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Remove the most corrupt and evil government in the western hemisphere

September 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, The other day I was speaking to a well known senior journalist in the National Park. I told him about my solution to the political impasse in Guyana.  His response was— a black man must be president again in Guyana. I was eager to respond that a black man will never ever be president  again in Guyana.  The census before this last one showed that there were 100,000 more Indians than blacks. Many have sworn that after 28 years of black domination and misrule, a black man will never rule them again.  Indians are not, like blacks, a forgiving people. Why should my journalist friend want a black man to rule him?  Burnham was a man of greatness until he became paranoid.  After all, the Americans were out to get him. My solution to this problem in Guyana is simple and straight forward.  The aim must be maintained and that is to remove the most corrupt, inept and evil government in the entire western hemisphere: the PPP. Jagdeo has shown a penchant for wickedness and corruption that not even Machiavelli could match.  If the PNC ever want to get back in power it must form a coalition with the AFC, and with the elections remove the PPP by popular vote.  The AFC must tell its supporters and the PNC that the former will have the presidency for the first three years at first, then the PNC will have the remaining two years of the term of office. This can be signed on to and agreed upon.  It was done in Israel before, successfully.  If Granger can be prime minister for the first three years, then president for the last two, they must divide Cabinet positions accordingly to votes won at the general elections.  As few as possible politicians must be given ministerial positions. They are often inept and foolhardy. Some will say that the PNC must have the first  shot at presidency. I say no.  Nagamootoo has been the man who brought about the majority in parliament. He walked away from a corrupt PPP cabal. For those who want to deny this, I say you may very well still be a PPP sympathizer. Oliver Hinckson

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 Nagamootoo has been the man who brought about the majority in parliament. He walked away from a corrupt PPP cabal. For those who want to deny this, I say you may very well still be a PPP sympathizer.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Oliver Hinckson shoudl praise the PPP he is not in JAIL!!!!!!

Shut you big mouth. You cant frame a man and out he in jail. Ok? 

Gal meh frame yuh Photo and gat am in meh Bedroom.


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