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Former Member
Saturday, 05 November 2011

A.P.N.U is bringing to the attention of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the Guyanese public the persistent reports of PPP Activists, in every Region of Guyana, offering substantial monetary bribes (sums of $15,000.00 and above have been quoted) and other inducements to Registered Voters to surrender their National ID Cards to the PPP Activists until January 2012. It is not surprising that, in this atmosphere of widespread and pervasive poverty which has been created by the PPP/C Administration, some persons have already surrendered their ID Cards.
It is unfortunate that reports have also been received that in a number of Governmental institutions and Agencies, including the Disciplined Forces, staff are being coerced into surrendering their ID Cards to their superiors. Any questioning of this activity is being met by the use of institutional harassment of the objecting member of staff. This activity represents a major threat to the conduct of Free and Fair Elections, since these persons are being denied their Constitutional right to cast their vote for the Party of their choice. It is evident that the purchasing of these ID Cards is for sinister purposes which would have a direct impact on the process of holding Free and Fair Elections.

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Originally posted by Gupta:
PPP supporters/business men have been going into predominantly black villages and offering $5,000 to $15,000 for their ID cards. and $5,000 to wear PPP Tshirts at the rallies.

Amral should suspend you for peddling lies agains't PPP supporters and PPP Business men, since there is no conformity of facts in your reports.

Many PPP supporters take offence agains't your lies.

Originally posted by The Judge:
FACTS are usually substantiated with PROOF. Can you assist us in this respect...
Please quote at least one source other than an APNU press release
Sorry, no receipts were given to recipients. Big Grin However, the exchange of ID cards, money and PPP Tshirts are enough PROOF many people need.
Originally posted by Gupta:
Sorry, no receipts were given to recipients. Big Grin However, the exchange of ID cards, money and PPP Tshirts are enough PROOF many people need.

So tell me this! You guys could not get ONE single person to come forward saying they were paid to wear PPP T-shirts etc?
This is testimony of your ineffectiveness as the opposition
Originally posted by The Judge:
So tell me this! You guys could not get ONE single person to come forward saying they were paid to wear PPP T-shirts etc?
This is testimony of your ineffectiveness as the opposition

Who are "you guys"?

No need for peeps to "come forward". It means they would have to give back the cash they receive. Plus no one wants to admit in public that they are selling their soul for money. If big soup drinkers dont do so why would an unemployed poor person.

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