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Region One residents react to budget cuts


Georgetown, GINA, May 3, 2012

Source - GINA


The opposition engineered cuts to the National 2012 Budget are now widely known across the country. With the one dollar allocation to several agencies and scrapping of major initiatives, many stand to suffer and to lose out on opportunities for their development.


Over $18 billion worth of projects under the Low Carbon Development Strategy was cut, wiping off projects such as the Amaila Falls Hydro power, solar panels for Amerindians and the Amerindian Development Fund.


Several Amerindians from Region One, Barima Waini upon learning of the budgetary cuts voiced their concerns.


David James, Ricon resident  


I can’t see the ruling party now, just because of one seat can accept this type of behaviour from the opposition and I would directly say that some people voted for change, we got change now and they cutting the budget and if it happened in this first budget next year it would be worse. I think the government needs to review and I personally think there need to be a re-election because we can’t accept a $20B in cuts, it’s not easy and some of our main projects is a total embarrassment for Amerindians who Cheddi Jagan fought for. They never had Amerindians on their agenda when they were in position, it’s through Cheddi and former president Jagdeo Amerindians were recognized.  With this particular gain they belittle Amerindians to the lowest; I’m not feeling comfortable with what they are doing.


Bruce Williams, Kwebanna


We already did our part by voting, I think you all should put your heads together and rule this country, what we could do, we could vote back but we need to do something, this is a sad situation.


Peter Abraham, Karaburi


We were expecting better news. We as Amerindians need a restructure in the budget for the good projects that we have identified to continue. It is sad situation thinking about the youngsters and if you are thinking positively. I don’t see how the combined opposition can think so immaturely.


Dennis John

APNU can do all the arrogant cuts especially in this community; we want to let you know that we are supporters of the PPP/C Government.


Alonzo Cornelius, Toshao, Haimaracabra


I remembered the opposition party, they were indeed planning to cut the presidential grants and some of the funds that would have benefited the different communities and it’s like their plans are coming to pass. We should stand up for our rights and let our voices be heard. We cannot sit and take what is happening presently, it looks like two men ruling one country… and it’s going to get worse.


Errol Sutton, Wallaba


The very first time I had to go to the polling station that was my target the three Ps. And from then to now I can see what the government is doing and I can see truly that the opposition is trying to cut everything that we hold.  I have seen a lot of changes because in the early years I can remember the strikes and the hardness all over.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

In the words of O.J. Simpson, "Go get a job." Those lazy ass buffindahs should plant cassava and make cassava bread instead of taking cane-cutter hard earned money.


They have a lot in common with the PPP free loaders.



The AFC is now seen in the same light as the PNC. This is bad for a start-up party. Backsliding when you are up there don't work for very long. People's memory are not short. They will react and turn on those who betray their trust.  PPP traditional supporters will go to the polls in record numbers to stop this insanity.

Billy Ram Balgobin

The Guyanese people will not forgive them for what they did to the budget at a time when the country should be moving forward? They dug their own grave and there is no making up. The AFC action plan is working to put Guyana back to the Flintstone age.


What the Amerindians are stating CLEARLY IS that THE PPP for them is the BEST thing the invention of slice bread and RIGHTLY SO. They are also saying that THE PNC/KFC are known DESTROYERS of our Guyana.


The words of a few sellsouls cannot deny the fact that the PPP is trying to do a con job on the nation and once again on the back of native peoples. The requirement to demarcate native peoples lands is a mandate that is necessary condition to the state itself.


Yet these thieves, despite neglecting their charge for 20 years,  now hope to say it is the AFC and the non existent funds prevent titling indian lands. It matters not what fictive funds are cut, imperative to find other sources of funds remains to title native peoples lands.


These are the worse kinds of thieves ever.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Peopl like you and Moses are the REAL UNgrateful SELLOUTS!!!!

What do you care about these people when it is your kind that has been robbing them and stealing their land? They are to Guyana what the Palestinians are to Israel. An external group comes in take their land and fill their heads with a lot of "existential shit" that we have parrots like above.


You have to be a REAL UNGRATEFUL FOOL to even try and compare the Amerindians to the Paletinians but I am not at all surprise since you are nothing but a shameless Snakeoil salesman. Now Al Yuh gat Moses in the same SHIT!!!!

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Some PPP leaders, once labeled as villains by the PNC are now running the affairs of the AFC.


Isn't this interesting?

.. Plus are integrated with the PNC.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

You have to be a REAL UNGRATEFUL FOOL to even try and compare the Amerindians to the Paletinians but I am not at all surprise since you are nothing but a shameless Snakeoil salesman. Now Al Yuh gat Moses in the same SHIT!!!!

You are stealing their land are you not? It has been reduced from 40k sq miles to 25k by the PNC to now less than 6k by the PPP and they still have trouble meeting their obligation to title those. Do you think it is the Norway funds that they were waiting on these 20 years before titling these people lands. Meanwhile every jack mining company greasing the PPP hands get a claim. Even lumumba got 10 thousand acres! The PPP laud their houselot give aways. Why the reluctance to do what they are obliged to do per the law with these people for 20 years? Why dont they use the 2 billion they swiped from the Mining residuals and title these lands?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Some PPP leaders,  once labeled as villains by the PNC are now running the affairs of the AFC.  Isn't this interesting?

Why is that? Is not a Hindu to seek after good to reduce the karmic penalty? Did not Christ came to redeem sins? Isaiah noted that though their sins be scarlet the will be cleanse white as snow. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

How much land the aboriginals originally owned/possessed in Canada and the United States?


How much the aboriginals now own?


What has happened?

What the hell has that to do with us? Guyanese native peoples were never conquered. They signed treaties that passed down from the dutch to the English and were taken into consideration in pre independence agreement.


What happens here is the concern not some extraneous idea that others stole native people lands so the PPP are not criminals when they do the same.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

What is the AFC's manifesto concerning restoring the rights of Amerindian people?

Go and read it.


 I read it!  The AFC wants Amerindian to get more involved in commerce especially the hospitality industry. This an affront to the natives.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

How much land the aboriginals originally owned/possessed in Canada and the United States?


How much the aboriginals now own?


What has happened?

What the hell has that to do with us? Guyanese native peoples were never conquered. They signed treaties that passed down from the dutch to the English and were taken into consideration in pre independence agreement.


What happens here is the concern not some extraneous idea that others stole native people lands so the PPP are not criminals when they do the same.

... And .. ??

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Stormborn, it appears you ran out of constructive criticisms and is losing your cool, you need to chill kid.

Syupit person. I am  sure I know my intent and the reaction I would get from the gentleman.  Further, I do not think you can ever grasp what is constructive criticism because prolonged immersion of a culture of lies and duplicity  has left you bereft of such such qualitative discernment.  You are a fetch and carry lapdog for a corrupt party. What audacity to chide me on ethics!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

you mama

This filthy man can hardly write a correct sentence. This is him at his best. He should go back to school and wash his mouth.


He fills this BB with AFC snake oil. And now, foul language.


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