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Originally posted by TI:
Cheddie started free education when he became premier.
The agrarian reform failed miserably because of PNC racial mismanagent, cronyism, and corruption.

Burnham rule was a blight on Guyana from which it is still recovering.


Well said!

Burnham was, indeed, a blight on Guyana.

But guesss what--40.8% of Guyanese long and crave for a Burnham to rule them---those losers would prefer to starve, eat grass, and drink pulluted water if it means they have a monster like this as their leader:


Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Churchill:

He was used by the colonial powers to split the independence movement...he received funds from the CIA to fight the PPP and to rig the elections of 1968 and onwards....

Churchill today you are reaping the benefits from the CIA, you are an American citizen. AMERICA DESTROYED COMMUNISM AND THANK THE LATE President Burnham for his contribution. He had the wisdom to know that Jagan and his wife would have ruind Guyana with marxism /Lenninism.

Burnham also declared himself as Marxist-Leninist after 1974! he said the PNC was the real Marxist-Leninist party ("the Bolsheviks") and labelled the PPP as "the Mensheviks."
Would Gandhi approve of what Fagdeo is/was doing? RAping the country of its resources to the detriment of its subjects?
Originally posted by Churchill:
LFS Burnham is a historical figure who has a permanent place in Guyana's history....

He was used by the colonial powers to split the independence movement...he received funds from the CIA to fight the PPP and to rig the elections of 1968 and onwards....

He was a hero to fools who thought that he was great...

Chief do you think the Prophet would have approved of Burnham and his actions ?.....
Originally posted by Daren David:

Burnham also declared himself as Marxist-Leninist after 1974! he said the PNC was the real Marxist-Leninist party ("the Bolsheviks") and labelled the PPP as "the Mensheviks."

Burnham issued little red books with Mao teachings to his followers, and at the annual PNC convention, had them chanting like little children. The man really made an ass of his followers. Even today, they are still brainwashed. Big Grin
You are a DOG lover and you are entitled to that.
Originally posted by Bruddaman:
Burnham was a GREAT man. A man of VISION.

After he was used by the USA and he turned his back on them THAT WAS WHEN things turned sour at home and abroad. For all the Burnham haters out there, if you did not know him personally then stop hating the man. To know him was to love him
Thank you. Keep it coming and I'll make puppy chow out of you. Big Grin
Originally posted by Nehru:
You are a DOG lover and you are entitled to that.
Originally posted by Bruddaman:
Burnham was a GREAT man. A man of VISION.

After he was used by the USA and he turned his back on them THAT WAS WHEN things turned sour at home and abroad. For all the Burnham haters out there, if you did not know him personally then stop hating the man. To know him was to love him
Originally posted by Daren David:
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Churchill:

He was used by the colonial powers to split the independence movement...he received funds from the CIA to fight the PPP and to rig the elections of 1968 and onwards....

Churchill today you are reaping the benefits from the CIA, you are an American citizen. AMERICA DESTROYED COMMUNISM AND THANK THE LATE President Burnham for his contribution. He had the wisdom to know that Jagan and his wife would have ruind Guyana with marxism /Lenninism.

Burnham also declared himself as Marxist-Leninist after 1974! he said the PNC was the real Marxist-Leninist party ("the Bolsheviks") and labelled the PPP as "the Mensheviks."

I remember The Hon Cammie Ramsaroop making that speech.
Originally posted by TI:
I liked Burnham the best when he banned Indo food, dhal and flour. He did it for their benefit. All that roti and dhal was getting them too fat. Also the long lines for food kept them thin and slim. Big Grin

Shut your backside. You know how many Indians became over night millionaires because of trading and back track.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Gupta:

Long live the Burnham Dictatorial Constitution which the PPP Govt governs and enjoys ruling Guyana.


Major changes to Guyana's constitution reguire, at least, 66% of the members' agreement.

Hopefully APNU AND AFC can do this and curb the dictatoship of the PPP.
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by Daren David:

Burnham also declared himself as Marxist-Leninist after 1974! he said the PNC was the real Marxist-Leninist party ("the Bolsheviks") and labelled the PPP as "the Mensheviks."

Burnham issued little red books with Mao teachings to his followers, and at the annual PNC convention, had them chanting like little children. The man really made an ass of his followers. Even today, they are still brainwashed. Big Grin

Originally posted by Bruddaman:
Thank you. Keep it coming and I'll make puppy chow out of you. Big Grin
Originally posted by Nehru:
You are a DOG lover and you are entitled to that.
Originally posted by Bruddaman:
Burnham was a GREAT man. A man of VISION.

