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Remove Rohee -APNU urges President again in wake of robberies
July 16, 2013
Posts by Stabroek editor

   Amid a spate of armed robberies yesterday that included murder, the main opposition APNU today again demanded that President Donald Ramotar revoke the appointment of Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee.
The opposition has targeted Rohee for removal and had a bruising battle last year with the government in Parliament over this which included a motion of no-confidence and a campaign to prevent him from speaking in the National Assembly.
Citing a series of reports in today’s edition of Stabroek News, APNU reiterated its demand.
It said:
“A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) expresses its horror at the high rate of armed robberies and the state of insecurity and lawlessness that prevail under the stewardship of Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Clement Rohee.
“APNU calls attention to just a few of the published incidents of armed robbery violent crime committed over the last forty-eight hours:
* Armed men rob  Laluni Street dental clinic – Stabroek News (SN)  July 16th
* Suspected Bandits shot in the groin during attempted stick-up – SN July 16th
* Guyhoc Park resident shot dead after gunmen invade shop – SN July 16th
* Gunmen rob Rubis, Vlissengen Road and Akbar Auto Sales – SN July 16th
* At the mercy of Pirates – (Fishermen) – SN July 15th
“APNU initiated a Motion of No-Confidence in Mr. Rohee’s ability to manage the security sector almost a year ago on the 30th July 2012. The Guyanese people, through their elected representatives, sent a clear message to the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration that they had lost confidence in the Minister of Home Affairs. The situation has gotten worse over the past year.
“APNU once again calls on President Donald Ramotar to revoke Mr. Rohee’s appointment as Minister of Home Affairs. He should be replaced by someone capable of restoring the people’s confidence in the Government’s ability to keep them safe

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Vote PPP to keep the PPP grave diggers employed.

You hear every day from the PPP how things would be worse under the PNC. But is the PPP who is providing convenient routes and opportunities for illegal arms shipments into the country.


More Guyanese are now gunned down each month under the PPP than have been gunned down in total under the PNC. Those are the facts that cannot be disputed.


Notice the AFC/PNC play both side of the fence, when they police arrest criminals they cry human rights violation. When they criminals commit robberies they cry for Rhoee's head. No accountability is given to Brumell and his underlings. Rhoee job is not to dictate to police how to do their jobs, note the backlash when he called a police in the Linden fiasco, they accused him of micro managing. The solution is a good phantomizing, this will take the pressure off the police against calls of police brutality from the afc/pnc. And Rhoee will also be off the hook and it will take the wind out of AFC/PNC sail. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Notice the AFC/PNC play both side of the fence, when they police arrest criminals they cry human rights violation. When they criminals commit robberies they cry for Rhoee's head. No accountability is given to Brumell and his underlings. Rhoee job is not to dictate to police how to do their jobs, note the backlash when he called a police in the Linden fiasco, they accused him of micro managing. The solution is a good phantomizing, this will take the pressure off the police against calls of police brutality from the afc/pnc. And Rhoee will also be off the hook and it will take the wind out of AFC/PNC sail. 

 Rohee is a failure so there is not much argument there. That one would ever complain that a criminal suspects have rights is to remind the Police that investigative strategies does not include a couple of cuffs to the mouth followed by kicks to the ribs. That is where policing is today if they are not out there perpetuating the crimes themselves. It comes from a complete breakdown of formal structures of obligations and duties in civic society and the political system. It is a consequence of those like Rohee who are so steeped in the malaise of a do nothing system that it matters not that we have one murder a day and violent robbery is as common as rain/

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Rohee is a failure so there is not much argument there. That one would ever complain that a criminal suspects have rights is to remind the Police that investigative strategies does not include a couple of cuffs to the mouth followed by kicks to the ribs. That is where policing is today if they are not out there perpetuating the crimes themselves. It comes from a complete breakdown of formal structures of obligations and duties in civic society and the political system. It is a consequence of those like Rohee who are so steeped in the malaise of a do nothing system that it matters not that we have one murder a day and violent robbery is as common as rain/

What is Brumells responsiblitiy in all this? Is he just an empty suit and Rhoee runs the entire show?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Rohee is a failure so there is not much argument there. That one would ever complain that a criminal suspects have rights is to remind the Police that investigative strategies does not include a couple of cuffs to the mouth followed by kicks to the ribs. That is where policing is today if they are not out there perpetuating the crimes themselves. It comes from a complete breakdown of formal structures of obligations and duties in civic society and the political system. It is a consequence of those like Rohee who are so steeped in the malaise of a do nothing system that it matters not that we have one murder a day and violent robbery is as common as rain/

What is Brumells responsiblitiy in all this? Is he just an empty suit and Rhoee runs the entire show?

The fish stinks at the head.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Rohee is a failure so there is not much argument there. That one would ever complain that a criminal suspects have rights is to remind the Police that investigative strategies does not include a couple of cuffs to the mouth followed by kicks to the ribs. That is where policing is today if they are not out there perpetuating the crimes themselves. It comes from a complete breakdown of formal structures of obligations and duties in civic society and the political system. It is a consequence of those like Rohee who are so steeped in the malaise of a do nothing system that it matters not that we have one murder a day and violent robbery is as common as rain/

What is Brumells responsiblitiy in all this? Is he just an empty suit and Rhoee runs the entire show?

The fish stinks at the head.

So you give your pnc/afc buddy Brummel a free pass, what a cop out. The running of the police force starts with Brummel and is enforced by the layers of management below him, he is accountable.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Rohee is a failure so there is not much argument there. That one would ever complain that a criminal suspects have rights is to remind the Police that investigative strategies does not include a couple of cuffs to the mouth followed by kicks to the ribs. That is where policing is today if they are not out there perpetuating the crimes themselves. It comes from a complete breakdown of formal structures of obligations and duties in civic society and the political system. It is a consequence of those like Rohee who are so steeped in the malaise of a do nothing system that it matters not that we have one murder a day and violent robbery is as common as rain/

What is Brumells responsiblitiy in all this? Is he just an empty suit and Rhoee runs the entire show?

