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Former Member
By - November 4, 2012 - Source - GINA



Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall has declared that efforts by the Opposition to sidetrack the process of the Linden Commission of Inquiry (COI) and the subsequent attacks on the integrity of the Commissioners is against the highest traditions of the legal profession and should be rejected by all Guyanese.


During an interview with the Government Information Agency, Minister Nandlall stated that it was unfortunate that is happening.


Speaking on the Opposition’s perception that the Commissioners prevented them from properly cross-examining persons who appeared before them, the AG stated that it is against the highest tradition of the profession to do things like badgering and abusing a witness, and when rebuked by the Commission for doing so, they respond by criticising and casting aspersions “on the character and integrity of the tribunal, all because the agenda which you set out to establish and the objectives which you set out to achieve, you have been unable to achieve it.”


Members of the Commission of Inquiry : Guyana’s former Justice of Appeal, Claudette Singh; former Chief Justice of Jamaica, Lensley Wolfe; former independent senator in Trinidad and Tobago, Senior Counsel Dana Seetahal and Jamaica’s Former National Security Minister, Senior Counsel K.D. Knight. The other COI member missing from photo is Justice Cecil Kennard


Minister Nandlall said it is a norm in the legal profession to accept and move on when a case is lost or does not go one’s way.


In the case of the Linden COI, the AG posited that the difficulty lay in the fact that the Opposition had created public expectations and made grand public assertions of what they intend to prove.


“They asserted that they had the evidence to prove it and when the opportunity presented itself for them to discharge those obligations, to make good those promises to confirm and prove those public assertions, they abysmally failed to do so.”


He compared the opposition’s actions with those of a bad workman regularly blaming his tools. “So you have that playing out. Having created a public furor, they can’t go and accept to the public out there that they misled them. So the easiest thing they found to do as a method of survival, they begun a campaign to blame and derail the process and to blame the tribunal.”


Minister Nandlall stated emphatically that this is something which must be rejected by a civilised society.


”In a democracy we have processes that are established by law to deal with grievances that people have. That’s a central part of civilisation and the leadership of any country, as well as a democracy. When you reject and derail those processes, not because they are not functioning, but because they are not delivering what you want to deliver; even though you have not presented to them the ammunition and evidence; the requisite legal arguments to persuade them to accept your position – you reject them.”


That the justice process has been rejected by the opposition is clearly shown on the social networking sites, the Minister observed. “I think what is going on, on the internet and in the letter columns of the newspapers is completely abominable and we as a people, a country, a society, have to reject those pronouncements, allegations and assertions in the strongest possible manner.”


What is playing out is a campaign of vilification and defamation to attack and tarnish the integrity of persons who have distinguished themselves in their profession, their professional pursuits and in the countries in which they have operated, the Minister said.


“We selected these people through a careful process, through a joint process with the opposition. We solicited the assistance of CARICOM to shortlist for us, the names of persons of suitable integrity, qualifications and standing to be part of this commission. We didn’t choose these people arbitrarily. We went through a process in which the opposition was very much a part,” Nandlall said.


It was the Opposition that had emphatically requested that persons outside of Guyana constitute this commission.


“We got Caribbean personalities of impeccable standing and these are the very persons who they are attacking. They are not attacking the Guyanese; they are attacking those very persons who they are insisting must be part of the process. So because a judge or a commission does not find in your favour cannot be the basis to launch an attack on the integrity of the process. It cannot be or else people will not be judges, our judiciary may have to close down. Because every time a  judge gives a ruling, you criticise the judge, assault the integrity of the personnel, rather than accept that you have not produced that which is required to persuade the tribunal to arrive at a conclusion which you want them to arrive at.”


The Linden Commission of Inquiry had been established to conduct hearings to determine whether three persons who met their demise during protest actions in Linden on July 18 had been killed by the police.


The COI also has to determine whether Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee had issued orders to the Police to use deadly force and whether he had been instructed by his Government to ensure that the protest did not go past the first day. During their examination of the testimony the Commissioners have also to determine whether the police acted within the precincts of their Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs).


The Home Affairs Minister was very vehement that he did no wrong and had given no instruction to shoot anyone.


So far the testimony of the witnesses and the evidence produced have failed to conclusively prove any of the issues presented.


The Commission wrapped up the hearings on Friday and is to submit its report in January 2013.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What else is new? They brought shame on the citizen and government of Guyana. They act unlawfully in the midst of an independent inquiry panel. They tried to indict the GPF and the Minister of Home Affairs on false allegation, and they refuse to let Minister Rohee speak in Parliament ever before the (COI) made their finding on the entire inquiry. The combined opposition is ****ed up from all angles. 


Nigel Hughes, Moses, GR and Rumjhattan are WORST than the PNC Mo Fiah Slo Fiah Committee. These SHAMELESS PIECES OF GARBAGE will continue walking the Streets without Blackpat pun dem face.!!!!!

Originally Posted by albert:

Funny is that none of them are qualified to even fetch the shoes of these esteemed commissioners, muchless to put their smelly feet in it 

You got that job, I am sure in consideration to you, they will not encroach. That jamaican dude sounds like he just had a toke of some good sensi and objects just to object.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:

Funny is that none of them are qualified to even fetch the shoes of these esteemed commissioners, muchless to put their smelly feet in it 

You got that job, I am sure in consideration to you, they will not encroach. That jamaican dude sounds like he just had a toke of some good sensi and objects just to object.

