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What are your views on the relationship between Guyanese Indians and Indians from India? 

* What has been your personal experience? 

* Is the relationship good, bad or indifferent?

* Do the two groups mix, date and intermarry at all?

* Do they share in worship, weddings, festivals etc.? 

* What about in the workplace?

* In the future, will the gap between these two groups converge or get wider?

Over to you...


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Quantum posted:

What are your views on the relationship between Guyanese Indians and Indians from India? 

* What has been your personal experience? 

* Is the relationship good, bad or indifferent?

* Do the two groups mix, date and intermarry at all?

* Do they share in worship, weddings, festivals etc.? 

* What about in the workplace?

* In the future, will the gap between these two groups converge or get wider?

Over to you...


Funny you should bring this up. I had this conversation yesterday with and Indian girl who is actually half Punjabi and half Italian. You have asked some valid questions. Things have changed since I came here in 1983. Back in Guyana we considered ourselves Indian. When I came here, the Indians here made the distinction for us. We were not Indian because we didn't speak Hindi or had different customs, we were Guyanese. From a personal point of view, Indians from India believe, and I am generalizing here, Guyanese are lower than they are. I don't know if this stems from the fact that our forefathers came from a poor part of India. I dated a Punjabi girl back in college and almost got involved with another except for the fact that I was muslim not that I wasn't Indian and her parents would never accept me. I work with many Indians and for the most part there is no distinction. Strange enough, the Pakistanis tend to be more clannish. As for the future, I believe and have faith that eventually intelligence will prevail over all prejudices.


Guyanese are Indians, many look like the ppl of South India, Bihar and Bengal. We are displaced from our caste and region. Suh, we are Indians, beloging to the entire geography.

Punjabies do not look anything like the hundreds of millions of the others within the Brahmaputra and the Ganges. They are Punjabies, either a Sikh Punjabi or a Hindu Punjabi.

As for South India, the ppl are not Indians, they are Tamils and the many other names they associate with.

Biharies are from BIhar. Bengalies are from Bengal. And on and on. 

Gujaraties doan think of India and likewise the ppl of Delhi. The ones I deal with.

Films are not Indian films, to us they are. The catogories are Hindi films and the other languages.

yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Hearing too much,careful you may suffer from loss of hearing.

So what if some dress  in other culture clothing ? seems you forget the attire you wore at the graveside.How much you got paid for the stint ?

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Hearing too much,careful you may suffer from loss of hearing.

So what if some dress  in other culture clothing ? seems you forget the attire you wore at the graveside.How much you got paid for the stint ?

Its ok except the motives were for more sinister motives, placating pnc bosses for favors aka free melanzana. Never wore any costume at any gravesite, the man that you fellows posting his picture wildly should sue yall rass for defamation of character. Moderators are already aware from the deleted thread, second offence will surely bite yuh bt good and prappa. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Hearing too much,careful you may suffer from loss of hearing.

So what if some dress  in other culture clothing ? seems you forget the attire you wore at the graveside.How much you got paid for the stint ?

Its ok except the motives were for more sinister motives, placating pnc bosses for favors aka free melanzana. Never wore any costume at any gravesite, the man that you fellows posting his picture wildly should sue yall rass for defamation of character. Moderators are already aware from the deleted thread, second offence will surely bite yuh bt good and prappa. 

Here you go with your homosexual fantasies,no one wants to know what you are enjoying.

Talking about defamation of character,look out for Mr.T.Lillmohan.

What is good for the goose is good for gander,who is afraid of you,bring it on wallah.I can post it it again and he do squat.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Here you go with your homosexual fantasies,no one wants to know what you are enjoying. Talking about defamation of character,look out for Mr.T.Lillmohan. What is good for the goose is good for gander,who is afraid of you,bring it on wallah.I can post it it again and he do squat.

Don't be so sure that your identity is secure. There are ways of finding out who you are and let the chips fall where they may. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Here you go with your homosexual fantasies,no one wants to know what you are enjoying. Talking about defamation of character,look out for Mr.T.Lillmohan. What is good for the goose is good for gander,who is afraid of you,bring it on wallah.I can post it it again and he do squat.

Don't be so sure that your identity is secure. There are ways of finding out who you are and let the chips fall where they may. 

Who is stopping you to find my identity,most folks on this BB knows who i am.I have noting in the closet to be afraid of.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Here you go with your homosexual fantasies,no one wants to know what you are enjoying. Talking about defamation of character,look out for Mr.T.Lillmohan. What is good for the goose is good for gander,who is afraid of you,bring it on wallah.I can post it it again and he do squat.

