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August 21,2016 Source

Lack of diversification has left the economy of Region Six grappling with the ramifications of mainly relying on rice and sugar for its survival. Over the past few months, the region’s two major crops have experienced a gradual decline in production as well as market price, adversely affecting its economy.

So much so that Regional Chairman David Armogan is concerned about its sustainability. “We are experiencing somewhat of an economic slowdown,” he said, making a fervent plea to President David Granger to assist the region in keeping its crops alive, since “our salvation lies in agriculture.”

He was at the time giving brief remarks at the opening ceremony of the 12th annual Berbice Exposition and Trade Fair, on Friday.

Region Six experiencing economic slowdown, chairman says
Region Six experiencing economic slowdown, chairman says

The region’s economy has traditionally relied heavily on the two crops, as they have been the “hub around which most other businesses rotate” and are responsible for “a significant number of people being employed in our region,” Armogan stated. Against this backdrop, the chairman implored President Granger “to see whatever help he can continue to give to these industries to keep them going until our economy can have alternative ways of dealing with employment and other contributions that these two sectors make.”

While acknowledging the need to promote entrepreneurship as well as diversification, Armogan said we must not lose focus of the contributions made by rice and sugar to the country’s GDP, foreign exchange and employment.

He went on to say that new ways of keeping these two industries alive must be explored. “We need to realize our potential; there are many business opportunities in the areas of fishing, forestry and tourism but perhaps our greatest strength and comparative advantage lies in agriculture, food production,” he opined.

Identifying Guyana’s fertile lands and fresh waters as two of the main components for successful agriculture, Armogan said we have been careless as a nation given the fact that “our Caricom sister state’s import bill is approximately US$3 billion per year, and our take, Guyana’s take in this, is very negligible.”

However, he stressed that in order for Guyana, and in particular Region 6, to unleash its potential to supply fruits, vegetables and ground provisions to Caricom countries and beyond, “our agriculture has to be planned, cost efficient and quality oriented.” It was further noted that planned agriculture plus agro-processing are areas where greater efforts and more resources must be outlaid in the period ahead.

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August 21,2016 Source

The region’s economy has traditionally relied heavily on the two crops, as they have been the “hub around which most other businesses rotate” and are responsible for “a significant number of people being employed in our region,” Armogan stated. Against this backdrop, the chairman implored President Granger “to see whatever help he can continue to give to these industries to keep them going until our economy can have alternative ways of dealing with employment and other contributions that these two sectors make.”

Money does not grow on trees. So where exactly would the money have to come from in order to continue to help these people until they find another line of work? These guys with their begging bowl will have to come up with  an action plan on what business model or industrial future they are prepared and able to engage in. Otherwise the rest of the tax payers will be funding a bunch of overpaid non-workers.


Region six was the bread basket of the entire country. If Berbice is allowed to sink financially, Guyana will also sink. In my days, Berbice will welcome all hungry people and feed them belly full. Today, Berbice is been neglected because of a kokobeh government.

Mr.T posted:

August 21,2016 Source

The region’s economy has traditionally relied heavily on the two crops, as they have been the “hub around which most other businesses rotate” and are responsible for “a significant number of people being employed in our region,” Armogan stated. Against this backdrop, the chairman implored President Granger “to see whatever help he can continue to give to these industries to keep them going until our economy can have alternative ways of dealing with employment and other contributions that these two sectors make.”

Money does not grow on trees. So where exactly would the money have to come from in order to continue to help these people until they find another line of work? These guys with their begging bowl will have to come up with  an action plan on what business model or industrial future they are prepared and able to engage in. Otherwise the rest of the tax payers will be funding a bunch of overpaid non-workers.

If Berbice was Linden, you would sing a different song. I thought you wasn't racial.

Cobra posted:

Region six was the bread basket of the entire country. If Berbice is allowed to sink financially, Guyana will also sink. In my days, Berbice will welcome all hungry people and feed them belly full. Today, Berbice is been neglected because of a kokobeh government.

Choke the PPP supporters and force them to flee. The PNC 2020 campaign is in full swing. The region six folks have to start hoarding their dry coconuts for hard times .

Cobra posted:

.. Today, Berbice is been neglected because of a kokobeh government.

In 1992 Region 6 had 142k.  In 2012 it had only 109k people.

So why your screams that Berbice was a booming place until May 2015, when everything then collapsed?

It appears to me as if all the problems which now exist in Berbice existed before May 2015.

skeldon_man posted:

Choke the PPP supporters and force them to flee..

