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This election demonstrated that blacks and latino voters can make any one become the president.


I would expect a Third Party to be formed in the USA, which from henceforth puts forward a black candidate on the ballot. However, Latinoes will eventually be marginalized on the failure to get a latino on the ballot and the lack of support from black voters.


White ppl will become more militant, because they know they have lost their prize. 


United Staes of America, the new Zimbadwi(sp)-white ppl will flee, America will become a socialist state. Similar to the Third World, China has been bank rolling America.


We are already here. Get use to the idea of handouts. Storm Sandy revealed the POVERTY OF AMERICA-they cannot get their resurgence back on track.


I hope they survive, otherwise God help us against the muslim fanatics.  

Originally Posted by Lucas:

The party of the obnoxious millionaires.

That's why they lost.... and will never again make it to the presidency.

The GOP just have to return to it's recent past and it will be competitive.  Romney got only 27% Latino voted wile Bush got 44% and Reagan got 50%.  The GOP needs to get back to broad-based messaging appealing to Latinos and Women and they will be back.  They do have good support among Indians/Asians.  Currently, they are pandering too much to the TEA party, which is hurting them.


This defeat is a lesson which will be taken seriously and you will begin to see the relegation of the extremist elements.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

The party of the obnoxious millionaires.

That's why they lost.... and will never again make it to the presidency.

The GOP just have to return to it's recent past and it will be competitive.  Romney got only 27% Latino voted wile Bush got 44% and Reagan got 50%.  The GOP needs to get back to broad-based messaging appealing to Latinos and Women and they will be back.  They do have good support among Indians/Asians.  Currently, they are pandering too much to the TEA party, which is hurting them.


This defeat is a lesson which will be taken seriously and you will begin to see the relegation of the extremist elements.

yesss dummy . . . back and fill, back and fill

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Hey, you stop playing "divendra" tag-team with your other buddy?

i guess U have to say . . . . something


back & fill; back & fill; back & fill; hustle, hustle


U shameless lil antiman

Try something "original" nah!

nahh . . . i want to hear mo fat talk from U and the rev bout da Blackman Obama and how y'all run he out of the White House 

Originally Posted by seignet:



United Staes of America, the new Zimbadwi(sp)-white ppl will flee, America will become a socialist state. Similar to the Third World, China has been bank rolling America.


We are already here. Get use to the idea of handouts. Storm Sandy revealed the POVERTY OF AMERICA-they cannot get their resurgence back on track.


I hope they survive, otherwise God help us against the muslim fanatics.  

Reasons why the GOP lost.


1.  Voter suppression.  Reports of obnoxious attempts to disenfranchise blacks in OH,PA,VA, and especially FLO spread and this grew into a movement to prevent.  More early voters came out and those who did stood in lines for 5 hours or more to make their point.  So African Americans who were apathetic showed up once they felt threatened as a group.  Also racist emails by people like Rev Al  also helped.  Regardless as to what they might think of Obama they see a racist attack on him as a racist attack on them.


2.  GOP figures babbled nonsense about rape being the "will of God" and other such babble.  This terrified the female (of all races) vote so women accounted for a higher % (54%) than before where they normally are around 52%.

 NH has an all female slate in DC and record numbers of females were elected to the Senate.


3.  Ongoing anti immigrant rants by the GOP got Latinos out as well.


4.  You all selected a liar and it turns out that Americans arent as foolish as you think.


There is no way that the GOP can relay on the white male vote (now around 36%) and the married white female vote, and think that they can win elections.



The GOP needs to learn a lesson and this bilge that you wrote is indicative of the fcat that they will never again have a president.  Obama got 40% of the white vote...and not every GOP supporter is some extremist right wing lunatic who wants war.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

The party of the obnoxious millionaires.

That's why they lost.... and will never again make it to the presidency.

The GOP just have to return to it's recent past and it will be competitive.  Romney got only 27% Latino voted wile Bush got 44% and Reagan got 50%.  The GOP needs to get back to broad-based messaging appealing to Latinos and Women and they will be back.  They do have good support among Indians/Asians.  Currently, they are pandering too much to the TEA party, which is hurting them.


This defeat is a lesson which will be taken seriously and you will begin to see the relegation of the extremist elements.

CNN exit polls show that over 60% of the Asian vote went to fact they said 74%, HIGHER than the Hispanic voters who gave Obama 71%.


The GOP appeals to married old people.  A DECINING part of the population.


