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Former Member

Release details of expenses in interest of transparency – PPP


‘Economic mission’ trips

… says citizens must know benefits, expenses from presidential tours

Prepresentative of the Government was quoted in sections of the media saying a private plane was chartered for President David Granger to fly to The Bahamas in March, on the grounds that it was the most “feasible option.”

But details about what was spent in total for the Trans Guyana Beechcraft airplane and also what benefits Guyana secured from the trip are yet to be shared.

President David Granger upon arriving in the Bahamas

According to Opposition parliamentarian and former Junior Finance Minister, Juan Edghill, a President’s trip overseas on behalf of the State is certainly not a private matter. As such, details should be made available to taxpayers.

The Government, he noted, in the interest of transparency and accountability to the people of Guyana, should release all the details. According to Edghill, “when the President travels, (it) is not a private matter. He is representing the state of Guyana.”

“He is being funded by the State and the citizens of the State must at all times be fully aware of what it is costing the State for the President to represent the State,” Edghill said in a recent interview.

The President arrived in The Bahamas on March 2, as part of a three-day State visit which has been dubbed an ‘economic mission’. According to a report in a Bahamian newspaper, the President was expected to pay a courtesy call on the Governor General and then meet with the Guyanese Diaspora.

But reports are the chartered plane and the trip all together cost Guyanese taxpayers some $18 million, as the President was accompanied by an entourage which included Ministers and other personnel for whom accommodation was provided.

There has been no word on whether any bi-lateral trade agreements, prospective or otherwise, were secured in Guyana’s interest. Edghill was thus adamant that the State should officially make known what tangible benefits Guyana gained.

“The President must be able to show the country what benefits would have accrued to Guyana in the short-medium term as a result of this expenditure and spending,” Edghill said.

In a Government news report, it was related that the President visited and toured several industrial sites in Freeport, Bahamas, including the Grand Bahama Shipyard, where he said the visit to that country has been a learning lesson for Guyana for its future growth and development.

“So this is an important lesson for us in Guyana and for the other states in the Caribbean Community… So I’m very happy to be here. It’s a learning lesson for us. It’s a learning mission for us … (we’re) looking, listening and I think we have a lot of good lessons to take back to Guyana and to the rest of the Caribbean,” Granger was quoted saying.

Economic hardships

The millions of dollars reportedly spent on this trip come against the backdrop of an economic slowdown gripping the country. It is a slowdown even Finance Minister Winston Jordan has acknowledged.

Businesses have for some time been complaining of this economic slowdown, one which has forced some to lay off staff. In addition, there have been mass protests on an almost weekly basis against Government actions and policies deemed by many to be oppressive.

While these protests have been held by differing groups, they have all been linked to economic hardships these stakeholders are facing. Some of the most vociferous protests have been against Value Added Tax (VAT), 14 per cent of which has been imposed on private education fees.

While parents and teachers have taken to the streets on a number of occasions to voice their displeasure with the additional burden and petitions have been signed, Government has already indicated that the measure will not be reviewed until 2018.

This does not include the protests which greeted the decision to impose the 14 per cent VAT on water and electricity bills above a certain threshold; a first in recent history. Stakeholders have called on the Government to remove tax on such essential services.

Then there is the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA), which has for some time been calling, in vain, for a meeting with the President to discuss the problems afflicting the mining industry.

In a recent statement, it again expressed frustration about the tax regulations and the effect it is having on small- and medium-scale miners. The Association spoke of the fact that while they are publicly recognised for their economical contributions, the ‘bread and butter’ issues affecting them are ignored. Among these are the unavailability of concessions on fuel and other materials.

Other aggrieved groups include sugar workers, who have for months been protesting against the social effects caused by the Government downsizing the industry by closing estates. The moves have put many out of work, as alternate options offered to them were not feasible.

Following a recent ban on the importation of used tyres, members of the Guyana Used Tyres Association (GUTA) protested and called on the Government to reconsider.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Note that the slop can boys were very vocal during PPP time about spending on overseas trips. Now that their party in charge, they somehow no longer want to be bothered with how the tax payers dollars are being wasted. 

Drugb posted:

Note that the slop can boys were very vocal during PPP time about spending on overseas trips. Now that their party in charge, they somehow no longer want to be bothered with how the tax payers dollars are being wasted. 

They are hiding in shame.