Under PPP rule Region 6 collapsed by 25%.  It seems as if the PPP did a good enough job getting Region 6 people to flee.


I drove across Berbice and saw massive wealth and Mansions in Berbice during the PPP era compared to the poverty during the RACIST PNC era.

Indos did well under the PPP rule. Very well.

The first thing that the RACIST Granger did was to throw Indos under the bus in a VERY RACIST move to destroy Indos by telling them that they are on their own with Neemakharam Moses at this side.

This racist PNC administration will do worse to Berbicians to destroy them with a magnitude far greater than what Burnham did. They outpaced  Burnham's racism in one year !

This is racism and an attempt to destroy Indos. It will get worse as the economy implodes. Guyana is NOTHING without Berbice.

skeldon_man posted:
Cobra posted:

Region six was the bread basket of the entire country. If Berbice is allowed to sink financially, Guyana will also sink. In my days, Berbice will welcome all hungry people and feed them belly full. Today, Berbice is been neglected because of a kokobeh government.

Choke the PPP supporters and force them to flee. The PNC 2020 campaign is in full swing. The region six folks have to start hoarding their dry coconuts for hard times .

Exactly !

Granger will do nothing to assist Berbicians and Moses can't do shyte about it because his big belly is full.

Moses and Ramjattan are traitors who sold out Indos. 

A few silly Berbicans who supported Moses and Ramjattan to sell them out will one day cry blood for their mistake. They were conned.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


Indos did well under the PPP rule. Very well.


So why did the population of Region 6 collapse by 25% under PPP rule if Berbice was doing so well?

When a region's economy is strong its people don't migrate.  Not only that but people from elsewhere are attracted.

Yet Region 6 collapsed 25% under the PPP. Why?

Now resume your usual hysterical screams when 2 years ago your boast was "ahbe pan tap, black man time done!".

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I drove across Berbice and saw massive wealth and Mansions in Berbice during the PPP era compared to the poverty during the RACIST PNC era.

Indos did well under the PPP rule. Very well.

Coke was real good business at the time...remember?

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

I drove across Berbice and saw massive wealth and Mansions in Berbice during the PPP era compared to the poverty during the RACIST PNC era.

Indos did well under the PPP rule. Very well.

Coke was real good business at the time...remember?


Unless you can prove what your are saying, you are just parroting KN nonsense.

Remember this, 400 MILLION dollars of audits later and the AFC/PNC cannot prove SHYTE.

Talk is cheap.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Remember this, 400 MILLION dollars of audits later and the AFC/PNC cannot prove SHYTE.



Hmmm.  I think that there isn't the legislation for them to make the asset seizures, but that is in the works.

SARA will be a woman that the PPP will learn to be extreme afraid of.


What can these bunch of wash-up poison ivy do to solve any economic problem, wait for oil??  Come on people, think for yourself, this bunch will not think for, or about yourselves!! 

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

I drove across Berbice and saw massive wealth and Mansions in Berbice during the PPP era compared to the poverty during the RACIST PNC era.

Indos did well under the PPP rule. Very well.

Coke was real good business at the time...remember?

Yeah Cain. Your PNC bros profited from it. Remember this name when you speak of drugs..LEAR GORING..PNC MAN IN CHARGE NOW.

ba$eman posted:

What can these bunch of wash-up poison ivy do to solve any economic problem, wait for oil??  Come on people, think for yourself, this bunch will not think for, or about yourselves!! 

I agree that APNU AFC are unable to change our colonial economy that the PPP left them.

In 1946 our exports were RAW sugar, rice, gold, timber bauxite.  On May 2015 these were still our main exports.

Can you explain why nothing changed under the PPP? Same boom bust cycle, based on what commodity prices might happen to be.

Maybe you should state that NEITHER the PPP nor APNU have the smarts to initiate change.  But that wouldn't suit your agenda of screaming that when blacks take over they destroy every thing.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

What can these bunch of wash-up poison ivy do to solve any economic problem, wait for oil??  Come on people, think for yourself, this bunch will not think for, or about yourselves!! 

I agree that APNU AFC are unable to change our colonial economy that the PPP left them.

In 1946 our exports were RAW sugar, rice, gold, timber bauxite.  On May 2015 these were still our main exports.

Can you explain why nothing changed under the PPP? Same boom bust cycle, based on what commodity prices might happen to be.

Maybe you should state that NEITHER the PPP nor APNU have the smarts to initiate change.  But that wouldn't suit your agenda of screaming that when blacks take over they destroy every thing.

