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Parliament crisis, ‘Guyana heading to anarchy’

Speaker gets legal opinion from Rex McKay and Stephen Frazer on status of Minister Clement Rohee as Minister of Home Affairs following no-confidence motion. Opinion finds that the Minister must be allowed to perform function in Parliament and cannot be removed.


Despite Speaker’s ruling, Opposition MPs continue to interrupt with chants and thumps when Minister Rohee got up to present his bill on firearm license.


The speaker suspends session as opposition MPs refuse to adhere to his ruling and legal opinion on Minister Rohee being allowed to speak in Parliament. Uncertainty looms as Chief Whips are summoned to speaker’s chambers.


Speaker resumes sitting but Opposition continue to interrupt Min Rohee


House adjourned as opposition disrupts sitting, in call for Rohee’s removal

PPP/C MPs at the media briefing

PPP/C MPs led by PM Hinds and Minister Rohee hosts media briefing to object to Opposition disruption of today’s sitting forcing the Speaker to terminate today’s sitting. The government objects to soft stance by Speaker by allowing opposition MPs to disrupt.


APNU/AFC defends disruption of the Parliament. Opposition would even settle for Minister Rohee being reassigned to a new portfolio. Does not want him to continue as the Minister of Home Affairs.



Capitol News reporter tackles government MPs for defending Minister Rohee and upholding Speaker’s ruling. Government MPs slams another pro-opposition media bias by the channel 7 newscast.


Minister Rohee thanks government MPs and public for support. “I have been cleared from all opposition charges.” Says when elections are held the people, not opposition motions will determine who governs.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

 I do not know why you deleted it but. I wrote a response and re-posted it so as to not have you waste my time.



 The charge against him is one of no confidence. One cannot be cleared of that. It is a state of longstanding failure to correct an appalling predisposition of the Police to be brutish. The status quo remains. He cannot initiate the necessary change.


He clearly lack the capacity to do so or is more concerned with having these orklike underlings at his charge as it his principle focus is to retain PPP hegemony not dispense social justice.


No wonder his last statement is the universal slogan of the PPP, they are the only ones with the authority or knowledge to do anything. After all, that is clearly obvious as they govern as if the nation is their grandfather’s legacy.


Presidential appointees do not serve at the whim of the vindictive opposition who were embarrassed in their bid to defame Rhoee during the Linden inquiry of why AFc/pnc agents killed their own to create unrest. 


Rhoee must not resign, if he does then it will be tantamount to caving in to the criminals.  We must not allow the criminals in the AFC/PNC to win, they want to see Indians beaten and robbed and could care less for the Black Guyanese who they send to their deaths for political gain.


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