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It is important that AFC/PNC supporters Like the Banned Trio realize that this forum will have PPP supporters who will oppose their views and take them on. In their distorted minds, they feel as is they can go unchallenged. 


They show weakness by personally attacking and using indecent and vulgar terms since they do not have the mental capacity to engage another poster who oppose their views.


Until they earn the mental capacity to engage in a civilized manner, they will forever be tormented and resort to vulgarity and indecency.

Last edited by Former Member



* When people know they can't win an argument or debate they resort to slander.


* Do you recall AFC's Nagamootoo bragging in parliament about cussing his grandchildren ?


* That's when I knew Moses was total DOG SHIT.


* No decent and civilized human being cusses his grand children.


* So scums like Mitwah on GNI are following the leader Moses----slander and vulgarity--that is their modus operandi.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* When people know they can't win an argument or debate they resort to slander.


* Do you recall AFC's Nagamootoo bragging in parliament about cussing his grandchildren ?


* That's when I knew Moses was total DOG SHIT.


* No decent and civilized human being cusses his grand children.


* So scums like Mitwah on GNI are following the leader Moses----slander and vulgarity--that is their modus operandi.






The AFC has a culture of vulgarity and indecency. This is the fabric of who they really are. Right from the top and down to their foot soldiers. They know the decent folks will stay away from the indecency and vulgarity. Hence they use this strategy to stage their misinformation campaign.


The brave will take them on and pay a price for it but in the end, it is what it takes to expose a culture of Vulgarity and Indecency by the likes of the Banned Trio and their political masters.




These vile, vulgar individuals who harass people daily, denigrating people's reputations, should remain banned for eternity, never to see the light of day. They are in fact cyber bullies who hide behind their keyboard and inflict pain and suffering on their victims with their taunts and vulgar postings. Their friends will not empathize with the victims as they are not on the other end of the harassment.  May they rot in cyber hell for eternity. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These vile, vulgar individuals who harass people daily, denigrating people's reputations, should remain banned for eternity, never to see the light of day. They are in fact cyber bullies who hide behind their keyboard and inflict pain and suffering on their victims with their taunts and vulgar postings. Their friends will not empathize with the victims as they are not on the other end of the harassment.  May they rot in cyber hell for eternity. 

You're another one that's so full of shit if given an enema, you'd shrink to the size of a basketball

Originally Posted by Kari:

It would be interesting to see what this Board would like if all those in favor of seeing an immediate reinstatement of Jalil and Mits were to take a sabbatical from this Forum until they resume posting.


Yo, you read my mind. I planned on coming in and say the same.I'm all for this, just state the day we stop.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These vile, vulgar individuals who harass people daily, denigrating people's reputations, should remain banned for eternity, never to see the light of day. They are in fact cyber bullies who hide behind their keyboard and inflict pain and suffering on their victims with their taunts and vulgar postings. Their friends will not empathize with the victims as they are not on the other end of the harassment.  May they rot in cyber hell for eternity. 

Look who is talking...the one stating that Black school Howard, is what may I ask an on what metric? 


The one who sees all crimes in Guyana as Black crimes or AFC PNC crimes, the one who excuses the incompetence in the police as a consequence of  them being black AFC/PNC ites and not listening to the administration?


The one who cannot withstand an assault by two tame fellows on his alias and so resort to calling them pedophiles and thinks on that account he wins?


Haul you disgusting vulgar racist  behind!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Wow! This is overwhelming. Thanks fellow GNIers. You know who you are.

     I am deeply touched by the support from the good guys on this forum.          


As we keep saying

Banning Mitwah, Mars, Jalil or anyone else

for exposing Corruption, Crime, Nepotism,

Wrong Doing and Breaking the Laws of Guyana....

will not make the wrong ......Right


and the Criminal, the Crime and the Crab Louse

will remain Funny Fellas.


And if you believe in god...

Remember God is watching

and the longest rope got an end....


  Political authority & religion are kin brothers,

neither would stand but by its companion;

because religion is the foundation of political power & its pillar,

& political power is the guardian of religion;

political power is not established with a foundation

& religion cannot be implemented without authority.” 

- Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I am happy that my protest bore fruit.

Thanks Amral.

Now these 3 creeps will continue their bulling of posters while you, friends, get a kick out of it. 

And walla Fruit keep Growing.

Big_Seed is crying out to be handled with care.

De Godey cannot tek it anymore.....


Question....If they cut the seed...

Would you Plant it

on De Ole PNC Engineer  and Ewegee????

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I am happy that my protest bore fruit.

Thanks Amral.

Now these 3 creeps will continue their bulling of posters while you, friends, get a kick out of it. 

And walla Fruit keep Growing.

Big_Seed is crying out to be handled with care.

De Godey cannot tek it anymore.....


Question....If they cut the seed...

Would you Plant it

on De Ole PNC Engineer  and Ewegee????


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