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coalition supporters tell Granger ex-presidents confab is for PPP propaganda
– say Ali is playing games

Political Scientist, Dr. David Hinds

Former President and Leader of the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC), David Granger should reject President Irfaan Ali’s invitation to meet with him along with the other past presidents, Political Scientist, Dr. David Hinds said as he questioned the motive of the meeting.

“In my humble opinion, the president is playing games. You either want to meet with the opposition or you don’t,” Dr. Hinds said.

On Friday, President Ali disclosed that he invited the country’s former presidents – David Granger, Bharrat Jagdeo, Donald Ramotar, and Samuel Hinds – to a high-level meeting on December 15, 2020, to discuss Guyana’s development.

“It will be an open floor meeting where we will bring together all the former Presidents. I think it is an opportunity for us to continue to share ideas, generate ideas, talk about how we see Guyana’s development and to work out a model and a framework on how we engage in the future and how we have a continuous contribution,” the President explained.

But Dr. Hinds, in his weekly Sunday column in this publication, questioned the real purpose of the meeting. “And what is the objective of this meeting, may I ask? Mr. Ali sees three of those ex-presidents at PPP meetings as they all belong to the same party. He sees Mr. Jagdeo more often as the latter works in his office and belongs to the Cabinet. So, what does he want to say to them that requires the presence of Mr. Granger? Is he inviting Mr. Granger to a PPP executive meeting?” he questioned.

The Political Scientist said while on the surface, the meeting with all the past presidents sounds like a noble undertaking, Guyanese ought not to forget that it was President Ali, who indicated that he will not recognize the Leader of the Opposition, Joseph Harmon until the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is recognized as a legitimate government.

“The president is looking for a photo-opportunity—pure and simple. He wants to use this confab to signal to the diplomatic community that he is an inclusive leader. It is the kind of window-dressing that has been part of the PPP’s approach to governance since the 1950s,” Dr. Hinds said.

He added: “Since coming to power four months ago it has governed with a political sledgehammer which it has mercilessly used on members and supporters of Mr. Granger’s party. Now, he wants to meet Mr. Granger with three of his comrades at the table—to discuss what? The PPP is playing smart without being clever.”

Dr. Hinds said Granger should not attend that meeting. He said any meeting between the president and the opposition must be direct.

CGID President Rickford Burke

President of the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID), Rickford Burke a strong supporter of the coalition also in a letter to Granger on Saturday, urged the former president not to accept President Ali’s invitation in light of the Government’s stance not to recognize the Opposition Leader.

“First, the constitution mandates the President to consult with, and in some instances seek the approval of, the Opposition Leader, before certain decisions and apportionments are effected.

Consequently, Mr. Ali’s expressed position is repugnant to the constitution. Your acceptance of

Mr. Ali’s invitation will in great measure grant legitimacy to Mr. Ali’s unlawful and patently egregious conduct. It will also confer validity on his nefarious attempt to hijack the coalition’s agenda and direct its posture on the legality of the fraudulent PPP government,” Burke said.

Further, the CGID President accused the Ali Administration of launching a “war” on Afro Guyanese and supporters of the country, even as it embarks on ethnocracy in the management of the country.

“They have fired 990 Afro-Guyanese, falsely arrested and wrongfully charged Afro-Guyanese officials from GECOM, the PNCR and the Afro- Guyanese head of NICIL, without just cause. The lands and property of Afro-Guyanese citizens are being unlawfully seized; as the PPP regime attempt to reverse decisions by your government on some whimsical, arbitrary, albeit unlawful, crack-pot determination that the APNU+AFC coalition government was unlawful,” Burke pointed out.

Like Dr. Hinds, the CGID President expressed the view that Al’s government is not interested in genuine consultation. “They are inciting ethnic and political confrontation while extending an olive branch to you in isolation. The open contempt they have deliberately demonstrated towards you, your party, as well as the coalition’s leadership, and the opposition leader, belies Mr. Ali’s intent to create a political gimmick with such a meeting. This must be summarily rejected,” he told the former president.

He said Guyanese and supporters of the coalition must have unfettered access to lease or purchase state lands and property; government contracts; credit and financing for small, medium, and large scale businesses; investments in the oil and gas sector and transformational development projects, as well as equitable, secured and hassle-free employment in the public sector. Further, he said that the charges against the GECOM, NICIL, and APNU+AFC officials must be terminated.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I thought APNU/AFC had wanted a shared government to play a part in the country's affairs. They knew they lost the election, but they perform every trick to ride out the time and embezzled as much money as they can. Well, if that is not enough, they don't want to recognize Ali as the legitimate president, but Ali is still reaching out to them. Now, listen to the sourest of sourpusses telling Granger not to attend Ali's invitation.

GNI Admin held the same view of these two crooks. A couple of days ago, Django foresee what Ali's meeting is all about when the meeting hasn't started as yet. Now you can tell who has the country's interest at heart.

