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Hello, Amral:


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Reported By: Conscience
Admin, its time you make a call on this issue, "Danyael" is purposely spamming and derail all my threads. As bloggers we ought be to civil and comment only on issues started on the thread.....urgently awaits your response.


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This (Un)conscience is full of excrement, he starts threads and when asked for a comment he runs away. Maybe the OP spammers are pissed they cannot get their way, that's all it is about.

Maybe he could go tell his boss that no one takes him seriously and think he's a jerk.


d2 has gone stark mad with his new found hatred of the ppp perpetuated by the success in the nation despite obstruction tactics by the AFC/PNC and predictions of doom and gloom. 

Originally Posted by Amral:
Hello, Amral:


We're sending you this email because you are following reported content on your site.


Reported Reply


Reported By: Conscience
Admin, its time you make a call on this issue, "Danyael" is purposely spamming and derail all my threads. As bloggers we ought be to civil and comment only on issues started on the thread.....urgently awaits your response.


Coounscie has the nerve to complain about spamming? Meanwhile he posts false information every day about a teacher being arrested for suspected molestation of a young boy almsot a month ago. The teacher has long been released with no charges brought and it was also found that this was revenge for the teacher exposing the story about the children fetching firewood. Yet he continues to spam this board every day with the same lie.


For a few years now, he's also a part of a crew who are paid by the PPP to spam this board with PPP propaganda. Benn Jr., who's now accused of beating his pregnant ex girlfriend, is also a member of the team hired by the PPP to spam this board. So, here we have the biggest proponent of spamming on this board, complaining about someone else spamming the board. 


Amral, whytwaste my time with this? It is a useless warning. First, I am asking him a question for one who has presented himself as a defender of woman.He refused to answer because he is another PPP punk who give lip service to woman's issues. Unless an issue can earn the PPP a  political penny. it is irrelevant to him.


Here the  serial abuser and his associate since they posted here in tandem beating a woman once again. The lady claimed she was kicked in the stomach and had a miscarriage earlier from a prior beating. Now she said she was beaten, pistol whipped and raped. Surely he can say this is a horrible thing if true. I am not asking for him to comment as if it is true. I am asking for him to comment that this is wrong in general but the punk cannot answer.


You can check if you care he spammed this board endlessly about the disrespect he thinks a woman,Dr Vishayla Sharma , a health official endured at the hands of a Mr, Charrandas Persaud, an  AFC advocate. The gentleman said the woman was fat and she posed a health risk. This idiot spent days lamenting the injustice to women on that account!


I reminded him then that only days earlier we had an Amerindian woman beaten to a pulp and her kid also got a whupping sufficiently so that he suffered a fractured limb. He did not even care to mention that. If he sets his people up as the epitome of good then when they do wrong we have a right to ask him to answer.


My point is, if you want to warn me for spanning ( and I did)  for trying my best to demonstrate this is a hypocrite and a punk and cared little for women, then so be it. I am going to continue to call him a skunk and periodically ask him to answer difficult questions. "God" pointed to one issue that he belabored for days across multiple threads  only last week and it was clearly an equivocation of the facts to make a political opponent look as a pedophile!


Also, why do you feel it necessary to post this  complaint here publicly from this hypocrites and ignore when I point out to you infractions of a racist kind or personally insulting kind? You never even acknowledge you receive my complaints much less warn the serial assho.les.


Please do me a favor and ban my ass the next time you think I break the rules. Do not insult me by pretending you care for fair-play by posting this kind a crap. It means nothing to me and should not serve as some measure of keeping order on the board either. Everyone should be treated the same way. 

Last edited by Former Member

If you get banned how will you carry on the charade of being an Amerindian? All Conscience is asking is that you stop spamming his thread with a story about a woman who you only care about due to political affiliation of the perpetrator. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

If you get banned how will you carry on the charade of being an Amerindian? All Conscience is asking is that you stop spamming his thread with a story about a woman who you only care about due to political affiliation of the perpetrator. 

No less than you carrying on the charade of being Indian. You clearly are black.


Indeed I know little of the lady since I consider her silly for being with a serial abuser. I however consider her a representation of all that comes under the term "woman's rights" that is clearly being neglected when we have 34 of them murdered by their significant others last year.


Yes it is political....a horrible political ineptitude of the party in power. This fellow will face little. He will walk no less than Jabba the Hutt's son or Nanda's son did for their respective  criminal negligences.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
No less than you carrying on the charade of being Indian. You clearly are black.


Indeed I know little of the lady since I consider her silly for being with a serial abuser. I however consider her a representation of all that comes under the term "woman's rights" that is clearly being neglected when we have 34 of them murdered by their significant others last year.