I believe these folks like d2, django, caribj, gilly and others are blow horses. When it suits their needs, they scream corruption, transparency, freedom of press, Amerindian rights, marginalization etc, otherwise they staan quiet. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Release details of expenses in interest of transparency – PPP

‘Economic mission’ trips,… says citizens must know benefits, expenses from presidential tours
Prepresentative of the Government was quoted in sections of the media saying a private plane was chartered for President David Granger to fly to The Bahamas in March, on the grounds that it was the most “feasible option.”
But details about what was spent in total for the Trans Guyana Beechcraft airplane and also what benefits Guyana secured from the trip are yet to be shared.
According to Opposition parliamentarian and former Junior Finance Minister, Juan Edghill, a President’s trip overseas on behalf of the State is certainly not a private matter. As such, details should be made available to taxpayers.
The Government, he noted, in the interest of transparency and accountability to the people of Guyana, should release all the details. According to Edghill, “when the President travels, (it) is not a private matter. He is representing the state of Guyana.”
President David Granger upon arriving in the Bahamas

As usual, the PNC/AFC government officials are of the firm views that they are unaccountable to anyone on how they spend government's money.


So the PPP had Jagdeo going the the US nearly every weekend, and then there were the visits to the Indian bank accounts.
Now the PPP complaining that Granger is going abroad with people from the business community to see what can be learnt from other economies on how to improve business and manufacturing in Guyana. These PPP folks ain't too smart in businesses other than cocaine and gold smuggling.

Mr.T posted:

So the PPP had Jagdeo going the the US nearly every weekend, and then there were the visits to the Indian bank accounts.
Now the PPP complaining that Granger is going abroad with people from the business community to see what can be learnt from other economies on how to improve business and manufacturing in Guyana. These PPP folks ain't too smart in businesses other than cocaine and gold smuggling.

No need to send this jackass overseas to learn, he is an army man, all he knows to do is stuff ballot boxes. He can google it if he need all of a sudden to learn manufacturing. This jackass claimed he had the answers to the economy and how to improve business and manufacturing prior to 2015. Now he in charge, he sporting out tax payers dollars on a learning curve. This jackass learning on the job. 

Drugb posted:

I believe these folks like d2, django, caribj, gilly and others are blow horses

Wha is duh 'blow horses', bai? Never knew the term before now. Checked the dictionary but couldn't get a sensible definition. The Urban Dictionary gives an outrageous definition about female jockey and horse's dick. Doesn't apply to the names above.

Now, regarding the question of presidential overseas trips, nothing wrong in asking for a declaration of costs. Is taxpayers' money involved.


Apnu/AFC ran on a platform of good governance and accountability. What excuse will they give the people as to why they're not forthcoming with detailed on the President travel expense? Government have an obligation to answer to the people that voted for them. 

yuji22 posted:

Ask Django, he is their unofficial spokesperson at GNI. He will make a few phone calls and get answers.

Yuji, Django is not what you think he is. This place will be boring if we all think alike. 

Cobra posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ask Django, he is their unofficial spokesperson at GNI. He will make a few phone calls and get answers.

Yuji, Django is not what you think he is. This place will be boring if we all think alike. 

I am not in any way against Django personally. He supports AFC/PNC and I support the PPP. WE will have discussions and disagreements politically. I can assure that I hold grudge for NONE at GNI.

That is the way politics should work. 

This is a political discussion forum. The Social Forum is for chatting and hugging trees.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ask Django, he is their unofficial spokesperson at GNI. He will make a few phone calls and get answers.

Yuji, Django is not what you think he is. This place will be boring if we all think alike. 

I am not in any way against Django personally. He supports AFC/PNC and I support the PPP. WE will have discussion and disagreements politically. I can assure that I hold grudge for NONE at GNI.

That is the way politics should work. 

This is a political discussion forum. The Social Forum is for chatting and hugging trees.

Django maintained that he has no political affiliation. How can you be sure he supports the coalition government?

Cobra posted:
yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ask Django, he is their unofficial spokesperson at GNI. He will make a few phone calls and get answers.

Yuji, Django is not what you think he is. This place will be boring if we all think alike. 

I am not in any way against Django personally. He supports AFC/PNC and I support the PPP. WE will have discussion and disagreements politically. I can assure that I hold grudge for NONE at GNI.

That is the way politics should work. 

This is a political discussion forum. The Social Forum is for chatting and hugging trees.

Django maintained that he has no political affiliation. How can you be sure he supports the coalition government?

He said so. 

I also have no political affiliation, I just support the PPP.

Who do you support and why ?

I once supported the idiot Donald Trump and admitted that I made a mistake.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:
yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ask Django, he is their unofficial spokesperson at GNI. He will make a few phone calls and get answers.

Yuji, Django is not what you think he is. This place will be boring if we all think alike. 

I am not in any way against Django personally. He supports AFC/PNC and I support the PPP. WE will have discussion and disagreements politically. I can assure that I hold grudge for NONE at GNI.

