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DPI, GUYANA, Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Ministry of Public Health in collaboration with the Region Three administration held a health community outreach on Saturday at the Parika Lay Park. Several agencies including the New GPC, Food for the Poor as well the Leonora Diagnostic Centre and the West Demerara Regional Hospital also participated in the outreach.

A young mother getting her blood pressure tested.

The services offered at the health outreach ranged from mental health services, dental services, HIV testing, Blood Pressure Testing, Yellow Fever, Tetanus and Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccines among other health services.

Speaking on the behalf of Minister of Public Health, Volda Lawrence, MP John Adams said the ministry was pleased to be associated with the health outreach since it was another way to ensure health care services are brought to people, especially those who cannot afford medical care.

Adams added that the ministry will also be launching similar outreaches in, “Region One and Ten where we will be providing services such as blood pressure and cholesterol testing, paediatrics among other health care services… medicines of course, we have enough medications that will be adequate enough for everyone that participate”.

Regional Executive Officer (REO) Denis Jaikaran explained that the health outreach is the first of its kind in the Region, though the initiative has been launched throughout Guyana. The REO thanked the residents for their participation in the health outreach and urged them to take advantage of the services offered.

Regional Executive Officer (REO) Denis Jaikarran.

Acting Regional Health Officer (RHO) Dr. Bibi Jabar remarked that the outreach is great opportunity for those who were unable to have their regular medical check-ups done. She thanked the residents for their patience and encouraged them to contact friends and family members to take advantage of the services offered at the outreach.

Carl Dookram, pharmacist attached to the New GPC expressed his gratitude towards the government for being able to participate and assist in the health programme. “The reason why we (New GPC) are participating in this health outreach is so we can bring or lend support towards helping individuals within Parika, with the needed health services that is required.”

Food For The Poor(FFTP) provided personal items, school supplies, and food supplies as well Over-The-Counter (OTC) medication to those participating. Jameel Davis, Senior Manager attached to the FFTP said it was gratifying to have been involved in the outreach since part of the mandate of  his organisation is to provide Guyanese with the basic essentials.

At the end of September health outreaches be launched in Leguan and Wakenaam islands.

A section of the residents attending the health outreach.

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QUOTE: "Regional Executive Officer (REO) Denis Jaikaran explained that the health outreach is the first of its kind in the Region...."



Meanwhile university graduates in the medical field are jobless while the inept PNC twiddle their thumbs and keep begging the outside world for help while local medical graduates wait up to a year after graduation without placement. 

Drugb posted:

Meanwhile university graduates in the medical field are jobless while the inept PNC twiddle their thumbs and keep begging the outside world for help while local medical graduates wait up to a year after graduation without placement. 

Bhai, you missed this.

25 new doctors for hinterland regions

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Meanwhile university graduates in the medical field are jobless while the inept PNC twiddle their thumbs and keep begging the outside world for help while local medical graduates wait up to a year after graduation without placement. 

Bhai, you missed this.

25 new doctors for hinterland regions

Did they send these doctors to the hinterland? Are the natives their guinea pigs? Keep some of them in the city.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Meanwhile university graduates in the medical field are jobless while the inept PNC twiddle their thumbs and keep begging the outside world for help while local medical graduates wait up to a year after graduation without placement. 

Bhai, you missed this.

25 new doctors for hinterland regions

I suppose the stench from the slop can must have caused you to miss this:

Orealla Residents protest for doctor at Health Center


Residents of Orealla on Friday picketed the Skeldon Hospital, calling on the Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) Health Services Department to secure a doctor for the community.

Located in the Corentyne River, the Amerindian community has been without a

Residents of Orealla protesting for a doctor on Friday

medical doctor since November 2016. The protesters travelled some 50 miles to Skeldon on Friday to stage the picketing exercise with the hope that their voices are heard



The people have a right to protest,a Doctor should have been deployed.

It can be observed i was polite responding to your post.

Any way you are your usual self,being nasty and demeaning,from now on you will be ignored,this will be my last response to any of your post.

I will not not be tempted to roll in the gutter.

Have a great day.

Last edited by Django

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