Don't be so sure that your identity is secure. There are ways of finding out who you are and let the chips fall where they may. 

Who is stopping you to find my identity,most folks on this BB knows who i am.

Yuh rass frighten now, tek care, if you keep up your current trajectory of getting personal with me, you neva know. 

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:


You want more licks Bai ?

DrugB has been putting licks on you and the entire Weeder Gang lately. Licks like peas. 

What licks you talking about,both of you feminine attitudes.

Na Bai,

It was you crying like a lil Gyal at admin’s door early in the morning. I take off my gloves and dish it out as much as I receive.


Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Here you go with your homosexual fantasies,no one wants to know what you are enjoying. Talking about defamation of character,look out for Mr.T.Lillmohan. What is good for the goose is good for gander,who is afraid of you,bring it on wallah.I can post it it again and he do squat.

Don't be so sure that your identity is secure. There are ways of finding out who you are and let the chips fall where they may. 

Who is stopping you to find my identity,most folks on this BB knows who i am.

Yuh rass frighten now, tek care, if you keep up your current trajectory of getting personal with me, you neva know. 

Listen banna you are the one trolling Django,with all sorts of names.Let make it clear i am no walk over keep that in your mind.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:


You want more licks Bai ?

DrugB has been putting licks on you and the entire Weeder Gang lately. Licks like peas. 

What licks you talking about,both of you feminine attitudes.

Na Bai,

It was you crying like a lil Gyal at admin’s door early in the morning. I take off my gloves and dish it out as much as I receive.


Your compadre the troll Guddy Wallah did,read his posts.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Hearing too much,careful you may suffer from loss of hearing.

So what if some dress  in other culture clothing ? seems you forget the attire you wore at the graveside.How much you got paid for the stint ?

Looks like I have to bring out that picture with him in the barn.  

Quantum posted:

What are your views on the relationship between Guyanese Indians and Indians from India? 

* What has been your personal experience? 

* Is the relationship good, bad or indifferent?

* Do the two groups mix, date and intermarry at all?

* Do they share in worship, weddings, festivals etc.? 

* What about in the workplace?

* In the future, will the gap between these two groups converge or get wider?

Over to you...


I have a couple Guyanese connection married to Indians.  I was treated well in India.  I met many Indians, not from India, living in India.  Indians in India tend to view things differently than those who migrate and settle abroad!

As time go by, the two will become indistinguishable.  Indians growing up and educated here will associate with the larger diaspora as opposed to the sub-section originating directly out of India!

Jai Hind!


Tell that boy Quantum that india is more safe for Indians than Africa for Africans.  Africans see themselves less as Africans than Indians see themselves as Indian. I ain't preaching racism here. I just telling you the truth . Look at how many wars going in Africa presently and amount humanitarian assistance the UN and major Western nations have give to save literally millions from dying.  We Indians and Africans should try to work together to Guyana a safe and prosperous place. We can't go back to from whence we came. We might as well live peacefully.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Who dis LittleMohan dude? Is that a Guyanese slang for something?

Hope you not referring to my buddy Mitsy, eh?

Baseman posted:
Quantum posted:

What are your views on the relationship between Guyanese Indians and Indians from India? 

* What has been your personal experience? 

* Is the relationship good, bad or indifferent?

* Do the two groups mix, date and intermarry at all?

* Do they share in worship, weddings, festivals etc.? 

* What about in the workplace?

* In the future, will the gap between these two groups converge or get wider?

Over to you...


I have a couple Guyanese connection married to Indians.  I was treated well in India.  I met many Indians, not from India, living in India.  Indians in India tend to view things differently than those who migrate and settle abroad!

As time go by, the two will become indistinguishable.  Indians growing up and educated here will associate with the larger diaspora as opposed to the sub-section originating directly out of India!

Jai Hind!

My cousin's son married a Sikh girl. Both born and raised in the United states.  Both are well educated 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Baseman posted:
Quantum posted:

What are your views on the relationship between Guyanese Indians and Indians from India? 

* What has been your personal experience? 

* Is the relationship good, bad or indifferent?

* Do the two groups mix, date and intermarry at all?

* Do they share in worship, weddings, festivals etc.? 

* What about in the workplace?

* In the future, will the gap between these two groups converge or get wider?

Over to you...


I have a couple Guyanese connection married to Indians.  I was treated well in India.  I met many Indians, not from India, living in India.  Indians in India tend to view things differently than those who migrate and settle abroad!