That is the way politics should work. 

This is a political discussion forum. The Social Forum is for chatting and hugging trees.

Django maintained that he has no political affiliation. How can you be sure he supports the coalition government?

He said so. 

I also have no political affiliation, i just support the PPP.

Who do you support and why ?

I once supported the idiot Donald Trump and admitted I made a mistake.

You just have to take his word for it. May be?

BTW, Donald Trump is not an idiot, he is the president of the United States. I am sure you didn't mean that. 



I encourage you to open your eyes regarding Donald Trump and you will see what I am referring to.

Yes, I respect the Office of the Presidency of the United States but I do not support divisive policies. Open up your eyes like I did and you will see for yourself.

BTW, I am still waiting for you to answer who do you support and why ?

Do you support Donald Trump and if so, why ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


I encourage you to open your eyes regarding Donald Trump and you will see what I am referring to.

Yes, I respect the Office of the Presidency of the United States but I do not support divisive policies. Open up your eyes like I did and you will see for yourself.

BTW, I am still waiting for you to answer who do you support and why ?

Do you support Donald Trump and if so, why ?

I supported the PPP throughout my adult life, because I believed it is a good party despite the wrongs they have done in the past. After 23 years, two years after the coalition government took power, the people are begging to bring back the PPP. I never gave up on them. I hope they win again in 2020 and realize their mistakes. I believe in a brighter future for Guyana under the PPP. Here you have it in a nutshell.


Those who are too young to remember Guyana under PNC rule have gotten a wake up call. There will be a greater turnout at the polls in 2020 to take back Guyana. Very few will stay with AFC. The PNC is counting on rigging. It will not work.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Those old enough and still alive to remember the 25 years or PPP reign of terror, the increase of bandits murdering victims, and the introduction of cocaine to Guyana by the PPP are not in a hurry to go back to those bad old days.

Drugb posted:

I believe these folks like d2, django, caribj, gilly and others are blow horses. When it suits their needs, they scream corruption, transparency, freedom of press, Amerindian rights, marginalization etc, otherwise they staan quiet. 

How do you know I did not write on it?...I do not write here alone.

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

I believe these folks like d2, django, caribj, gilly and others are blow horses. When it suits their needs, they scream corruption, transparency, freedom of press, Amerindian rights, marginalization etc, otherwise they staan quiet. 

How do you know I did not write on it?...I do not write here alone.

It is possible, that under a different persona, you took shame out of your face and finally acknowledged that the PNC is an exchange of the PPP but worse. But you have yet to declare this here.

Mr.T posted:

Those old enough and still alive to remember the 25 years or PPP reign of terror, the increase of bandits murdering victims, and the introduction of cocaine to Guyana by the PPP are not in a hurry to go back to those bad old days.

This is a bag of rubbish. The PPP gov't. was a more caring government than what you have now. Watch them come back to power in 2020.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

I believe these folks like d2, django, caribj, gilly and others are blow horses. When it suits their needs, they scream corruption, transparency, freedom of press, Amerindian rights, marginalization etc, otherwise they staan quiet. 

How do you know I did not write on it?...I do not write here alone.

It is possible, that under a different persona, you took shame out of your face and finally acknowledged that the PNC is an exchange of the PPP but worse.But you have yet to declare this here.

To please you? Are you Amral's secretary, responsible for recording each poster's opinions on every political issue here?

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

I believe these folks like d2, django, caribj, gilly and others are blow horses. When it suits their needs, they scream corruption, transparency, freedom of press, Amerindian rights, marginalization etc, otherwise they staan quiet. 

How do you know I did not write on it?...I do not write here alone.

It is possible, that under a different persona, you took shame out of your face and finally acknowledged that the PNC is an exchange of the PPP but worse.But you have yet to declare this here.

To please you? Are you Amral's secretary, responsible for recording each poster's opinions on every political issue here?

Not just me but to the board in general.  I am not surprised that you don't believe an acknowledgement of PNC incompetence is in order, as you too were a victim of their con. 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:

I believe these folks like d2, django, caribj, gilly and others are blow horses. When it suits their needs, they scream corruption, transparency, freedom of press, Amerindian rights, marginalization etc, otherwise they staan quiet. 

How do you know I did not write on it?...I do not write here alone.

It is possible, that under a different persona, you took shame out of your face and finally acknowledged that the PNC is an exchange of the PPP but worse. But you have yet to declare this here.

Naaaah! The man is never wrong. When has he apologized for alternative facts? Hitler, Churchill, Fip Motilall, Sakawinki parrot...?


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