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Remigrant rice farmer claims


March 26, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

- estimates losses in excess of $10M

Pawan Pharsi returned to Guyana in 2013 and invested in excess of $10M to set up a 25-acre rice farm at Wash Clothes Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara. But after months of substantial monetary investments and intense labour, Pharsi claims that persons have been sabotaging his crops and land.


Pawan Pharsi

Pawan Pharsi


“I can’t say for sure who it is, but it is not right at all. I personally worked hard to prepare the land and plant the rice…for months now. I paid some people and together we set up the land nice, nice…but now somebody like they going there night time and they digging deep, deep drains and so on the land.” Pharsi said that the perpetrators, whoever they might be, have also damaged a structure which he erected for the purpose of camping in the fields when the need arises. “Is a 12 by 16 piece of place, and they even break that down and all too. It cost me ah lot ah money to set up the place to how it was,” Pharsi told Kaieteur News yesterday. He said that he became a lot angrier after the person(s) responsible for his losses went on to damaging his actual rice crop, which was almost ready to be reaped. “After so much time and effort, somebody like they go and spray the rice fields, damaging my rice crop… a whole 25 acres…that’s no easy thing, I’m being sabotaged, I don’t know what to do. I came back to Guyana to set things up so that I can move back, but now I might have to replace and rework everything,” Pharsi lamented. “Is barely a small piece of the rice field lef…like two feet or so,” he stressed. The Mahaicony resident told this newspaper that the police have already

A section of the damaged rice crop at Wash Clothes, Mahaicony, ECD

A section of the damaged rice crop at Wash Clothes, Mahaicony, ECD


taken samples of the damaged rice plants, so as to ascertain what chemicals were used. “I don’t know as yet which chemicals were used, but the police gone with the samples, so when they finished testing that, I will know.” The Mahaicony resident pointed out that he has sought the assistance of authorities at the Mahaica-Mahaicony-Abary/ Agricultural Development Authority (MMA/ADA) but nothing has so far been done. “Is heavy machinery going on the land and messing up all my earnings, but nothing is being done. I don’t know what else to do,” Pharsi said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Count your losses, pack your traps and go back from whence you came. Be thankful that you still have your life.


Maybe you can share your experience with friends and family who have an itch to come back and live in Guyana.

Originally Posted by asj:

Count your losses, pack your traps and go back from whence you came. Be thankful that you still have your life.


Maybe you can share your experience with friends and family who have an itch to come back and live in Guyana.

Good advice, run run from the PPP tiefing Guyana.


We all go back and expect much, what steps he took to seek the culprit/s. Fifty thousand U S is a dam good price for 25 acres of farm land, and very fertile land, I know the area.At least the police is investigating , let's wait and see. Thirty five years ago, people were stealing cow, chicken and break and enter, today is no different.


“I don’t know as yet which chemicals were used, but the police gone with the samples, so when they finished testing that, I will know.”


Think that he will have to wait over six months or longer, but if he is will to pay a bribe then maybe he will get back the samples earlier.



Originally Posted by asj:

“I don’t know as yet which chemicals were used, but the police gone with the samples, so when they finished testing that, I will know.”


Think that he will have to wait over six months or longer, but if he is will to pay a bribe then maybe he will get back the samples earlier.



and when he get it what will he do with it,you think the police will lock up anybody for this crime,guyana is a corner of hell,he have to fight his own battle.for all the people that intend to go back to invest in guyana they better have a cruel mind or the will to fight their own battle.the lasdt time i lost a cow i catch the man that steal it and tie him up,beat the crap out of him then take him to the station,i still had to pay the police a raise to keep him in the lock up


Guyana's problems can be so dam frustrating to listen to. People in our beloved can be very envious of other people's success. Why not look at a man's success as an opportunity for others to get employment?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyana's problems can be so dam frustrating to listen to. People in our beloved can be very envious of other people's success. Why not look at a man's success as an opportunity for others to get employment?

you mean thieving is a noble profession in guyana

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyana's problems can be so dam frustrating to listen to. People in our beloved can be very envious of other people's success. Why not look at a man's success as an opportunity for others to get employment?

you mean thieving is a noble profession in guyana

When you did it, was it noble for you?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyana's problems can be so dam frustrating to listen to. People in our beloved can be very envious of other people's success. Why not look at a man's success as an opportunity for others to get employment?

you mean thieving is a noble profession in guyana

When you did it, was it noble for you?

big man you really like licks


Thieving is a universal crime, it happens in the all developed countries, USA, Canada, GB, and even worst in poor countries. Once there is Haves and Have-nots, thieving will happen, it is the old story of crab in the barrel, to get on top you have to climb over others along the way.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyana's problems can be so dam frustrating to listen to. People in our beloved can be very envious of other people's success. Why not look at a man's success as an opportunity for others to get employment?

you mean thieving is a noble profession in guyana

When you did it, was it noble for you?

big man you really like licks

If you are so concerned for the Guyanese population, go back toGuyana and help them to live the life you live in Canada. In the meantime please don't blow hot air here. It doesn't help Guyanaese if you cannot PROVE in a court of law that people steal. In the meantime, remember:






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There is no court of law in Guyana, The Judiciary stinks, it is like a kangaroo court, worst than the wild west.......when someone can kill in Guyana and walk scott free, then what kind of law are you talking about?


Amral hasn't been to Guyana in 35 years and he talking fraff now. He should put his boots on the ground and see how people punishing while a select few are raping the country's resources to fill their own pockets.


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