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Regulations against indiscriminate disposal of garbage to be signed on WED -Litter wardens, tougher fines and ticketing system to be institutedPDFPrintE-mail
Written by GINA   
Tuesday, 04 June 2013 22:51

MINISTER of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud, said that the observance of the United Nations (UN) designated World Environment Day (WED) today presents Guyana with the opportunity to highlight

the leading role it has been playing in terms of protecting the environment.


Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud

The minister said that Guyana has had a very good track record in terms of how it has preserved and protected the environment by the way its indigenous population relate to it, and by the way in which the country has been able to create an equilibrium between environmental protection and expansion of the extractive sector.
WED will be observed today under the theme, “Think, Eat, Save” which is consistent with an anti-food waste and food loss campaign that encourages people to reduce their foodprints.
According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), every year, 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted. At the same time, one in every seven people in the world go to bed hungry and more than 20,000 children under the age of five die daily from hunger.
Today, an observance will be held at the Umana Yana from 09:00hrs to 11:00hrs. This event will include several presentations and exhibits. Stakeholders, including government agencies, non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and the University of Guyana, will be speaking on ways in which citizens and organisations can enhance their role in protecting the environment.
On June 2, the ministry, in collaboration with NGOs and the private sector, led a ‘Green Walk’ through the streets of Georgetown. The event, which started at the Umana Yana and concluded at the National Park, marked the beginning of a week of activities organised by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to commemorate WED.
“This is an opportunity for Guyanese, not only in Georgetown, but across the country as well, to play a part in speaking of concerns and search for and implement solutions…We don’t want this to be another year of talking, instead we want it to lead to greater action and greater commitment,” the minister said.
The fact that the Chairman of the EPA Board, Ron Webster, is also the Chairman of the Private Sector Commission and the Head of Caribbean Containers Inc. (CCI), puts Guyana in a fortunate position, he stated.
Webster has given the commitment that the business community will be encouraged to play a greater role as it relates to solid waste management, and to look at alternatives for materials such as styrofoam, and recycling. Similar commitments were made by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and other regional chambers of commerce.
With regard to the age-old issue of solid waste management in the city, the minister disclosed that Cabinet has approved tougher regulations, which will be signed on June 5 under the EPA Act.
The minister will also be looking at the appointment of litter wardens. The judiciary has already been written to, requesting special courts in the magistracy, where environmental matters can be dealt with. Fines and a ticketing system will also be instituted.
“We hope that from an enforcement standpoint, this will lead to greater respect and compliance across the country,” Minister Persaud said.
The minister referred to the garbage situation in the city as a “national embarrassment”, and said, “it is sad that the City Council does not seem to be motivated enough to get its act together; instead it seems more inclined to be involved in politics and internal city warfare.”
There will be a grace period between the signing of the regulations to the stage of implementation, during which public awareness will be intensified.
“We have reached the point of national frustration; the government has been making resources available to the City Council, and I think the time for talking is over; we have to do something about this,” Minister Persaud emphasised.
With regard to environmental protection and the extractive sector, the minister said that recently, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) published a report on the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana). That report highlighted that while Guyana has a large mining sector, it manages to maintain minimal impact on the environment.
“Our record is there, but we are not complacent. We recognise that there is still much more to be done and there is a genuine resolve on the part of the various stakeholders to address these matters,” he said.
He also reminded that every citizen has the power to make a difference in environmental protection.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

While I laud this I must ask why the tardiness? Would we also make sure we do not dump our dead, or rather the indigent dead in the old morgue in the cemetery? Hop about a ban on plastic bags  and styrene and a demand that every street vendor has a trash can? Then we may look at emissions standards etc. Then the other quality life irks...noise pollution ( mini buses bars and even the muezzin with loud speakers) ...***** houses, rumshops  in residential areas. It is taking care of the little things so the big one fall into place.


H/hore house and rum shops are paying tax to the govt in America. Why pick on them in Guyana? BTW, you're asking too much too early. Only Ramjattan or Granger can do it all in one day.


I don't think Nehru would like your tone on this very much. 

Originally Posted by Prince:

H/hore house and rum shops are paying tax to the govt in America. Why pick on them in Guyana? BTW, you're asking too much too early. Only Ramjattan or Granger can do it all in one day.

Read again...I am not picking on them...I am according them a proper place in non residential place where scumbags and mongers like you and Nehru can be accommodated with least corrective influence. Just separating the garbage!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

While I laud this I must ask why the tardiness? Would we also make sure we do not dump our dead, or rather the indigent dead in the old morgue in the cemetery? Hop about a ban on plastic bags  and styrene and a demand that every street vendor has a trash can? Then we may look at emissions standards etc. Then the other quality life irks...noise pollution ( mini buses bars and even the muezzin with loud speakers) ...***** houses, rumshops  in residential areas. It is taking care of the little things so the big one fall into place.

Your anger is misplaced, you need to direct your frustrations against Hammie as he is the mayor of GT. Is Obama in charge of garbage in your town or is it the town's sanitation dept that bears this responsibility? You people need to stop blaming the PPP for every little grievance you have.  You should hold those with a majority in parliament for the second consecutive year(hint hint, afc/pnc) for tabling legislation to deal with the garbage problem rather than blocking anti money laundering legislation. 


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