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Former Member


June 20, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom 

The PPP should never have found itself in a position where firstly, it lost power and secondly, having lost power is being investigated for misappropriation of public property. Nothing is more shameful that the revelation that either just before or just after the elections, there was an attempt to transfer government vehicles to private individuals.
This is a shameful charge for the PPP to have to face, one that has disgraced the party which was once led by a man who would not even steal a crumb.
This malaise began with the demise of that man’s wife Janet Jagan.  Mrs. Jagan may have been pushed into a corner after she was described as a private citizen. She had her ways and protected her underlings but things would never have deteriorated as bad as they have if she were alive. She was a political animal. She had turned her eyes away from certain malpractices of party members. But she had a good heart when it came to people and would never have condoned some of the things we have been reading about the PPP government since her demise. She would never have tolerated some of the things we have been learning about the PPP.
After she closed her eyes, the PPP fell into a deep pit of corruption. It has not been able to climb out of this pit. The image of the PPP has been badly scarred and the party is not likely to recover from this sullying of its image. It will not recover unless there are sweeping changes to the leadership of the PPP.
Those changes are not likely to take place. The cabal that controls the Executive Committee has a stranglehold on power. Instead of acknowledging the validity of views of persons such as Clinton Urling who called for the party to move forward without Bharrat Jagdeo, the cabal has rallied behind the former President. There is not going to be any breaking of ranks.
Instead, the PPP is smelling rank. With each day that the new APNU government finds evidence of wrongdoing, the PPP is going to end up smelling stinker than the rotting whale that recently washed up on the Essequibo Coast.
The present PPP is not the original PPP. It is counterfeit PPP. It is not a working class party. It is self- serving supermarket, except that those who were serving themselves do not have to pay at the cash out counter.
A new PPP has to emerge. Change cannot come within. Those who are keen to ensure the legacy of the Jagans, those who desire change and want to save the PPP from the fate that now awaits it, should form a new party. It should be called the new PPP and someone like Ralph Ramkarran should be asked to lead the party. This is the only way that the PPP is going to redeem itself. It cannot redeem itself under the present leadership because they do not intend to slacken their grip on power.
It will take time for this new party to kick off. But it will find support throughout the country because there are thousands of PPP supporters who do not like the APNU+AFC but do not also care very much for the present PPP leadership.
They want to see the PPP cleansed of the rotten apples and tomatoes. Some of these supporters of the PPP are even hoping that APNU and the AFC will do the PPP a favour and jail some of those persons who committed crimes.
After what is being revealed, a great many of the 200,000 persons that voted for the PPP are not going to want to support the old PPP. But if a new PPP emerges they may shift their allegiances. This shifting will take time but it will happen.
As with any new party, you have to build from scratch. This is why the PPP needs a unifying force at the top. It needs someone to provide that stability and to enjoy the confidence of the prospective financers of the new PPP. Ralph Ramkarran may be the best person to lead that process.
But if he is not willing to do so, then someone else will have to take up the task. That person may be hard to find. But life is strange and an unknown may well emerge and become the maverick that saves the PPP from political desolation.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

He is just repeating what others have been saying.  Easier said than done.

The votes the PPP got is an indication that Jagdeo is still revered by many.  One person told me, "Jagdeo ah proper fight fuh Indian people."


They probably see him as a good bully you need to fight other bullies.

You are looking at the whole thing is screwed up fashion. Who is bullying whom?

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

He is just repeating what others have been saying.  Easier said than done.

The votes the PPP got is an indication that Jagdeo is still revered by many.  One person told me, "Jagdeo ah proper fight fuh Indian people."


They probably see him as a good bully you need to fight other bullies.


I doan think you understand my point bro. The point is not that he is posting novel genius level prescriptions for the PPP.


The point is that this PPP lapdog is publicly engaging in a civil war with the PPP leadership which tells us something of the serious levels of dissent within the PPP. The PPP is an authoritarian party. Dissent is not permitted and certainly not public dissent. Now we have a public fight. That is new. Progress of sorts.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

He is just repeating what others have been saying.  Easier said than done.

The votes the PPP got is an indication that Jagdeo is still revered by many.  One person told me, "Jagdeo ah proper fight fuh Indian people."


They probably see him as a good bully you need to fight other bullies.