The fish stinks at the head.

So you give your pnc/afc buddy Brummel a free pass, what a cop out. The running of the police force starts with Brummel and is enforced by the layers of management below him, he is accountable.

 Moronic argumentation by giving me ownership of Brummel! He is the PPP chosen clown and the ones selecting him has a public face in Rohee. His pitiful ass needs to go...actually the whole kit and caboodle that is the corrupt PPP needs to be put to pasture...Some of them needs to be confined in a jail and that accrues to high number from their ranks.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Moronic argumentation by giving me ownership of Brummel! He is the PPP chosen clown and the ones selecting him has a public face in Rohee. His pitiful ass needs to go...actually the whole kit and caboodle that is the corrupt PPP needs to be put to pasture...Some of them needs to be confined in a jail and that accrues to high number from their ranks.

You very well know that he is a PNC/AFC agent. The position of commisioner of police in Guyana is agreed on with the opposition. If the opposition says no then the person does not get appointed.  As leader of the police force he should be implementing checks and balances to ensure the protection of citizens. He is accountable and so is all the other layers of management under him. It is not solely the responsibility of Rhoee.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Moronic argumentation by giving me ownership of Brummel! He is the PPP chosen clown and the ones selecting him has a public face in Rohee. His pitiful ass needs to go...actually the whole kit and caboodle that is the corrupt PPP needs to be put to pasture...Some of them needs to be confined in a jail and that accrues to high number from their ranks.

You very well know that he is a PNC/AFC agent. The position of commisioner of police in Guyana is agreed on with the opposition. If the opposition says no then the person does not get appointed.  As leader of the police force he should be implementing checks and balances to ensure the protection of citizens. He is accountable and so is all the other layers of management under him. It is not solely the responsibility of Rhoee.

You and the idea of "knowing" are alien concepts. Had the opposition been called into the decision making with respect to the commissioner he would not still be an "acting" commissioner.


The primary responsibility of the government is protection of the citizens. Given this is a matter under discussion in light of the prevailing violence in the streets means the fail at their primary task.


Get it into that dense skull of yours, there is no more preeminent task before any government than the protection of citizens. There is no avenue for passing the failure here on anyone. It is their charge.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

You and the idea of "knowing" are alien concepts. Had the opposition been called into the decision making with respect to the commissioner he would not still be an "acting" commissioner.


The primary responsibility of the government is protection of the citizens. Given this is a matter under discussion in light of the prevailing violence in the streets means the fail at their primary task.


Get it into that dense skull of yours, there is no more preeminent task before any government than the protection of citizens. There is no avenue for passing the failure here on anyone. It is their charge.

Statistically the crime rate in Guyana is relatively low compared to other 3rd world nations, even considering the robberies engineered by the afc/pnc.


Tackling the crime situation

July 18, 2013 | By | Filed Under Editorial 


Five robberies in one day in the city are most unusual. It therefore came as no surprise that the private sector representatives began to cry out for action by the police and the other law enforcement agencies. We have seen the statements by the Private Sector Commission and by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Indeed the criminals tend to target those locations where they feel that they could easily grab the cash there and move on. It is therefore surprising that these same entities have not been aggressive in pursuing the move from cash transactions.
The police say that they have irrefutable evidence that the robberies are sponsored by the overwhelming amount of cash in the system.  People who store cash in their homes are more prone to visits by the bandits than any other person.
We have also seen that many persons leaving the commercial banks have been targeted by the gunmen. Just recently, the police managed to thwart one such robbery. They happened to be at the right place at the right time.
The people who get robbed are often those who are not members of the entities that are making a noise for the law enforcement agencies to step up and do something—we are not sure what—to curb the spate of robberies.
We would have expected these representative bodies to contribute to the efforts that they desire of the police and other law enforcers. There are private security services that have the ability to also launch patrols in the city.  We as a nation are not blessed with the kind of resources that would allow anti-crime patrols to respond within ten or fifteen minutes although the city is so small. But with support, some anti-crime unit could be on the location within five minutes.
The police would be approached to incorporate the various private sector entities with anti-crime patrols into their schedules.
There is another aspect to the drive to curb the spate of attacks. More recently business places have been installing security cameras but some of these cameras are deficient. The resolution is poor and sometimes the cameras are badly placed.
However, while any expenditure on security will certainly save a company in the long run many business places feel the edge of the coin and if in the view of the business place the cost is too high then security is ignored, sadly so.
But there is something that the wider society needs to take into account. We have said time and again that there seems to be an increasing level of illiteracy in the society and these are some of the people who gravitate to crime. It must be worrying if it is proven that the spike in gun crimes does coincide with the end of formal education for some of the boys who must now roam the streets.
Yet the police need to revamp their operations. Each year the government releases vast sums of money to buy vehicles. This should increase the extent of patrols. Of course, the situation is better than it was a few years ago. There are more vehicles and the patrols are more. Because of this they are able to respond even faster.
That is being reactive. The police also need to be proactive. It would be interesting if the authorities could place plainclothes ranks at locations known to be the hive of criminal activities. After a few confrontations there should be a marked decline in criminal activities the types of which appear to be common.
For the first three days of this week there have been no less than six gun robberies, all of them in the city. Sadly, people do not support in every case. They refuse to identify the criminals after they are caught, not realizing that they are releasing the criminal to prey on someone else.


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