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Originally Posted by KishanB:

Never liked Ravi Dev and never was a member of ROAR since I think Ravi, tarron and all them ROAR boys were RACIST just as equal to Tacoma and Dr Hinds and that other bunch of racist at the other end of the extreme.


I am a Guyanese nationalist.


Wrong is wrong.


PNC rigged and frigged and they must apologise before I can give them any respect.


Like him you have a problem is seriously addressing African fear of the PPP.


It appears to me as if Indians fear the PNC with good reason, and African fear the PPP with good reasons the fears of BOTH need to be addressed.


You call me a racist because I don't crumble to my knees and beg your forgiveness even though I was a small kid in the early 60s, and a teenager in 1973, so bare no more responsibility for what the PNC did to Indians, then you do for what the PPP has done and is doing to blacks.


And KishanB while you busily call me a racist let me tell you about the other side. You may not know this, but there is an emerging cult among younger blacks who didn't suffer through the excesses of the Burnham era.  They see him as a hero, because they think that those days were times when blacks were empowered (like today, only a small political and crony capitalist elite were).


They call people like me an Indo loving apologists who is undermining African empowerment because I refuse to anoint Burnham as a hero.


Just think about the increasing dam of resentment which is developing.  Please note that these aren't illiterates holding up fences in Agricola, or Buxton.  These are highly educated people well able to influence and direct opinion.


So continue to call me a racist and think that its only the "East Indian" mindset which needs to be addressed/  God help Guyana if and when these people, with the flawed notion of our history, ever begin to have influence if their views continue to harden because they become increasingly frustrated and not being able to be utilized because they have the "wrong" hair. 



Oh yes Kishan B.  In Guyana many  black people are told "is not Burnham time" when they seek employment above menial levels.  Yet you think we should only worry about Indian sugar workers and what happened to Indians 40 and 50 years ago!

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