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Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has a police? 

Rohee was their boss.

Provide me with the evidence that Rohee sent these black men to kill your martyrs.

 Would any convince your one track mind.

"black men to kill your martyrs."

What is this all about your colors showing.

She might have a one track mind compare to you playing blind and dumb.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has a police? 

Rohee was their boss.

Provide me with the evidence that Rohee sent these black men to kill your martyrs.

 Would any convince your one track mind.

"black men to kill your martyrs."

What is this all about your colors showing.

She might have a one track mind compare to you playingblind and dumb.

Whey you see duh,banna you better check eh.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has a police? 

Rohee was their boss.

Provide me with the evidence that Rohee sent these black men to kill your martyrs.

 Would any convince your one track mind.

"black men to kill your martyrs."

What is this all about your colors showing.

She might have a one track mind compare to you playing blind and dumb.

Whey you see duh,banna you better check eh.

like you kanwa or wah bai?

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And these are the guys who killed them.



On orders of the PPP. That's the M.O. of the PPP, send black people to kill black people. They are too cowardly to do the job themselves.

It's not the PPP alone, PNC too. They send Gregory Smith to kill Dr. Rodney. By the way, blacks kill black in America too.

Chief posted:

Thank you Mars.

I am not too sure about the Martyrs part however they were gunned down by the PPP police.

Shut you stupid rass.  The head of Police was Brummel and all the police present were Afro.  Both the GPF and GDF voted 90% PNC.  They were threatened and defended themselves as anyone would!  So shut yuh stupid rass...again!

If the GPF/GDF really go after the gangs behind the crime wave today, 90% of those likely to be shot/killed will be Afros!  So shut yuh stupid rass again...and again!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has a police?   Chief - this is a pic of July 18, 2012.  Which one of these is the PPP police you are talking about?linden-protest4

Lindeners support APNU and they were protesting PPP action.   The Minister of Home Affairs was the PPP man.  The CoP was appointed by the PPP.  The police shot the protesters.

So which part of this wasn't PPP ordered action?

Its been notable that since the PPP lost power the police haven't been attacking people at protests.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has a police? 

Rohee was their boss.

Provide me with the evidence that Rohee sent these black men to kill your martyrs.

 Would any convince your one track mind.

"black men to kill your martyrs."

What is this all about your colors showing.

In fact Jagdeo used to boast that he was able to get blacks to kill other blacks.

caribny posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has a police? 

Rohee was their boss.

Provide me with the evidence that Rohee sent these black men to kill your martyrs.

 Would any convince your one track mind.

"black men to kill your martyrs."

What is this all about your colors showing.

In fact Jagdeo used to boast that he was able to get blacks to kill other blacks.

Banna, if Granger go after the banditry in Guyana, it will be mostly Black officers killing mostly Black criminals!

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Shut you stupid rass.  The head of Police was Brummel

A loyal stooge of the PPP.

Any more comments?

Yes, so upholding the law and protecting themselves is "stoogery"!!  Brummel was not even their nor did he issue the order.  It was done at the Field level and these were all Afro police officers.

They were destroying property and threatening the police and among them were radical anarchists.  So the police acted.

Those two PPP people were killed doing their legal task in the election, accompanying the boxes!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has a police? ame

Rohee was their boss.

Provide me with the evidence that Rohee sent these black men to kill your martyrs.

I keep saying you are a low functioning PPP critter and more often than not I hope you would prove me wrong. Then you go and do something stupid as this.

We have Enmore martyrs; did Lance Corporal James and his six companions facing down some 600 enraged indians intent on over running their positions get any direct order from the Crown to shoot Pooran et al?

Note they had primitive weapons and six shots each meaning they did not go there to kill coolies! Yet you are ignorant enough to frame the above where overwhelming force with machine guns facing people who were squatting on a bridge in protest as one for which the PPP is not responsible!

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has a police? ame

Rohee was their boss.

Provide me with the evidence that Rohee sent these black men to kill your martyrs.

I keep saying you are a low functioning PPP critter and more often than not I hope you would prove me wrong. Then you go and do something stupid as this.

We have Enmore martyrs; did Lance Corporal James and his six companions facing down some 600 enraged indians intent on over running their positions get any direct order from the Crown to shoot Pooran et al?

Note they had primitive weapons and six shots each meaning they did not go there to kill coolies! Yet you are ignorant enough to frame the above where overwhelming force with machine guns facing people who were squatting on a bridge in protest as one for which the PPP is not responsible!

Get a grip on reality and stop pretending. This is a clear case of PNC police killing PNC protesters. The only guilt of the PPP is by association, the fact that they were the ruling party at the time.  The decision to fire on the crowd was due to fear from fellow PNC supporters who happen to be police.

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has a police? ame

Rohee was their boss.

Provide me with the evidence that Rohee sent these black men to kill your martyrs.

I keep saying you are a low functioning PPP critter and more often than not I hope you would prove me wrong. Then you go and do something stupid as this.

We have Enmore martyrs; did Lance Corporal James and his six companions facing down some 600 enraged indians intent on over running their positions get any direct order from the Crown to shoot Pooran et al?

Note they had primitive weapons and six shots each meaning they did not go there to kill coolies! Yet you are ignorant enough to frame the above where overwhelming force with machine guns facing people who were squatting on a bridge in protest as one for which the PPP is not responsible!

Get a grip on reality and stop pretending. This is a clear case of PNC police killing PNC protesters. The only guilt of the PPP is by association, the fact that they were the ruling party at the time.  The decision to fire on the crowd was due to fear from fellow PNC supporters who happen to be police.

