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Region 6 recounts holding up full declaration of results


Chief Elections Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Keith Lowenfield has revealed that requests for recounts coming from interested Parties in District 6 (Region 6).

Lowenfield told reporters at a press conference on Saturday that the requests are for limited recounts and only affect certain areas.

Some of those areas have been identified as parts of Rose Hall, Corentyne and Macedonia.

“Currently we are treating with some requests being requested by parties particularly in District 6,” said Lowenfield.

Elaborating on the recounts, Lowenfield pointed out that most of them as “numbers game” noting that some contestants may have gained the same amount of votes in some Constituencies.

Despite this, Lowenfield was confident that GECOM successfully conducted elections.

“Local Government Elections 2016 was successfully completed yesterday. There is still some statutory subsets for us to satisfy before the entire exercise will be brought to a closure these will be done in a couple of days as prescribed within the ambit of the laws that guide these elections,” said Lowenfield.

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