After he was used by the USA and he turned his back on them THAT WAS WHEN things turned sour at home and abroad. For all the Burnham haters out there, if you did not know him personally then stop hating the man. To know him was to love him


Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Gupta:

Long live the Burnham Dictatorial Constitution which the PPP Govt governs and enjoys ruling Guyana.


Major changes to Guyana's constitution reguire, at least, 66% of the members' agreement.

Hopefully APNU AND AFC can do this and curb the dictatoship of the PPP.

PNC/APNU and AFC made no movements in the years to seek changes to these aspects of the constitution.
Originally posted by Daren David:
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Churchill:

He was used by the colonial powers to split the independence movement...he received funds from the CIA to fight the PPP and to rig the elections of 1968 and onwards....

Churchill today you are reaping the benefits from the CIA, you are an American citizen. AMERICA DESTROYED COMMUNISM AND THANK THE LATE President Burnham for his contribution. He had the wisdom to know that Jagan and his wife would have ruind Guyana with marxism /Lenninism.

Burnham also declared himself as Marxist-Leninist after 1974! he said the PNC was the real Marxist-Leninist party ("the Bolsheviks") and labelled the PPP as "the Mensheviks."

You are right Daren David. According to Burnham in his speeches, Dr Cheddi was on the side of Julius Martov while he Burnham was on the side of Lenin.

I don't think Burnham told the CIA this when he was asking them for money to fight Dr Cheddi. Big Grin
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by TI:
I liked Burnham the best when he banned Indo food, dhal and flour. He did it for their benefit. All that roti and dhal was getting them too fat. Also the long lines for food kept them thin and slim. Big Grin

Shut your backside. You know how many Indians became over night millionaires because of trading and back track.

Oohh mi gaad, look ah coolie katahaar deh so. Dem suk da PPP wenn dem bin yung, dem tek road run get away fram Burnham, den deh geh kik da side, naow dem a com bak in dem ole dayzz ah try fuh geh lil ambasada wuk and wenn e' nah wuk out, dem a cuss coolie and praaze da Burnhan. Soa tell abie nah, da PNC pramise yuh lil wuk? Mi gaad, coolies ah some raal crab dagg, dem a use dem mattie 'nd talk dem name.

Dem bais donk hay seh yu waan dem ole PPP bais.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by TI:
I liked Burnham the best when he banned Indo food, dhal and flour. He did it for their benefit. All that roti and dhal was getting them too fat. Also the long lines for food kept them thin and slim. Big Grin

Shut your backside. You know how many Indians became over night millionaires because of trading and back track.

Oohh mi gaad, look ah coolie katahaar deh so. Dem suk da PPP wenn dem bin yung, dem tek road run get away fram Burnham, den deh geh kik da side, naow dem a com bak in dem ole dayzz ah try fuh geh lil ambasada wuk and wenn e' nah wuk out, dem a cuss coolie and praaze da Burnhan. Soa tell abie nah, da PNC pramise yuh lil wuk? Mi gaad, coolies ah some raal crab dagg, dem a use dem mattie 'nd talk dem name.

Dem bais donk hay seh yu waan dem ole PPP bais.

Like you bin hanging around Albert. Albert is trying hard hard lobbying and things to get his buddy appointed Guyana's Ambassador to Canada.
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by Daren David:

Burnham also declared himself as Marxist-Leninist after 1974! he said the PNC was the real Marxist-Leninist party ("the Bolsheviks") and labelled the PPP as "the Mensheviks."

Burnham issued little red books with Mao teachings to his followers, and at the annual PNC convention, had them chanting like little children. The man really made an ass of his followers. Even today, they are still brainwashed. Big Grin


Like Burnham kept you out of the inner circle? Big Grin
Ask any serious PNC stalwart who attended Sophia about these little red books.
They were even distributing them at the party meetings, "comrade". Big Grin
Originally posted by Chief:
Under the leadership of our late President Guyana became a republic.
Today is our 42nd anniversary, this is a fact and put in your pipe and smoke it.

Eh eh, an' wah mek dem kik yu da side? Tell abie nah, wah pooosition da late Burnham bin gi yuh nah? dem bais seh fuh aask yuh, how com yuh runway since da 70's. Ah wah deh yuh pipe yuh a smoke.
Originally posted by AndrÃĐ:
Originally posted by Chief:
Under the leadership of our late President Guyana became a fudged up republic.
Today is our 42nd anniversary, this is a fact and put in your pipe and smoke it.