Can you explain why it got worse under your PNC during 1964-1991?

skeldon_man posted:
it. Remember this name when you speak of drugs..LEAR GORING

As a young man who was a petty drug dealer.  Since being deported to Guyana has he been involved in drugs?  If so why didn't Jagdeo have him arrested?  He was sent back around 2000.

Now tell us about RK and the former owner of the Princess Hotel.  Big time friends of Jagdeo. When asked about this Gail admitted that it did disturb her. Jagdeo demoted her on the spot!

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

What can these bunch of wash-up poison ivy do to solve any economic problem, wait for oil??  Come on people, think for yourself, this bunch will not think for, or about yourselves!! 

I agree that APNU AFC are unable to change our colonial economy that the PPP left them.

In 1946 our exports were RAW sugar, rice, gold, timber bauxite.  On May 2015 these were still our main exports.

Can you explain why nothing changed under the PPP? Same boom bust cycle, based on what commodity prices might happen to be.

Maybe you should state that NEITHER the PPP nor APNU have the smarts to initiate change.  But that wouldn't suit your agenda of screaming that when blacks take over they destroy every thing.

Can you explain why it got worse under your PNC during 1964-1991?

Yes sugar prices dropped and oil prices soared, and BOTH Burnham and Cheddi supported 100% state control of the economy.

The economy began to turn around under Hoyte.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

What can these bunch of wash-up poison ivy do to solve any economic problem, wait for oil??  Come on people, think for yourself, this bunch will not think for, or about yourselves!! 

I agree that APNU AFC are unable to change our colonial economy that the PPP left them.

In 1946 our exports were RAW sugar, rice, gold, timber bauxite.  On May 2015 these were still our main exports.

Can you explain why nothing changed under the PPP? Same boom bust cycle, based on what commodity prices might happen to be.

Maybe you should state that NEITHER the PPP nor APNU have the smarts to initiate change.  But that wouldn't suit your agenda of screaming that when blacks take over they destroy every thing.

Can you explain why it got worse under your PNC during 1964-1991?

Duh does happen when Dictatorship takes over,some choose to leave and others stay and do what they have to do.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
it. Remember this name when you speak of drugs..LEAR GORING

As a young man who was a petty drug dealer.  Since being deported to Guyana has he been involved in drugs?  If so why didn't Jagdeo have him arrested?  He was sent back around 2000.

Now tell us about RK and the former owner of the Princess Hotel.  Big time friends of Jagdeo. When asked about this Gail admitted that it did disturb her. Jagdeo demoted her on the spot!

Double jeopardy. He was arrested IN USA and served his sentence. The PNC negro police protected him in GY. If he was thrown in jail, they would have burnt down camp street jail.
Thanks for letting us know that Lear Goring was a petty drug dealer. "One one dutty build dam".

Django posted:

Duh does happen when Dictatorship takes over,some choose to leave and others stay and do what they have to do.

In fact but for the reforms led by Hoyte the communist trained Jagdeo would have done the same as Burnham.  Lucky for Guyana a free enterprise economy had been established so that the nonsense of Skeldon, Amaila Falls, 8 jetways at Timehri, and Providence stadium couldn't be replicated throughout the entire economy.

The PNC negro police protected him in GY.

They didn't.  They flushed him out to Suriname and RK then tried to flee but was captured in Trinidad. 

Jagdeo got into fell melt down sobbing when his best friend was betrayed by the PMs of Suriname and T&T.  Jagdeo promptly replaced the upper command of the GDF and the GPF to ensure that he retained full control.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

What can these bunch of wash-up poison ivy do to solve any economic problem, wait for oil??  Come on people, think for yourself, this bunch will not think for, or about yourselves!! 

I agree that APNU AFC are unable to change our colonial economy that the PPP left them.


Well, who was incharge of "decolonizing" Guyana?  The PPP was dealt a hand and had to play along with all the debt owners, thanks to the PNC.  Guyana was left to the mercy of foreigners and any Govt had limited options, they called to shots!

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

What can these bunch of wash-up poison ivy do to solve any economic problem, wait for oil??  Come on people, think for yourself, this bunch will not think for, or about yourselves!! 

I agree that APNU AFC are unable to change our colonial economy that the PPP left them.


Well, who was incharge of "decolonizing" Guyana?  The PPP was dealt a hand and had to play along with all the debt owners, thanks to the PNC.  Guyana was left to the mercy of foreigners and any Govt had limited options, they called to shots!

ba$eman posted:


Well, who was incharge of "decolonizing" Guyana?  The PPP was dealt a hand and had to play along with all the debt owners, thanks to the PNC.  Guyana was left to the mercy of foreigners and any Govt had limited options, they called to shots!

