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Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie never did what he said he would do in his interview. His ministers were stifled and they were lacking. Everything was decided upon at Freedom House by CBJ and JJ.


And every private business project had to land on the desk of CBJ-and they pilled up whilst he went on his world tours.


Every business deal and business man was scrutinized to determine whether they were crooks or had dealings with the PNC regime. Every indian unknown to the ACG where ever they were was considered devious. A sincere indian was a pro-PPP and anti-Negro(as every negro was percieved to be a PNC operative)


I know.


Discussions with him in Toronto was controlled by the ACG and personal meeting on business matters were met with a cold disappointment. He obviously never looked at ANY business proposals by any guyanese other than those known to him through the ACG.


AS for his ministers, the one with the Ministry of Agriculture and Information Minister were RUDE-very very rude.



I think this is quite close to the truth. One of the reasons for Guyana having a dankey cart economy after 20 years of PPP rule. fact it is far from the truth !....In 1992 Cheddi restarted the process to rebuild Guyana economically and socially, a work he started way back in 1957. We saw the destruction by the PNC from 1964 to was no easy task to rebuild. The first five years of the Cheddi Jagan administration showed that the PPP govt  under Cheddi  had started to turn things around so much so that the Carter center stated that from what they saw Guyana can become a model for third world development if the plans were executed accordingly.....


There are some who wanted Cheddi to do what Burnham did and after he refused he was suddenly the bad guy.



Churchill, I heard you now may be meeting with Granger supporters for dinner and things like that now.  Another Super Rat? 

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by Churchill: fact it is far from the truth !....In 1992 Cheddi restarted the process to rebuild Guyana economically and socially, a work he started way back in 1957. We saw the destruction by the PNC from 1964 to was no easy task to rebuild. The first five years of the Cheddi Jagan administration showed that the PPP govt  under Cheddi  had started to turn things around so much so that the Carter center stated that from what they saw Guyana can become a model for third world development if the plans were executed accordingly.....


There are some who wanted Cheddi to do what Burnham did and after he refused he was suddenly the bad guy.



Churchill, I heard you now may be meeting with Granger supporters for dinner and things like that now.  Another Super Rat. 

Plans and blueprints are always the easy part.  If that's what it took, very few systems will have failed.  The PPP, and for that matter the PNC, blueprint were good.  Execution is where they all failed as getting competent and honest people to work together is where the rubber meets the road, that's where leadership begins and ends.  Even a flawed system, well implemented will do better than a good system flawed by execution.

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Cheddie never did what he said he would do in his interview. His ministers were stifled and they were lacking. Everything was decided upon at Freedom House by CBJ and JJ.


And every private business project had to land on the desk of CBJ-and they pilled up whilst he went on his world tours.


Every business deal and business man was scrutinized to determine whether they were crooks or had dealings with the PNC regime. Every indian unknown to the ACG where ever they were was considered devious. A sincere indian was a pro-PPP and anti-Negro(as every negro was percieved to be a PNC operative)


I know.


Discussions with him in Toronto was controlled by the ACG and personal meeting on business matters were met with a cold disappointment. He obviously never looked at ANY business proposals by any guyanese other than those known to him through the ACG.


AS for his ministers, the one with the Ministry of Agriculture and Information Minister were RUDE-very very rude.



I think this is quite close to the truth. One of the reasons for Guyana having a dankey cart economy after 20 years of PPP rule. fact it is far from the truth !....In 1992 Cheddi restarted the process to rebuild Guyana economically and socially, a work he started way back in 1957. We saw the destruction by the PNC from 1964 to was no easy task to rebuild. The first five years of the Cheddi Jagan administration showed that the PPP govt  under Cheddi  had started to turn things around so much so that the Carter center stated that from what they saw Guyana can become a model for third world development if the plans were executed accordingly.....


There are some who wanted Cheddi to do what Burnham did and after he refused he was suddenly the bad guy.



If a person was an investor, then they would have first hand information of what I stated. If a Guyanese was not investor and only a pro-PPPite and an Indian with the idea that Guyana belongs to indians, then they would agree with his methods and make excuses for his inadequate management of the country.


