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Originally Posted by Chief:

In the name of religion so many wars are being fought. The refugee crisis isa direct result of religious and tribal differences where one set wants dominance.
Regardless of which religion we belongs to please love your fellow human beings. We are all children of the same one creator.
I pray for Peace!

Treat your fellow man as you would like him to treat you- a very simple statement. In Guyana, we do not have a war of weapons, but we do have war of words. Which did create refugee status for a few. 


Humans cannot get along. 


I follow the wisdom of the Jewish Rabbi. They seem to have different view of Yahweh. I listen attentively, because I feel I am have a special understanding. Being from an Anglo-Indian race, a reasonably understanding of Hinduism with its pantheon of gods and a Believer in the Lordship of Christ.


AS you said, "we are children of the same creator". Yes. But God is not the problem. People are.


The Rabbi said, when God made the world, and he saw it was good. Even the archangels shouted, "Hallejah"  Then there was silence. Apparently God told the Heavenly he was going create man.    


And the archangels pleaded, please doan do it, is a big big mistake. Dey goan fight and kill all the time-and You be sorry tat you did it.


God replied, okay, then I will provide a savior.


My take, Suh savior was before man was created. It is no wonder Enoch saw Him in the bssom of the Father.




Originally Posted by cain:

Put a halt on all religions. People gotta start believing in themselves for a change.

Hey Cain,


Leave religion alone. I respect your right as an atheist and you should also respect ours.


Nothing is wrong with Islam, Christianity or Vedic Hinduism.


It is just the bad people who are creating the problem. They do not represent any religion. The represent evil.

Yugi, Chief is way more religious than I, he was the one who made the opening post.
Originally Posted by Chief:

In the name of religion so many wars are being fought. The refugee crisis isa direct result of religious and tribal differences where one set wants dominance.
Regardless of which religion we belongs to please love your fellow human beings. We are all children of the same one creator.
I pray for Peace!


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by cain:

Put a halt on all religions. People gotta start believing in themselves for a change.

Hey Cain,


Leave religion alone. I respect your right as an atheist and you should also respect ours.


Nothing is wrong with Islam, Christianity or Vedic Hinduism.


It is just the bad people who are creating the problem. They do not represent any religion. The represent evil.

Sanatan Dharm pass fu grass, eh?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by cain:

Put a halt on all religions. People gotta start believing in themselves for a change.

Hey Cain,


Leave religion alone. I respect your right as an atheist and you should also respect ours.


Nothing is wrong with Islam, Christianity or Vedic Hinduism.


It is just the bad people who are creating the problem. They do not represent any religion. The represent evil.

Sanatan Dharm pass fu grass, eh?

Sanatana Dharma is the accurate Vedic term. It was not used so as not to confuse those who are not aware of it.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by cain:

Put a halt on all religions. People gotta start believing in themselves for a change.

Hey Cain,


Leave religion alone. I respect your right as an atheist and you should also respect ours.


Nothing is wrong with Islam, Christianity or Vedic Hinduism.


It is just the bad people who are creating the problem. They do not represent any religion. The represent evil.

Well said Yugi!!

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:

So let us hear what are some actions that you recommend?

Don't hold your breath.

Both of you are already informed to be asking that question, personally and thru Amral.  Do more and talk less, if you are not already doing so.

I am surprised that some choose not to respond to a request to help others.  

Originally Posted by Chief:

I am stating that in the name of religion so many bad things are happening.

Fan is short for fanatic. Nowhere is this more present than in the areas of sports, politics and religion. Since the '70s I have witnessed fights in Guyana over cricket games/scores. We have also seen this on the global scale where the soccer player from Columbia was killed because his accidental kick scored a goal for the other team thereby knocking Columbia out of the tournament. We have seem similar scenarios in the political arena where people gravitate to a side and stop being critical, reasonable or sensible. Examples of some of the Coalition's supporters on GNI.  


But the one that takes the cake is religion. Here we have followers who are usually expected to pack away their common sense and intelligence and just follow whatever the priest tells them to. The current situation of the clerk in KY shows where she feels comfortable enough to stand on her pedestal that she will not violate God's laws even as she is breaking the contract of her office. Her position would have been to leave her office if the requirement conflicts with her religious beliefs. There is a current situation in Miami where the ACLU and CAIR are seeking to have the prison provide halal food for their Muslim inmates rather than force them to either eat the non-halal food or starve. My question is why are they in prison in the first place? I would like to think that Muslims are also not allowed to commit crimes just as they are not allowed to eat haram. But just for argument sake, I will assume that they became Muslims while in prison and even then the Qur'an has a provision for them in that they are allowed to eat non-halal foods if they can's help it so the argument by ACLU and CAIR seems to do more with gaining attention that what is truly necessary.


The area that bothers me the most is the ongoing high level of killing within the global Muslim community. There are way too many wars, strife and corruption in the Muslim community and unfortunately that exist even in the Muslim communities in the US. The double speaking of Muslim leaders as well as followers shows a chronic problem of dishonesty and mistrust. We are quick to condemn others for what they do but don't show the same vigor in addressing this growing problem in our community. Muslims have to look deep within their souls and try to correct the many issues creating a gap between them and that element in us which makes us human. This missing element in the global Muslim community is very evidenced in the millions of displaced Muslim all over the world. As strange as it sound, those displaced Muslims are the lucky ones since they are not dead as some of their families and neighbors. But before we can even get to first base, we have to shake off the demand by our religious leaders to become non-thinking followers.

Originally Posted by Tola:

We seem to talk  a lot and do very little to help.

Is this what our religion teach us ?

The leaders of the world have no concept of God. Each one has a warlike mentality-killing ultimately will solve a problem.


Before the White governments decided to bomb the ME, have they ever stopped to think of issues that will follow.


For the billions of dollars they spend  to achieve a solution, it would have been better if they had spent that money and re-locate those who wished to be re-located. They have to do it now, anyway. 

Last edited by seignet
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Tola:

We seem to talk  a lot and do very little to help.

Is this what our religion teach us ?

The leaders of the world have no concept of God. Each one has a warlike mentality-killing ultimately will solve a problem.


Before the White governments decided to bomb the ME, have they ever stopped to think of issues that will follow.


For the billions of dollars they spend  to achieve a solution, it would have been better if they had spent that money and re-locate those who wished to be re-located. They have to do it now, anyway. 

You might notice the people of the world are saying ' ENOUGH IS ENOUGH' and are fighting back for their rights.

Force movement of people is one way of fighting back. Governments and the UN have to deal with it.  

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Tola:

We seem to talk  a lot and do very little to help.

Is this what our religion teach us ?

The leaders of the world have no concept of God. Each one has a warlike mentality-killing ultimately will solve a problem.


Before the White governments decided to bomb the ME, have they ever stopped to think of issues that will follow.


For the billions of dollars they spend  to achieve a solution, it would have been better if they had spent that money and re-locate those who wished to be re-located. They have to do it now, anyway. 

You might notice the people of the world are saying ' ENOUGH IS ENOUGH' and are fighting back for their rights.

Force movement of people is one way of fighting back. Governments and the UN have to deal with it.  

Religion is the source of all of the world's problems. Maybe we can add Israel as a component.


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