Yes it is political....a horrible political ineptitude of the party in power. This fellow will face little. He will walk no less than Jabba the Hutt's son or Nanda's son did for their respective  criminal negligences.

How is it a political issue if the majority PNC/AFC police are not enforcing the laws? You are telling us that the PPP are instructing the AFC/PNC police not to do their jobs?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
No less than you carrying on the charade of being Indian. You clearly are black.


Indeed I know little of the lady since I consider her silly for being with a serial abuser. I however consider her a representation of all that comes under the term "woman's rights" that is clearly being neglected when we have 34 of them murdered by their significant others last year.


Yes it is political....a horrible political ineptitude of the party in power. This fellow will face little. He will walk no less than Jabba the Hutt's son or Nanda's son did for their respective  criminal negligences.

How is it a political issue if the majority PNC/AFC police are not enforcing the laws? You are telling us that the PPP are instructing the AFC/PNC police not to do their jobs?

I think administrators administrate. Is not the PPP the administrators of the state and have you not said they do a great job? Note security for citizens is their primary directive and if you say they fail at that then what are they failing at if not their primary jonb?

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I think administrators administrate. Is not the PPP the administrators of the state and have you not said they do a great job? Note security for citizens is their primary directive and if you say they fail at that then what are they failing at if not their primary jonb?

How come you didn't go up the chain starting with the division commander and work your way up to Brummel? Are they not accountable too or is your hatred for the PPP so deep that you immediately went straight to the top. Do you blame Obama for local incidents?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I think administrators administrate. Is not the PPP the administrators of the state and have you not said they do a great job? Note security for citizens is their primary directive and if you say they fail at that then what are they failing at if not their primary jonb?

How come you didn't go up the chain starting with the division commander and work your way up to Brummel? Are they not accountable too or is your hatred for the PPP so deep that you immediately went straight to the top. Do you blame Obama for local incidents?

Guyana is a micromanaged society. One cannot scratch their behind without first consulting a minister. Every major entity has a minister squatting on it. That is how it always was. If you want a bridge built in guava bush, you have to beg some minister to listen that a need exist. The local authority has not a damn thing to do with it. On that account one goes to the top. These people operate in god mode so you treat them as they operate. If there is a failure anyplace, the government's hand is or ought to be there.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Guyana is a micromanaged society. One cannot scratch their behind without first consulting a minister. Every major entity has a minister squatting on it. That is how it always was. If you want a bridge built in guava bush, you have to beg some minister to listen that a need exist. The local authority has not a damn thing to do with it. On that account one goes to the top. These people operate in god mode so you treat them as they operate. If there is a failure anyplace, the government's hand is or ought to be there.

Lame excuse for immediately blaming govt for every bad incident. If you don't do this in your own backyard you should not be doing this in a country that you have no affiliation, Guyana. It is obvious that it is the mantra of the afc/pnc, which you now follow slavishly, to irrationally blame the govt for every incident. An Afro stump his toe, blame PPP. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I think administrators administrate. Is not the PPP the administrators of the state and have you not said they do a great job? Note security for citizens is their primary directive and if you say they fail at that then what are they failing at if not their primary jonb?

How come you didn't go up the chain starting with the division commander and work your way up to Brummel? Are they not accountable too or is your hatred for the PPP so deep that you immediately went straight to the top. Do you blame Obama for local incidents?

Guyana is a micromanaged society. One cannot scratch their behind without first consulting a minister. Every major entity has a minister squatting on it. That is how it always was. If you want a bridge built in guava bush, you have to beg some minister to listen that a need exist. The local authority has not a damn thing to do with it. On that account one goes to the top. These people operate in god mode so you treat them as they operate. If there is a failure anyplace, the government's hand is or ought to be there.

Do you know the USG buys and sells every pint of milk you see on the supermarket shelves?  Do you know the Chinese govt owns almost every major industry and assets in China?


In a nation like Guyana, the Govt needs to be involved in many things, much less infrastructure.  It is prudent that the advocate of any project lobby and justify the need.  Resources are finite and needs to be allocated based on priority of needs and economic value.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Do you know the USG buys and sells every pint of milk you see on the supermarket shelves?  Do you know the Chinese govt owns almost every major industry and assets in China?


In a nation like Guyana, the Govt needs to be involved in many things, much less infrastructure.  It is prudent that the advocate of any project lobby and justify the need.  Resources are finite and needs to be allocated based on priority of needs and economic value.

typically ignorant, neo-communist/3rd world tiefman-capitalist eye view of US farm support policies


of course you Freedom House refugees admire the command economy model of the Red Army, oops - Chinese Communist Party . . . tell me something new fool


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