I doan think you understand my point bro. The point is not that he is posting novel genius level prescriptions for the PPP.


The point is that this PPP lapdog is publicly engaging in a civil war with the PPP leadership which tells us something of the serious levels of dissent within the PPP. The PPP is an authoritarian party. Dissent is not permitted and certainly not public dissent. Now we have a public fight. That is new. Progress of sorts.

They listening to me 


Having some acts of good and some acts of bad, in the end is considered unrighteous acts. Oil and water doan mix. And the Jagans have turned their eyes away from corruption since the beginning of the PPP. On the sensitive issue of race relations, Cheddie played Russian roulette wid Black people. Always attempting to share equal power but never do. His last betrayal to Black folks was the CIVIC-he made Black people in the PPP lost the respect of their own.  


Ram Karran have nothing in common with grass roots. He is more of an opportunists.


Change will come, but only with full participation of the grass root. The last election the PPP had 202,000 votes. They were not only Indo votes in that number.


If anything, I see an AFC rising. Whether the non -Indian segment choose to align themselves with President Granger  concoction of a political party-which I think Granger is quietly building. Or they stay within the AFC.  


As I stated once before, Those Who Vote PPP will have send letters to Freedom House signifying their intentions of ridding the PPP of Jagdeo's lil men and wimen. 

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

He is just repeating what others have been saying.  Easier said than done.

The votes the PPP got is an indication that Jagdeo is still revered by many.  One person told me, "Jagdeo ah proper fight fuh Indian people."


They probably see him as a good bully you need to fight other bullies.


I doan think you understand my point bro. The point is not that he is posting novel genius level prescriptions for the PPP.


The point is that this PPP lapdog is publicly engaging in a civil war with the PPP leadership which tells us something of the serious levels of dissent within the PPP. The PPP is an authoritarian party. Dissent is not permitted and certainly not public dissent. Now we have a public fight. That is new. Progress of sorts.

They listening to me 


Well they re-affirmed their commitment to suicidal Jaganism so I'm inclined to believe you

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

He is just repeating what others have been saying.  Easier said than done.

The votes the PPP got is an indication that Jagdeo is still revered by many.  One person told me, "Jagdeo ah proper fight fuh Indian people."


They probably see him as a good bully you need to fight other bullies.

Indians have to unite and fight for their rights to a free and fair election.

Jagdeo is man fore the Job.   There are other candidates for presidential contenter in 2020: Prem Misir, Priya Manickchand, Robert Persaud, Ravi Dev, and Dr. Ashni.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

He is just repeating what others have been saying.  Easier said than done.

The votes the PPP got is an indication that Jagdeo is still revered by many.  One person told me, "Jagdeo ah proper fight fuh Indian people."


They probably see him as a good bully you need to fight other bullies.

Indians have to unite and fight for their rights to a free and fair election.

Jagdeo is man fore the Job.   There are other candidates for presidential contenter in 2020: Prem Misir, Priya Manickchand, Robert Persaud, Ravi Dev, and Dr. Ashni.


Can we get Priya Pig to cuss down the U.S. Ambassador again? Whah yuh tink?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

He is just repeating what others have been saying.  Easier said than done.

The votes the PPP got is an indication that Jagdeo is still revered by many.  One person told me, "Jagdeo ah proper fight fuh Indian people."


They probably see him as a good bully you need to fight other bullies.

Indians have to unite and fight for their rights to a free and fair election.

Jagdeo is man fore the Job.   There are other candidates for presidential contenter in 2020: Prem Misir, Priya Manickchand, Robert Persaud, Ravi Dev, and Dr. Ashni.


Can we get Priya Pig to cuss down the U.S. Ambassador again? Whah yuh tink?

Is it true you advised them to do that? Just kidding.  

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

He is just repeating what others have been saying.  Easier said than done.

The votes the PPP got is an indication that Jagdeo is still revered by many.  One person told me, "Jagdeo ah proper fight fuh Indian people."


They probably see him as a good bully you need to fight other bullies.

Indians have to unite and fight for their rights to a free and fair election.

Jagdeo is man fore the Job. 

  There are other candidates for presidential contenter in 2020:

Prem Misir, Priya Manickchand, Robert Persaud, Ravi Dev, and Dr. Ashni.



Vindya Persaud


swearing with the Bhagwat Gita  - 


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