The PPP was able to get a full debt write off of the PNC debt, so that wasn't a constraint on what they had to do.  This was done with no conditions, except that they couldn't re-instate communism, that Hoyte dismantled, as they would have wanted to.

Would you have preferred the Jagans to go full tilt Fidel?  You should be glad of the IMF/WB intervention and that Hoyte was open to what this entailed.

Try again.  

And is rice or sugar foreign owned?  The only substantial foreign ownership is in the mining sector, with the PPP instrumental in selling the bauxite industry to foreign interests.

In 23 years the PPP did NOT change the economic structure of the country.  In fact all that has happened in Guyana is due to the Hoyte reforms.That has been the only transformation.   Our economy remains colonial in structure, but at least with reduced state control. 

You have been unable to name policy initiatives by the PPP that created economic transformation.  Looking at the mess that the PPP made of Guysuco I see nothing to suggest that they were any better than the PNC.  Just thank God that it is only sugar that remains directly under state control.


Granger is starting to panic that region six's population is dwindling. He has seen the light and is sounding the alarm. You see region six people are doers and without doers, the takers, most of whom are PNC members will starve and perish.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:


Well, who was incharge of "decolonizing" Guyana?  The PPP was dealt a hand and had to play along with all the debt owners, thanks to the PNC.  Guyana was left to the mercy of foreigners and any Govt had limited options, they called to shots!

The PPP was able to get a full debt write off of the PNC debt, so that wasn't a constraint on what they had to do.  This was done with no conditions, except that they couldn't re-instate communism, that Hoyte dismantled, as they would have wanted to.

Would you have preferred the Jagans to go full tilt Fidel?  You should be glad of the IMF/WB intervention and that Hoyte was open to what this entailed.

Try again.  

And is rice or sugar foreign owned?  The only substantial foreign ownership is in the mining sector, with the PPP instrumental in selling the bauxite industry to foreign interests.

In 23 years the PPP did NOT change the economic structure of the country.  In fact all that has happened in Guyana is due to the Hoyte reforms.That has been the only transformation.   Our economy remains colonial in structure, but at least with reduced state control. 

You have been unable to name policy initiatives by the PPP that created economic transformation.  Looking at the mess that the PPP made of Guysuco I see nothing to suggest that they were any better than the PNC.  Just thank God that it is only sugar that remains directly under state control.

What a joker you are, but i know you are not a fool, just a bare-faced liar bloated with arrogance.

With the debt write off came many constraints covenants so the PPP's hands were tied for a while getting basics in order.

What the PPP did was rebuilt the most basic after the PNC scorched earth rein.  The strategy was to get all the basic infrastucture up to support businesses too grow.  They also had to rein in many wayward security operatives who aided and abetted terrorism as a means to back-door power.

The PNC had a strategy alright, to ethnically cleanse, Black the nation and secure absoute power.  They destroyed everything in the quest!!

Yet amid this, the PPP prevailed and lifted Guyana out of absloute destitution and unbrideled mass migration to a nation where the US embassy invited Guyanese to apply for visitors' visas. This is the PPP Guyana.  Compare that to when people with Uni education flee solid jobs, came-back track and work on a factory floor.  This was the PNC Guyana!!  Even some of your PNC friends were forced to this route!



skeldon_man posted:

Granger is starting to panic that region six's population is dwindling.

Why would he panic.  It is the PPP which is in full scale hysteria as its supporters escape to the greener shores of Saba as they did during the PPP era.  Now they don't know what to do as the Amerindians flee them and the blacks and mixed people continue to hate them.

ba$eman posted:

The PNC had a strategy alright, to ethnically cleanse, Black the nation and secure absoute power.



As you engage in your usual KKK screams that blacks are lazy, criminal, violent and useless (and seriously failing to understand how bigoted your wails are) the Indo population was 352k in 1991 and was 297k in 2012.  In 1970 the Indo population was around 360k.

The PPP has done an excellent job in ensuring the "eradication" of Indians.  In 1991 the African/mixed population was 320k (less than the Indian population).  Now thanks to people like Prashad, it is now 366k. MORE than the Indian population.  This bloc remains firmly hostile to the PPP.  Prashad is working very hard to ensure that the PPP loses elections. once it retains its Indo KKK image.

Now the PPP can attempt to shed its Indo KKK image which it is seen by the vast majority of African and mixed people.  Or it can divest itself of racists like you, and attempt to build cross ethnic alliances.

But it prefers to be the PPP/ROAR. Madness given the changing demographics.


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