Guyana was on the way to recovery on all fronts under the Hoyte Administration.


Guymida was set up to handle all business proposals for the country. Without fully understanding the necessity of the organization and its invovment with existing investors, the Jagan Administration simply disbanded it, terminated officers and closed the premises down.


He then later established Go-INvest, those of us who had dealings with that organization knows of the nightmares.

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Revolutionary way-in a British colony and next door to America.


Really, Cheddie Jagan was a man who had no qualities of leadership. He was just fortunate that indians were a majority in British Guiana and they were gullible. Better qualified indians were around, but the lies and deceptions of the Jagans tarnished their credibility among the lower classes. Jagan was a liard and he is no different than all politicians. He had no principle or religious upbringing otherwise he would have sought a better path than communism-the ultimate destruction, pain and suffering of a once progressive Guianese society.


The idiots of the PPP-past, present and those cloaked under a different name helped to destroy the country.

So if you are correct, Cheddi is no different than you.


Seignet you are totally wrong in your misrepresentation of Dr.Jagan ! He had the support of the wotking people of both races.....CLR James the noted Caribbean historian noted that Cheddi Jagan was able to unite the major race of his country something no other carribean leader ever accomplished.

Seignet your personal dislaike for the great Cheddi has clouded your thoughts....perhaps you may want ot state why you hate hate him so much.....BTW Brindley Benn never thought highly of you when you were his messenger....


Originally Posted by Cobra:

Jagan was seen as father figure to many Guyanese. He was respected by many who knew him and what he has wanted to accomplish for his country. He's an inspiration to many Guyanese to this very day. May God rest his soul! Amen. neemakarams will always find ways to say things contrary to Jagan's belief.

Many also see Burnham as "father figure"so if you think because many ahole knew and respected a loser makes him great. He  cannot blame anyone but himself for his lack of political savvy for not knowing to align himself with Russia would piss off the capitalist England and America. He and his commie wife literaly gamble the future of the Guyanese people and lost when they declared themselves communist.

 Did they really believe that the English would just rollover and allow his cummunist law to nationalize and take over the [at the time billion dollar] sugar and bauxite industry? There is no doubt in my mind if Trinidad leaders had decleare cummunist rule and attempt to nationalize the oil company they would have suffer the same faith.

Jagan was too simple minded and too honest to be a politician. His lack in polical acumen cause even Burnham to outplayed him...

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Revolutionary way-in a British colony and next door to America.


Really, Cheddie Jagan was a man who had no qualities of leadership. He was just fortunate that indians were a majority in British Guiana and they were gullible. Better qualified indians were around, but the lies and deceptions of the Jagans tarnished their credibility among the lower classes. Jagan was a liard and he is no different than all politicians. He had no principle or religious upbringing otherwise he would have sought a better path than communism-the ultimate destruction, pain and suffering of a once progressive Guianese society.


The idiots of the PPP-past, present and those cloaked under a different name helped to destroy the country.

So if you are correct, Cheddi is no different than you.


Seignet you are totally wrong in your misrepresentation of Dr.Jagan ! He had the support of the wotking people of both races.....CLR James the noted Caribbean historian noted that Cheddi Jagan was able to unite the major race of his country something no other carribean leader ever accomplished.

Seignet your personal dislaike for the great Cheddi has clouded your thoughts....perhaps you may want ot state why you hate hate him so much.....BTW Brindley Benn never thought highly of you when you were his messenger....


In 1953, I would have been 10 years old. Benn would have never shared anything with you. As a matter of fact, Benn and Janet came to the area that I lived in Canada for a public meeting of which I gave a sizeable contribution. The comrade couldn't even remembered my father or that I look daily rations and correspondence from GT to him in New Amsterdam because he was under house arrest and I could easily slipped the police waiting for me at the New Amsterdam stelling.


One could say my father instructed me well how to operate.


I have my father journals-he was the longest serving political detainee at Mazaruni for acts against the British Colonial government. My father died an ardent PPPite. As I reviewed his journals and remembering my limited participation in 1953, i am convinced the Jagans cared less about their actions as long as they created chaos. THEY HAD NO PLANS for the future of the country-they juss wan the British to leave. 


