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Georgetown, GINA, January 6, 2015

The Region Three Administration has successfully completed its $3.401 B current and $202.775 M capital works programmes for 2015.The capital programme has seen the extension and/or rehabilitation of key infrastructure within the Essequibo Islands/West Demerara region.

 In an interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA,) Regional Executive Officer (REO) Denis Jaikaran reported that the Region’s 2015 works went smoothly. He explained that the region was able to tender all or most of its projects in early September, and commenced these said projects soon after. A few of the projects were tendered in November, but since all were of four-week construction duration, they are all at present within their 12 weeks’ defect liability stage, Jaikaran said.


Under the capital programme, the region in 2015 brought improvement to the Parfait Harmonie Nursery School to the tune of $8.499M the Noitgedact Nursery School, Wakenaam at a cost of $4.999M, the Eastern Leguan Primary at a value of $8.5M and Endeavour and Commons Secondary, Canal Number Two Polder at a cost of $8.38M. A sanitary block was constructed at L’ Adventure Secondary School at a cost of $4.62M.

 Five health projects

 Meanwhile, Jaikaran explained that $26M was expended on five projects, two of which were for the benefit of the West Demerara Regional Hospital.  These were the enclosure of the lower section of the Tuberculosis in-patient department at the cost of $5.367M and the extension of the dental building, costing $4.999M, he said.

 The remaining three projects were those that covered the extension of the Versailles Health Centre to accommodate two additional rooms, and the placement of a door, all costing $4.86M, the rehabilitation of Western Hogg Island living quarters at a cost of $4.99M and the construction of revetment in front of the Upper Bonasika Health Post costing $5.77M.

 Roads, agri development  

 According to Jaikaran, a total of $26.65M was expended on roads, $6M on bridges, $27.9M on agricultural development and $8.9M each on infrastructure development and land development.  These were all interventions aimed at providing easier access in and around the region, including to farmlands. They also provided for drainage.

 Under roads, there was the rehabilitation of Second Street, De Willem, North and  Second Street, Zeeburg, North. Both roads were completed in asphaltic concrete. There were also the rehabilitation of the Belle Vue road and the upgrade of the Meten Meer Zorg West Sideline road in asphaltic concrete. A heavy-duty greenheart bridge was constructed at Endeavour, Leguan, according to Jaikaran.

 In the area of land development, the Region Three, REO explained that there was the continuation of the road, at Cameron Dam, Canal Number One Polder, West Bank Demerara.

 With regards to agriculture, there were the construction of; a reinforced concrete (RC) structure at Hague Back Dam,  revetment at Noitgedact, Wakenaam, RC Control Structure at Patentia Housing Scheme Area L, West Bank Demerara, hut for koker operators at Versailles, Salem and Nismes, revetment at railway embankment at Den Amstel and a RC irrigation structure at De Buff, Canal Number Two Polder.

 Other infrastructure

 A wharf and gateway at Makouria, in the Essequibo River were also constructed, Jaikaran said.

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