As time go by, the two will become indistinguishable.  Indians growing up and educated here will associate with the larger diaspora as opposed to the sub-section originating directly out of India!

Jai Hind!

Did you meet any DALITS while you were there?

Are they really Afros or dark skinned lower caste Indians?

Just wondering...

VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Who dis LittleMohan dude? Is that a Guyanese slang for something?

Hope you not referring to my buddy Mitsy, eh?

You may contact Mr Lilmohan here:

Lilmohan Tameshwar

Please let him how he is being defamed.


Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Who dis LittleMohan dude? Is that a Guyanese slang for something?

Hope you not referring to my buddy Mitsy, eh?

You may contact Mr Lilmohan here:

Lilmohan Tameshwar

Please let him how he is being defamed.


OK, thanks.

Why all the reference to this banna?

Why is he so famous here?


VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
Quantum posted:

What are your views on the relationship between Guyanese Indians and Indians from India? 

* What has been your personal experience? 

* Is the relationship good, bad or indifferent?

* Do the two groups mix, date and intermarry at all?

* Do they share in worship, weddings, festivals etc.? 

* What about in the workplace?

* In the future, will the gap between these two groups converge or get wider?

Over to you...


I have a couple Guyanese connection married to Indians.  I was treated well in India.  I met many Indians, not from India, living in India.  Indians in India tend to view things differently than those who migrate and settle abroad!

As time go by, the two will become indistinguishable.  Indians growing up and educated here will associate with the larger diaspora as opposed to the sub-section originating directly out of India!

Jai Hind!

Did you meet any DALITS while you were there?

Are they really Afros or dark skinned lower caste Indians?

Just wondering...

Yes, I did a lot of charity work in Dalit villages, I even donated and headed a fund raising effort to build a new school in a Dalit village, Phalgar!

Dalits are like anyone else.  The kids in the school had grand dreams, IT engineers, Doctors, etc.  They are as innocent, playful and funny as kids anywhere in the world!

No, they are not Afros and not all dark skinned.  Few of the kids has greyish/bluish eyes and were medium brown.  My two sons played soccer with them and after 30 mins, they all looked the same.

VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Who dis LittleMohan dude? Is that a Guyanese slang for something?

Hope you not referring to my buddy Mitsy, eh?

Curiosity killed the cat, fastness killed the rat!

VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Who dis LittleMohan dude? Is that a Guyanese slang for something?

Hope you not referring to my buddy Mitsy, eh?

You may contact Mr Lilmohan here:

Lilmohan Tameshwar

Please let him how he is being defamed.


OK, thanks.

Why all the reference to this banna?

Why is he so famous here?


These three ladies, Drugb, Yugi22 and KP think that I am Lilmohan Tameshwar. 

Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Who dis LittleMohan dude? Is that a Guyanese slang for something?

Hope you not referring to my buddy Mitsy, eh?

You may contact Mr Lilmohan here:

Lilmohan Tameshwar

Please let him how he is being defamed.


OK, thanks.

Why all the reference to this banna?

Why is he so famous here?


These three ladies, Drugb, Yugi22 and KP think that I am Lilmohan Tameshwar. 

To clear up the doubts just simply say who you are. Nobody will beat you for that. If they do it will be less than what you are receiving now.  Be a man and say who you are.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Who dis LittleMohan dude? Is that a Guyanese slang for something?

Hope you not referring to my buddy Mitsy, eh?

You may contact Mr Lilmohan here:

Lilmohan Tameshwar

Please let him how he is being defamed.


OK, thanks.

Why all the reference to this banna?

Why is he so famous here?


These three ladies, Drugb, Yugi22 and KP think that I am Lilmohan Tameshwar. 

To clear up the doubts just simply say who you are. Nobody will beat you for that. If they do it will be less than what you are receiving now.  Be a man and say who you are.

You are one of the other ladies. Sorry I missed you.

Mitwah posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Who dis LittleMohan dude? Is that a Guyanese slang for something?

Hope you not referring to my buddy Mitsy, eh?

You may contact Mr Lilmohan here:

Lilmohan Tameshwar

Please let him how he is being defamed.


OK, thanks.

Why all the reference to this banna?

Why is he so famous here?


These three ladies, Drugb, Yugi22 and KP think that I am Lilmohan Tameshwar. 

To clear up the doubts just simply say who you are. Nobody will beat you for that. If they do it will be less than what you are receiving now.  Be a man and say who you are.