I was too stupid not to see the future of GNI. It's not about the balance of opinion or free speech and all that crap. It's about a group of people from the opposition side, bent on killing the future of Ali's dream of putting Guyana and Guyanese first and foremost. Ali has done more in three months than what the Coalition did in five years. Come on, wipe the shame off your faces.

Lick your wounds and let the Guyanese people enjoy their life to the fullest. (Sourpusses).

@Viper posted:

I thought APNU/AFC had wanted a shared government to play a part in the country's affairs. They knew they lost the election, but they perform every trick to ride out the time and embezzled as much money as they can. Well, if that is not enough, they don't want to recognize Ali as the legitimate president, but Ali is still reaching out to them. Now, listen to the sourest of sourpusses telling Granger not to attend Ali's invitation.

GNI Admin held the same view of these two crooks. A couple of days ago, Django foresee what Ali's meeting is all about when the meeting hasn't started as yet. Now you can tell who has the country's interest at heart.

I was too stupid not to see the future of GNI. It's not about the balance of opinion or free speech and all that crap.

It's about a group of people from the opposition side, bent on killing the future of Ali's dream of putting Guyana and Guyanese first and foremost. Ali has done more in three months than what the Coalition did in five years. Come on, wipe the shame off your faces.

Lick your wounds and let the Guyanese people enjoy their life to the fullest. (Sourpusses).

Well it can be seen ,you have given your opinion and freely allowed to do so .


The APNU/AFC is an obstructionist party.  They do not care about the well being of Guyanese only about Afro_Guyanese.  The AFC party is an anti_PPP party. Dr, Ali is serious about healing the wounds and to unite Guyana.  Richford Burke is a well-known racist. If Granger is interested in continuing his political career, he will accept the invitation to a dialogue with the PPP.  Robert Corbin will support him.


If the PNC refuses to sit at the table, well the PPP can govern without them, they already have the support from the Joinder parties.

People so often talk about share governance and national unity, it is the PNC, Leader for the Blacks in the country that don't want unity and their supporters follow them Blindly. That is why under the PNC, Guyana will remain a Shit Hole country.

Good ting PPP WON.

@kp posted:

If the PNC refuses to sit at the table, well the PPP can govern without them, they already have the support from the Joinder parties.

One recently bruk up ,only the head remain . How much votes they get ?

@Django posted:

One recently bruk up ,only the head remain . How much votes they get ?

Mingo and Lowenfield stole their votes.   There were charged by the Police.

The PPP/C is governing without the help of the Opposition and you know it.  Dr. Ali invited them to join in dialogue because the PPP is an inclusive Party.  You know they don't have to do that. 

@kp posted:

If the PNC refuses to sit at the table, well the PPP can govern without them, they already have the support from the Joinder parties.

People so often talk about share governance and national unity, it is the PNC, Leader for the Blacks in the country that don't want unity and their supporters follow them Blindly. That is why under the PNC, Guyana will remain a Shit Hole country.

Good ting PPP WON.

The PNC is present in parliament. They are at the table. The proposal from Ali is for a sitdown of former presidents to talk about "development". It is a bullshit request, meant to distract from the real issues the nation faces and to give an appearance of "inclusive" government to the West. Four to one. Yeah, they'll listen to Granger LMAO.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You asked the question then what is the right answer?

You deflected the issue about Mingo and Lowenfield stealing the votes.

There was no deflection ,following the conversation ,the question was how many votes the bruk up small party got at the election.

@Former Member posted:

The PNC is present in parliament. They are at the table. The proposal from Ali is for a sitdown of former presidents to talk about "development". It is a bullshit request, meant to distract from the real issues the nation faces and to give an appearance of "inclusive" government to the West. Four to one. Yeah, they'll listen to Granger LMAO.

The PPP has always been cunning as to the real purpose of doing something. Very deceitful.


David Hinds is from the old school of racial division.  He has nothing good to offer Guyana.  All he can do is to make Black people feel that they are being oppressed by Indos which is not the fact. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

David Hinds is from the old school of racial division.  He has nothing good to offer Guyana.  All he can do is to make Black people feel that they are being oppressed by Indos which is not the fact.

David Hinds is one of the most independent, fair minded activist academics you will ever encounter.  He fought against the Burnham dictatorship when many IndoGuyanese were in bed with that regime.  What old school of racial division are you talking about? 


David Hinds is from the old school of racial division.  He has nothing good to offer Guyana.  All he can do is to make Black people feel that they are being oppressed by Indos which is not the fact.

David Hinds is one of the most independent, fair minded activist academics you will ever encounter.  He fought against the Burnham dictatorship when many IndoGuyanese were in bed with that regime.  What old school of racial division are you talking about?

It looks like your understanding of the English Language is very limited. I am sorry you are so terribly confused. 


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