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There was a heated exchange on Friday at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital between its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Colin Bynoe and Regional Executive Officer (REO) of Region Six Veerasammy Ramayya but the latter was not ordered out of the compound, the top health official in the region says.

Bynoe yesterday told Stabroek News that he was at an event when a staffer called and informed him that the REO was visiting the hospital and complaining about works that were supposed to be going on in the operating theatre. Bynoe stated that he spoke with the Regional Director of Health Services, Jevaughn Stevens who instructed him to go and see what was going on. Bynoe said when he went to the hospital he saw the REO in conversation with a doctor, and he told them, to let them go and discuss the matter in his office. However, the doctor excused himself, as he had no connection with the matter.

Bynoe said “The REO took a seat, I took my seat. I said to Mr. Ramayya, that you are once again visiting the New Amsterdam Hospital and I’m a bit disturbed that only recently you went on the television and lambasting about cleaning nine septic tanks and you made some accusations I’m not interested in but my take on this is if there is a problem at the New Amsterdam Hospital, I don’t think you should get your information from anyone else other than the person in charge”.  He said that he explained to the REO that he would be grateful if the usual protocols were  extended to him as he is in charge of the institution. He further stated that he told the REO that “I observed that you came and I, neither (Director of Regional Health Services) Stevens didn’t call you, so I don’t know if you can tell me, why you are across here because as REO even if there is problem here, I think you need to call and say you are coming over”. According to Bynoe, the REO did not respond. He said that he indicated to Ramayya that both of them are on the same side and there is need for a connection when doing things.

Colin Bynoe
Colin Bynoe

“You should take time out to meet with the persons in charge, in order to get exactly what’s going on”, Bynoe said he stated. A few other matters were discussed and the REO indicated that he could not respond since he was strapped for time and had another commitment,  according to Bynoe.

Ramayya yesterday told Stabroek News that he visited the hospital with the region’s engineer and the plumber, to investigate what was the problem with the operating theatre. According to Ramayya, Bynoe entered the hospital and said “REO I want to see you in my office”. Ramayya explained that after he entered the CEO’s office, Bynoe started to lecture him on protocols. According to Ramayya, Bynoe asked him “If he know the protocols?” However, he confirmed that he did not respond to what the CEO had to say and left. According to the REO, he was informed that after he left, Bynoe allegedly said that the “REO cannot visit the hospital without seeking his permission”.  Ramayya also disclosed, that after he left, the Medical Super-intendent at the hospital, Dr. Vishalya Sharma, the engineer and the plumber went into Bynoe’s office to discuss the situation with the operating theatre but was met with hostile behaviour from the CEO. According to Ramayya, Bynoe only wanted to discuss who called the REO over to the hospital.

According to a letter from the Medical Superintendent to the Region Six Chairman, David Armogan, the Regional Executive Officer and the Director of Regional Health Services,  Stevens, she was verbally abused by the CEO after which she responded and left.

Ramayya said “I don’t know what is going on with this guy, He can’t do what he please at the hospital, he is the CEO”. According to Ramayya, as the REO of Region Six, he is allowed to visit any governmental institution in the region.

Veerasammy Ramayya
Veerasammy Ramayya

According to information gathered, a three-hour-long meeting was held on Monday in the REO’s office, with the Regional Chairman, the CEO of the New Amsterdam Hospital and the Director of Regional Health Services, concerning the incident.

It was relayed by the Chief Executive Officer of the hospital that the problem in the operating theatre was that there was a leak due to condensation from the air conditioning system which has been fixed.

According to Stevens he was at the same event with Bynoe, when they were informed that the REO was at the hospital. He said after he became aware of the incident, he phoned Ramayya. Stevens said “I met with the REO in his office, based on what the REO told me, he had a phone call and told the CEO he had to go to Region Five and left, after which the Medical Superintendent, plumber and engineer, went to Mr. Bynoe’s office.

“I do not know at what point the REO was ordered out. Based on my sources and facts, he was never ordered out”, Stevens added.

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