There is no reason to apologize for the “Burnham Era” – Commentary


FEBRUARY 23, 2012 By Brutal Facts

A Republic day message:
Today as the nation celebrates the 42nd anniversary of the Republic, it is a good time to for us to revisit the Burnham legacy. Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham was the First Executive President of Guyana, and a visionary, who along with Dr. Cheddie Jagan, are undeniably the fathers of the nation. Over the years, Burnham’s political enemies and revisionist historians have succeeded in tarnishing his image and accomplishments to such an extent that today he has become their “Bogey man”, and whipping boy.

Burnham has become so unpopular that even those within his own political party the Peoples National Congress (PNC) rarely tout his accomplishments and are seemingly afraid to mount a battle to salvage his image.

The PPPC and those who hated Forbes Burnham have created a situation where there can be no reasonable debate about the man and his times. Anyone who tries to engage in a pro-Burnham discussion, or highlight his contributions to Guyana and the wider world, is shouted down and labeled “apologists” and worse by those with an axe to grind. The end result is that even PNC stalwarts speak of him in whispers, fail to boast about his contributions and allow the opposition to rewrite the history of Guyana to suit their racist motives.

Space will not permit me to fully examine the Burnham legacy, but what is intended here is to sound the call to intellectuals, historians and the party faithful to mount a credible expose of this past president. I don’t think that Forbes Burnham measured up to being anointed a saint, but I don’t subscribe to the theory that he was the demonic figure that revisionist wants us to believe. To discuss the Forbes Burnham legacy without a dispassionate assessment of the period in which he served Guyana; taking into consideration local, regional and world events, is intellectually dishonest at best and racist at worst.

If they are honest, many Guyanese who lived in Guyana during the “Burnham era” will share that although there were many hardships and disappointments during that period, there was also much to be proud of. President Burnham was a lighting rod, well admired by his allies and passionately despised by his foes. What cannot be debated is that he was a nationalist who believed that Guyana was a country for all Guyanese. He surrounded himself with many technocrats and intellectuals, many of whom crossed the political divide to join him, like Ranji Chandisingh, Vincent Teekah and Sydney Sukho; he had brilliant colleagues like Shridath Ramphal, Dr. Mohamed Shahabudeen; Dr. Kenneth Kind; Desmond Hoyte; Rashliegh Jackson,Winifred Gaskin, Shirley Field Ridley, Jean Maitland-Singh and many more.

Burnham was a visionary who dreamed big dreams and had confidence that Guyana could be self reliant. Burnham believed that with our God given resources we did not have to go” hat in hand” begging; he believed that we could feed, clothe and house ourselves. Under his watch there were some hard times when the country suffered a severe foreign exchange crisis due to Western influences and a drop in the world price for sugar. Imported items were severely restricted and the country suffered many shortages, but those who claim that the shortages were deliberate to punish the Indian community are evil liars who are either playing politics or playing race. Every ethnic group in Guyana suffered; we were all in the same boat.

That same period proved Guyanese to be a brilliant and resilient people as community farming spread throughout the country. Home ownership and land for farming was government policy, as many citizens received low interest loans to purchase land and materials to build their own homes for the first time. At no time in Guyana’s history were more housing schemes and homes built. Education became free and many racially segregated schools allowed brilliant students of all races and class into their institutions for the 1st time. Citizens were able to produce many credible alternatives to the restricted products; packaging our own hams and bacons; LIDCO milk; mixed fish at $1.00 per pound ($1.00 Guyana dollar); local corn, black eye peas, palm oil, strong brown cotton, white cotton, rice flour; experiments in Bio gas and other forms of alternative energyâ€Ķ.Many of these items have today been proven to be more nutritious alternatives and continue to sell at a premium in Western countries. What if we had maintained those industries?

Burnham was also a builder who contributed immensely to the country’s infrastructure development. Building the Linden Highway (after the PPP’s Del Conte fiasco), The Demerara Harbour Bridge, The Canje Bridge, The bridge linking Mackenzie with Wismar; the East Coast highway; the East Berbice Highway linking New Amsterdam with Corriverton; The first airport at Timheri; the Santa textile plant, the Yarokabra Glass factory; the 1763 monument; the Enmore Martyr’s monument; the Umana Yana; the Non aligned monument; the Black Bush Polder extension; the Mahaica- Mahaicony Abary development project; and many others too numerous to mention.