AND YOU GOT YOUR lAW dEGREE WHEN???  You enjoy listening to your dumb voice I suppose.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by albert:

Funny is that none of them are qualified to even fetch the shoes of these esteemed commissioners, muchless to put their smelly feet in it 

You got that job, I am sure in consideration to you, they will not encroach. That jamaican dude sounds like he just had a toke of some good sensi and objects just to object.

AND YOU GOT YOUR lAW dEGREE WHEN???  You enjoy listening to your dumb voice I suppose.

Is it legal acumen at question or an irritating unnecessary badgering when clarity is being sought?


As a reminder, this episode is expected to go on for the next four years. The Guyanese electorates will decide who is right or wrong in four short years. I am confident that the citizen of Guyana will take note of these events and judge for themselves. Let the buck stop with them. I now believe more than ever before that a shared governance is detrimental for Guyana's prosperity. The risk of a one-party majority worth everything that had happened in Guyana from November 2011, to this present day by the joint oppositions.


i see you have no faith either,donot blame you,with all the stealing that is going on you know its just a matter of time.i kind of feel sorry for the true ppp supporters seeing their party going down the drain.

Originally Posted by warrior:

i see you have no faith either,donot blame you,with all the stealing that is going on you know its just a matter of time.i kind of feel sorry for the true ppp supporters seeing their party going down the drain.

Stealing is the least of my worries. Stealing has been in Guyana for decades, and it will continue against the best accountability system. I trust the problem will decline but at a slow pace, and it will take another decade before the problem is fully eradicated. The fighting among the political foes is the bigger problem Guyana is facing. Feeling sorry or not having faith is irreverent in this discussion. If the PPP is going down the drain is just your opinion.


speak like a true thief,you is one of the ppp that is not worry about the thiefing,and you have your personal reason,through out guyana the people and i mean the collie know you people is a bunch of thief,the ppp already take the collie people for granted and they is paying for it today.guyana was never in so much problem in history like it is in today,think about that and ask yourself why


Warrior, I notice you ever so often uses the word COLLIE it is equally as demeaning as using the N____R word, try and be politically correct on this forum. I am also sure you are not an east indian, but if you are, then you are a fool to refer yourself as a COLLIE.

Originally Posted by warrior:

speak like a true thief,you is one of the ppp that is not worry about the thiefing,and you have your personal reason,through out guyana the people and i mean the collie know you people is a bunch of thief,the ppp already take the collie people for granted and they is paying for it today.guyana was never in so much problem in history like it is in today,think about that and ask yourself why

When you spoke of the word "sorry" you were actually speaking of yourself and not the PPP. You seem to be stuck in the middle of nowhere and still want to be engaged in constructive political discourse. I don't know if I am wasting my time or your time on this nonsense.


KP let me tell how i feel and remember this is how i feel not the rest of guyana there is east indians and collie,and black people and ******,well the ppp low life thief i call collie how you fit in and the house slave in guyana like lunchon and those police that shoot the people in linden i call ******s NIGEL i call a black man,so if i see you acting like a collie that is what i will call you

Originally Posted by kp:

Warrior, I notice you ever so often uses the word COLLIE it is equally as demeaning as using the N____R word, try and be politically correct on this forum. I am also sure you are not an east indian, but if you are, then you are a fool to refer yourself as a COLLIE.


Warrior, Carib and others are Indo Guyanese haters who should be ashamed of posting on this blog. I always insist that the "C" word is just as insulting as the "N" word. It is totally unacceptable to use either of the words.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by kp:

Warrior, I notice you ever so often uses the word COLLIE it is equally as demeaning as using the N____R word, try and be politically correct on this forum. I am also sure you are not an east indian, but if you are, then you are a fool to refer yourself as a COLLIE.


Warrior, Carib and others are Indo Guyanese haters who should be ashamed of posting on this blog. I always insist that the "C" word is just as insulting as the "N" word. It is totally unacceptable to use either of the words.

One is a CRABDAAD, the other is a REAL DOG!!!!


you fools make me laugh you just cannot belive a indian like me will want to distroy the ppp party,well at one time i was more ppp that most of you ppp fools on this forum,but i know when to draw the line,you guys should ask ralph what that mean.i do not like a thief i always say a thief is a murderer

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What is a collie? Do you mean coolie? Then say it. Don't be an ass and try to disguise your posturing as if you are trying to be nice to coolie people.  

Forgive Warria. His English is atrocious(bad grammar, incorrect spelling, malapropisms etc.). His parents should sue the schools he attended for malpractice and mental cruelty. Also someone should do him a favour by deleting his favourites.


never went to school,only went to sunday school,all i learn from the preist is do not steal.skeltonman if you was a women i will right you a love letter,with the perfect grammer,and english and the most wonderfull spelling,but seeing you in love with kwame and you suppose to be a so so man i will let this remark pass

Originally Posted by warrior:

never went to school,only went to sunday school,all i learn from the preist is do not steal.skeltonman if you was a women i will right you a love letter,with the perfect grammer,and english and the most wonderfull spelling,but seeing you in love with kwame and you suppose to be a so so man i will let this remark pass

Glad you admit you are an outlier. You know warria, I have no prejudices against gay people. I do believe they were born that way. If Kwame has an alternative life style, respect his sexuality. I do not know of any instances where Kwame has professed his desire to bugger anyone. I spew my disdain for negroes because of my personal experiences with a couple of them. When you come on this board and degrade "coolies", I will not hesitate to defend Indians.  
Who vex, vex.


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