You and I were over a decade from the smile on our father faces that caused our being when this thing happened. In the history books the story was the crowd had already invaded the compound from two directions and they numbered many hundreds of protestors enraged by the imposition of the cut and load scheme. These fellows could not be compared to some 30 or more police in linden armed with shotguns and machine guns. The protestors there were also squatting on a bridge. There is a video on utube with the police in charge telling them what he was going to do. Obviously they were there per the Ramotar government under the purview of Mr Rohee.

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has a police? ame

Rohee was their boss.

Provide me with the evidence that Rohee sent these black men to kill your martyrs.

I keep saying you are a low functioning PPP critter and more often than not I hope you would prove me wrong. Then you go and do something stupid as this.

We have Enmore martyrs; did Lance Corporal James and his six companions facing down some 600 enraged indians intent on over running their positions get any direct order from the Crown to shoot Pooran et al?

Note they had primitive weapons and six shots each meaning they did not go there to kill coolies! Yet you are ignorant enough to frame the above where overwhelming force with machine guns facing people who were squatting on a bridge in protest as one for which the PPP is not responsible!

Get a grip on reality and stop pretending. This is a clear case of PNC police killing PNC protesters. The only guilt of the PPP is by association, the fact that they were the ruling party at the time.  The decision to fire on the crowd was due to fear from fellow PNC supporters who happen to be police.

You and I were over a decade from the smile on our father faces that caused our being when this thing happened. In the history books the story was the crowd had already invaded the compound from two directions and they numbered many hundreds of protestors enraged by the imposition of the cut and load scheme. These fellows could not be compared to some 30 or more police in linden armed with shotguns and machine guns. The protestors there were also squatting on a bridge. There is a video on utube with the police in charge telling them what he was going to do. Obviously they were there per the Ramotar government under the purview of Mr Rohee.

If you ever have to end up in a court of law, which I hope you will one day, You will end up in jail.  Just for telling lies, and lack of deductive reasoning.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP has a police? ame

Rohee was their boss.

Provide me with the evidence that Rohee sent these black men to kill your martyrs.

I keep saying you are a low functioning PPP critter and more often than not I hope you would prove me wrong. Then you go and do something stupid as this.

We have Enmore martyrs; did Lance Corporal James and his six companions facing down some 600 enraged indians intent on over running their positions get any direct order from the Crown to shoot Pooran et al?

Note they had primitive weapons and six shots each meaning they did not go there to kill coolies! Yet you are ignorant enough to frame the above where overwhelming force with machine guns facing people who were squatting on a bridge in protest as one for which the PPP is not responsible!

Get a grip on reality and stop pretending. This is a clear case of PNC police killing PNC protesters. The only guilt of the PPP is by association, the fact that they were the ruling party at the time.  The decision to fire on the crowd was due to fear from fellow PNC supporters who happen to be police.

You and I were over a decade from the smile on our father faces that caused our being when this thing happened. In the history books the story was the crowd had already invaded the compound from two directions and they numbered many hundreds of protestors enraged by the imposition of the cut and load scheme. These fellows could not be compared to some 30 or more police in linden armed with shotguns and machine guns. The protestors there were also squatting on a bridge. There is a video on utube with the police in charge telling them what he was going to do. Obviously they were there per the Ramotar government under the purview of Mr Rohee.

If you ever have to end up in a court of law, which I hope you will one day, You will end up in jail.  Just for telling lies, and lack of deductive reasoning.

As I said, my wife has a few attorneys on staff retainer and I have at least a half  dozen personal friends who would work pro bono and with alacrity against those creeps. I would like one of these critters to sue me in US court so we make mince meat of them. I was threatened by ed the talking horse for defending Vishnu Mahadeo, I was threatened by Baldeo and he likes to sue people. I was threatened by at least three more people right here so as I said you cannot intimidate me. The Ramotar government with Rohee as the responsible party sent these cops to hold the bridge. People died. I say if you can claim enmore martyrs we claim these as martyrs to the PPP atrocity.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

Banna, if Granger go after the banditry in Guyana, it will be mostly Black officers killing mostly Black criminals!

Jagdeo wanted blacks to kill blacks even when no criminals were involved.  Lots of innocent blacks (or people whose criminality wasn't established) were slaughtered by Jagdeo during his reign.  

The PPP loved the smell of black blood, and so were booted out by a record turn out of black and part black Guyanese.

ba$eman posted:

Yes, so upholding the law and protecting themselves is "stoogery"!! 

Shooting people in cold blood isn't what civilized societies do.  People have a right to protest whether the government agrees with them or not.

If Granger had sent the police to shoot down the Wales protestors you would be hysterical in your screams that "black man a kill ahbe".

Now I know that you love the smell of black blood, so endorse those who fire cold lead into their bodies, but get over yourself.

Drugb posted:

Get a grip on reality and stop pretending. This is a clear case of PNC police killing PNC protesters. The only guilt of the PPP is by association, the fact that they were the ruling party at the time.  The decision to fire on the crowd was due to fear from fellow PNC supporters who happen to be police.

Just to prove that you are an idiot.  Why did you and the rest of you PPP critters defend the shooting when it happened?   Rohee was out there screaming that the shooting was justified, which was why a commission of inquiry was set up.

Are you telling me that the PPP was cooperating with the PNC to make the PPP look bad in front of blacks?

Seriously. Your father must have bribed somebody for you to get into Saints. I know that this school is inferior to QC, but still one needs to have basic literacy to get in, and you lack that.


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