It is customary that just the mere mention of the name Burnham triggers debate, that is a brutal fact, but to ignore his contributions would be cowardly, and politically deceitful. Burnham was the creator of Mashramani, he taught us to respect each other and celebrate our diversity. He instilled a fierce sense of pride in the youth of that era which today is evident in the numerous accomplishments of youths who grew up in that era. Under his watch every major religious holy day was made a public holiday and unlike Guyana’s current regime, his cabinet, the diplomatic corp., state boards and the leadership of Cooperation’s were mirror images of Guyana’s rich diversity.

Forbes Burnham was not a racist and we do this generation and future generations a disservice by not allowing him his rightful place among the champions of the anti-colonialism and the Independence movements in Guyana. It is time for us to stop demonizing and start celebrating Guyana’s history. Even with his many faults, there can be no argument that in our Nation’s darkest hour, Burnham and Jagan stood with us and for us. It is time we stand up for Forbes Burnham.
Originally posted by Churchill:
LFS Burnham is a historical figure who has a permanent place in Guyana's history....

He was used by the colonial powers to split the independence movement...he received funds from the CIA to fight the PPP and to rig the elections of 1968 and onwards....

He was a hero to fools who thought that he was great...

Chief do you think the Prophet would have approved of Burnham and his actions ?.....

Actually Burnham was FIRST USED BY JAGAN to destroy all moderate and indian organizations . Having seen how easily he was misled by promises of political grandeur the West used the same JAGAN ploy against JAGAN.

If anything positive can be said about Burnham it is that he was an astute student who learned well from Dr & Mrs Jagan and applied all their techniques against them and beat them at their own game.

Burnham might have been a good orator but he was a political blunder just as JAGAN .
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Chief:
Do you think your God Jagan would have approved Nagamootoo actions?

The late,great Dr.Cheddi Jagan would have been very proud of Moses...... flag

BTW....Jagan was not my God but the person who opened my mind and educated me to the evils of exploitation and corruption.....

What did Burnham taught you ?

is that why you are living in the safety of the cradle of the almighty USofA ? and have not returned to Guyana to help the Jagans and Moses .
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Chief:
Do you think your God Jagan would have approved Nagamootoo actions?

The late,great Dr.Cheddi Jagan would have been very proud of Moses...... flag

BTW....Jagan was not my God but the person who opened my mind and educated me to the evils of exploitation and corruption.....

What did Burnham taught you ?

is that why you are living in the safety of the cradle of the almighty USofA ? and have not returned to Guyana to help the Jagans and Moses .

The man waiting on you when you start to use your astute financial skills in Guyana Big Grin
Originally posted by TI:
Some people can't stand up for Rodney who Burnham had killed.
Others can stand...all day in long lines to get a few tidbits of food from Burnham communist food co-ops!

Socialist economics like the cooperatives failed under Burnham just as such would have failed under Jagan . Indians were and are still not socialist, they are basically capitalist so obviously Burnham's economics was doomed to fail. If Jagan came to power back in the early 1960's Guyana would have become a colony of the USSR and all you guyanese would have suffered like other eastern europeans did under the USSR power and influence. It never ceases to amaze me that you so-called intelligent Guyanese still praise the failures and failed leadership of Burnham and Jagan and the PNC and PPP . You folks are backwards and this is this kind of mindset which hinders Guyana from progressing after 6 decades of sheer unadulterated political bullsh1t from Jagan and Burnham .
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Chief:
Do you think your God Jagan would have approved Nagamootoo actions?

The late,great Dr.Cheddi Jagan would have been very proud of Moses...... flag

BTW....Jagan was not my God but the person who opened my mind and educated me to the evils of exploitation and corruption.....

What did Burnham taught you ?

is that why you are living in the safety of the cradle of the almighty USofA ? and have not returned to Guyana to help the Jagans and Moses .

The man waiting on you when you start to use your astute financial skills in Guyana Big Grin

Guyana is a cesspool of backwardness and ignorance they will continue to suffer unless they kick the PNC and PPP to the curb. Sit back take your time and look at all the top political hopefuls in Guyana and then tell me honestly that they represent the best choices then, ask yourself how much you are willing to support and back these losers . Guyana politics is race based not economic based , the voters cast their vote based of fear , insecurity and ignorance , how would my skills benefit such f#@king losers ?

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