of road works being done in the county,

residents in Berbice are upset because of the volume of substandard work being done.

Work was done on the bridge that runs over the Republic Road trench which takes residents to the National Insurance Scheme, the St Therese Primary School, the National Library, the Basketball Court and the Angoy’s Avenue areas.



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The works were only completed a few months ago and holes have started to appear. The construction should have been overlaid with about two inches of asphalt. But that was not the case.  Residents are blaming the contractors for doing shoddy and substandard works.

However, contractors are not taking the blame. One contractor put the blame on the suppliers of the asphalt.


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One supplier was very upset over the situation and blames the Regional Authorities and the Regional Engineer Department for allowing the situation to escalate.  The asphalt mixture is very weak and after a few days the materials start to fall apart, they said.

The supplier wants the relevant agencies to sanction those who are not living up to standard.

Taxpayers’ money is being wasted and residents want the works to be halted.


  Additionally, shortly after the asphaltic capping [1½ inch thickness] was done it started to loose and the Regional Administration informed the contractor of the defects, corrective works were done since the project was still under the defects and liability period.



Asses....Why would asphalt started to loose if its not substandard work ?


There are numerous substandard work in Berbice due to the payback of officials and contractors have to cut corners to finish a project.


At Albion someone sold the NDC a plastic culvert  and in the smarts of the NDC, they replaced the good concrete culvert, that had a good four foot square concrete drain.

The first time the tractor went over the plastic culvert to replace the dirt, the culvert  collapsed from  the tractor weight and the drain is still blocked today, causing flooding and stagnant  water for mosquito breeding.

In their smart to replace the dirt, a large bump remains that cars bottom touch as they go by, thus tearing off mufflers.   


Chronicle crap...please tell us why the BBP road now has huge potholes, just months after the road was constructed.


Why did the dumb PPP have power poles planted in the area between the road and trench at BBP, that was left vacant for hard wheel farming equipment to travel. The poles now block their path and the only available roadway for hard wheel combines is the main road, that would block traffic for hours, as slowly moving combines travel. Plus the hard wheels destroy the asphalt roadway.


Due to the planting of poles on the opposite side of the road from houses, with power lines crossing the roadway,  a person has to sit on top of combines to raise live power lines for combines to pass.

These asses don't know that it would have been better to plant the poles on the house side of the road.     


The original report is correct, there ARE substandard work in region 6 and its all because of the PPP corruption and greed.


When you put a back-dam people to run a government, what else do you expect.       

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


SAYYYW WHAT??? How come you calling the man by such a rude name?


Oi DG, see what Nehru callin you an' KN?

Cain, You name KAKAHOLE PUTTY.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:

Charming! Now keep an eye on those cars, don't let them get by your parking booth,they have to pay to park and that is da man.

OK Sir!!


Wait wait wait chap. Did LaguBagu University demote you?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:

Charming! Now keep an eye on those cars, don't let them get by your parking booth,they have to pay to park and that is da man.

OK Sir!!


Wait wait wait chap. Did LaguBagu University demote you?

Dude, dis chap got his Honourate D-D-doctorate of Parking at Bagu Lagu or was it Lagu Bagu?

Last edited by cain

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