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Religious Leaders offer blessings – as Interfaith Service ushers in Heritage month celebrations


Georgetown, GINA, August 31, 2012 -- Source - GINA


The Ministry of Amerindian Affairs this evening hosted its annual interfaith service to usher in Amerindian Heritage Month 2012 which is being celebrated under the theme, “Embracing our identity, Celebrating our Culture.”


Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai with

representatives of the different religious faiths that

were part of the Interfaith programme


The event which was hosted at the Umana Yana in Kingston was attended by Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai and other Cabinet Ministers, representatives of the Diplomatic Corps and a good representation of the different religious faiths of Guyana.


Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Rastafarian leaders including those from the Guyana Conference of Seventh Day Adventist, the Bahai’ Community, the Islamic Organisation, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, the New Life Anointed Ministries and the Roman Catholic Church were among those briefly addressing the gathering.


Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai and

Minister of Agriculture Dr. Leslie Ramsammy among

the gathering at the Interfaith Service


They offered prayers, readings, hymns, exhortations and sermons for the successful unfolding of the month’s activities.


They also asked blessings for the Amerindian people, that they remain resilient and strong, and that they grow to accept their responsibilities for the well-being of their communities and the nation and carve out their mark on the country with regards to development.


The gathering at the Inter-Faith Service for

Amerindian Heritage Month 2012 at the Umana Yana


Prayers were also offered for the Government and the Leaders of the nation that wisdom, grace and understanding be their guide in the execution of their duties.


Some aspects of the programme were delivered in Amerindian dialect. This included the National Pledge that was recited in Akawio by staff of the Amerindian Affairs Ministry and Co-Chairperson of the night’s event, Deon James.


The Hallelujah Group of Tassarene, Middle Mazaruni,

Region Seven chanting at the Inter-Faith Service


A prayer in Wapishana was also recited by Father John Persaud of the Roman Catholic Church.


Activities for Amerindian Heritage month 2012 continues with the Grand Opening at the Amerindian Village at the National Exhibition Complex, Sophia tomorrow evening.


Father John Persaud and team from the Roman Catholic

Church singing a hymn at the service


The list of activities for the month continues until September 28 and features such activities as Craft and Food Exhibitions, Heritage Walk, Heritage Day, Sports and Family Fun Day and Mural Painting.


Ras Leon Saul of the Rastafari Council performs an

African drumology piece

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