Now, some here may say I am bitter. I seek not any political appointments. My business acitivities takes me to Guyana, Barbados, Canada, South Carolina and Nigeria. And once I accross the Atlantic, I visit Rome, Portugal, Spain and on my way back to Canada, I am in the Netherlands.


God did not bring poverty unto man, but man created situations that brings about poverty. And in the case of Guyana, it was the Jagans who brought that about for the last 62 years.


My country has given me a simple primary school education, but the people of Rosignol built my character into a Giant. They may be dead and gone, their spirit still urges me to make the country a better place.



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Baseman you right.  Instead of executing the plan them people pocket the tools and throw away the plan.

Guyana never suffered a deficit of ideas, but one of leadership.  And we are still there.

You are a Guyanese so that is PROOF right there!!!

Now that you are thru the usual giberish, maybe you can translate!

Originally Posted by seignet:

Guyana was on the way to recovery on all fronts under the Hoyte Administration.



The PNC pillaged, wrecked, and devastated the Guyanese economy and you have the arrogance and pomposity to come here and declare that "Guyana was on the way to recovery on all fronts under the Hoyte Administration ?"


You miserable, pathetic PNC souls are free to keep deluding yourselves and daydreaming about how your beloved PNC could have made Guyana more prosperous---the reality is the PPP has ruled Guyana since 1992 and the country has made remarkable progress economically.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Guyana was on the way to recovery on all fronts under the Hoyte Administration.



The PNC pillaged, wrecked, and devastated the Guyanese economy and you have the arrogance and pomposity to come here and declare that "Guyana was on the way to recovery on all fronts under the Hoyte Administration ?"


You miserable, pathetic PNC souls are free to keep deluding yourselves and daydreaming about how your beloved PNC could have made Guyana more prosperous---the reality is the PPP has ruled Guyana since 1992 and the country has made remarkable progress economically.





Bhai Rev, Leave these Cunumunu and Lamata dem alone and let us be grateful that these ROBBER BARRONS are where they are and NOT in POWER!!!


It not about Cheddie. For me, it is the policies the PPP pursued and the way the Party is administered.


Even though, I am not politically connected to any political organization, I have an interest in the upliftment of fellow citizens. So, if the PPP is the governing party, then they represent the entire country. Even those of us who see faults in their approaches.


I suspect, those who are PPP supporters want to forget about the rest of the country. That is very dangerous. And to consider them lamatas is infantile thinking.

Originally Posted by seignet:

It not about Cheddie. For me, it is the policies the PPP pursued and the way the Party is administered.


Even though, I am not politically connected to any political organization, I have an interest in the upliftment of fellow citizens. So, if the PPP is the governing party, then they represent the entire country. Even those of us who see faults in their approaches.


I suspect, those who are PPP supporters want to forget about the rest of the country. That is very dangerous. And to consider them lamatas is infantile thinking.

Where and when and by whom are there any call or support to for the benefits for PPP Supporters ONLY. THE PPP GOVT IS A GOVT FOR AND BY THE GUYANESE PEOPLE. AS SUCH, THE PPP GOVT WORK ON BEHALF OF ALL GUYANESE!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:

It not about Cheddie. For me, it is the policies the PPP pursued and the way the Party is administered.


Even though, I am not politically connected to any political organization, I have an interest in the upliftment of fellow citizens. So, if the PPP is the governing party, then they represent the entire country. Even those of us who see faults in their approaches.


I suspect, those who are PPP supporters want to forget about the rest of the country. That is very dangerous. And to consider them lamatas is infantile thinking.

Where and when and by whom are there any call or support to for the benefits for PPP Supporters ONLY. THE PPP GOVT IS A GOVT FOR AND BY THE GUYANESE PEOPLE. AS SUCH, THE PPP GOVT WORK ON BEHALF OF ALL GUYANESE!!!!

Suh y dey doan wuk wid de appostion?


i guess the only person cheddi teach any value to is his dauther,she is honest enough to call the ppp a bunch of all you ppp crime family supporters including rev should down your head in shame and stop trying to use this man history let tjhe man rest in peace the ppp already distroy what the man try to build


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