You are one of the other ladies. Sorry I missed you.

You mean Ladies' man.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

Quantum is fishing with a cast net that has a big hole on it. 

Are Afros from Guyana and West Indies similar to Afros from West Africa ?


Correct, the afros from africa don't share much in common with guyanese afros except when burnham brought back dashiki in style. I heard that even lilmohan and djangy dress up in dashiki to appease their paymasters. 

Ha haha.. Always a good laugh on GNI.  ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ Seriously this is funny.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Baseman posted:
Quantum posted:

What are your views on the relationship between Guyanese Indians and Indians from India? 

* What has been your personal experience? 

* Is the relationship good, bad or indifferent?

* Do the two groups mix, date and intermarry at all?

* Do they share in worship, weddings, festivals etc.? 

* What about in the workplace?

* In the future, will the gap between these two groups converge or get wider?

Over to you...


I have a couple Guyanese connection married to Indians.  I was treated well in India.  I met many Indians, not from India, living in India.  Indians in India tend to view things differently than those who migrate and settle abroad!

As time go by, the two will become indistinguishable.  Indians growing up and educated here will associate with the larger diaspora as opposed to the sub-section originating directly out of India!

Jai Hind!

My cousin's son married a Sikh girl. Both born and raised in the United states.  Both are well educated 

Jus so dry you done dah story? 

Gi we more on the chickypooos.

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
Quantum posted:

What are your views on the relationship between Guyanese Indians and Indians from India? 

* What has been your personal experience? 

* Is the relationship good, bad or indifferent?

* Do the two groups mix, date and intermarry at all?

* Do they share in worship, weddings, festivals etc.? 

* What about in the workplace?

* In the future, will the gap between these two groups converge or get wider?

Over to you...


I have a couple Guyanese connection married to Indians.  I was treated well in India.  I met many Indians, not from India, living in India.  Indians in India tend to view things differently than those who migrate and settle abroad!

As time go by, the two will become indistinguishable.  Indians growing up and educated here will associate with the larger diaspora as opposed to the sub-section originating directly out of India!

Jai Hind!

Did you meet any DALITS while you were there?

Are they really Afros or dark skinned lower caste Indians?

Just wondering...

Yes, I did a lot of charity work in Dalit villages, I even donated and headed a fund raising effort to build a new school in a Dalit village, Phalgar!

Dalits are like anyone else.  The kids in the school had grand dreams, IT engineers, Doctors, etc.  They are as innocent, playful and funny as kids anywhere in the world!

No, they are not Afros and not all dark skinned.  Few of the kids has greyish/bluish eyes and were medium brown.  My two sons played soccer with them and after 30 mins, they all looked the same.

Hi Vish, I took this out of my fb album, these are girls from one of the villages of low caste, Dalits and Other Backwards Caste (OBC) as defined in the Indian constitution!


Images (1)
  • mceclip1
Baseman posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
Quantum posted:

What are your views on the relationship between Guyanese Indians and Indians from India? 

* What has been your personal experience? 

* Is the relationship good, bad or indifferent?

* Do the two groups mix, date and intermarry at all?

* Do they share in worship, weddings, festivals etc.? 

* What about in the workplace?

* In the future, will the gap between these two groups converge or get wider?

Over to you...


I have a couple Guyanese connection married to Indians.  I was treated well in India.  I met many Indians, not from India, living in India.  Indians in India tend to view things differently than those who migrate and settle abroad!

As time go by, the two will become indistinguishable.  Indians growing up and educated here will associate with the larger diaspora as opposed to the sub-section originating directly out of India!

Jai Hind!

Did you meet any DALITS while you were there?

Are they really Afros or dark skinned lower caste Indians?

Just wondering...

Yes, I did a lot of charity work in Dalit villages, I even donated and headed a fund raising effort to build a new school in a Dalit village, Phalgar!

Dalits are like anyone else.  The kids in the school had grand dreams, IT engineers, Doctors, etc.  They are as innocent, playful and funny as kids anywhere in the world!

No, they are not Afros and not all dark skinned.  Few of the kids has greyish/bluish eyes and were medium brown.  My two sons played soccer with them and after 30 mins, they all looked the same.

Hi Vish, I took this out of my fb album, these are girls from one of the villages of low caste, Dalits and Other Backwards Caste (OBC) as defined in the Indian constitution!


I read somewhere that the Dalits in India were Afros and could trace their roots to Africa...cant find the source now...Just the name they give these people is degrading..."other backward caste"?

But these people look really poor.


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