It is in their interest, as well as that of the USA, for the GOp to kick the Tea Party out, return to being the center right party it was up to 1994, when Gringrich hijacked it.  It makes no sense for 50% of the population to have no choice other than the Democrats.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:



United Staes of America, the new Zimbadwi(sp)-white ppl will flee, America will become a socialist state. Similar to the Third World, China has been bank rolling America.


We are already here. Get use to the idea of handouts. Storm Sandy revealed the POVERTY OF AMERICA-they cannot get their resurgence back on track.


I hope they survive, otherwise God help us against the muslim fanatics.  

Reasons why the GOP lost.


1.  Voter suppression.  Reports of obnoxious attempts to disenfranchise blacks in OH,PA,VA, and especially FLO spread and this grew into a movement to prevent.  More early voters came out and those who did stood in lines for 5 hours or more to make their point.  So African Americans who were apathetic showed up once they felt threatened as a group.  Also racist emails by people like Rev Al  also helped.  Regardless as to what they might think of Obama they see a racist attack on him as a racist attack on them.


2.  GOP figures babbled nonsense about rape being the "will of God" and other such babble.  This terrified the female (of all races) vote so women accounted for a higher % (54%) than before where they normally are around 52%.

 NH has an all female slate in DC and record numbers of females were elected to the Senate.


3.  Ongoing anti immigrant rants by the GOP got Latinos out as well.


4.  You all selected a liar and it turns out that Americans arent as foolish as you think.


There is no way that the GOP can relay on the white male vote (now around 36%) and the married white female vote, and think that they can win elections.



The GOP needs to learn a lesson and this bilge that you wrote is indicative of the fcat that they will never again have a president.  Obama got 40% of the white vote...and not every GOP supporter is some extremist right wing lunatic who wants war.

I hope nobady bomb the place and u become collateral victim.


We know that Black folks got the power now. I doan think dey evah gonna trust A Bill Clinton again.


Just like Guyana, I expect CONFRONTATIONS for the next four years. The rhetoric today is similar to 4 years ago. Expect zilch accomplishments.

Originally Posted by seignet:


We know that Black folks got the power now. I doan think dey evah gonna trust A Bill Clinton again.


Just like Guyana, I expect CONFRONTATIONS for the next four years. The rhetoric today is similar to 4 years ago. Expect zilch accomplishments.

OK I know that you and the rest of teh Indonazi brigage are enraged now.


But to say that blacks have power is a laugh.  Highest unemployment, highest foreclosure rates, being almost completely absent from his cabinet.


The issue is that we had to chose between one man who ignores us, while he focuses on white single women, gays, and Hispanics.....and the other who will send us to hell.


So we decided that being ignored is better, especially when the other guy was using tactics reminiscent of Jim Crow to prevent blacks from voting.  And attarcted to many anti black haters like you and Rev Al to his ranks, and saying NOTHING about it.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:


We know that Black folks got the power now. I doan think dey evah gonna trust A Bill Clinton again.


Just like Guyana, I expect CONFRONTATIONS for the next four years. The rhetoric today is similar to 4 years ago. Expect zilch accomplishments.

OK I know that you and the rest of teh Indonazi brigage are enraged now.


But to say that blacks have power is a laugh.  Highest unemployment, highest foreclosure rates, being almost completely absent from his cabinet.


The issue is that we had to chose between one man who ignores us, while he focuses on white single women, gays, and Hispanics.....and the other who will send us to hell.


So we decided that being ignored is better, especially when the other guy was using tactics reminiscent of Jim Crow to prevent blacks from voting.  And attarcted to many anti black haters like you and Rev Al to his ranks, and saying NOTHING about it.

Ur world must be a terrible one. Who told u I am a hater of Black Folks? Alyuh clannish like everybody else. Apart from black folks appearance when alive, no one can tell from their skeleton whether it is black or white.


I hope someday, the right spirit indwell yuh. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

Ur world must be a terrible one. Who told u I am a hater of Black Folks? Alyuh clannish like everybody else. Apart from black folks appearance when alive, no one can tell from their skeleton whether it is black or white.


I hope someday, the right spirit indwell yuh. 

Every comment that you make about blacks shows your hatred. and gross disrespect...even at least on one occasion claiming that blacks benefitted from slavery.. 


And to claim that blacks are clannish is a laugh.   Kerry and Clinton got almost  as high a % of the black vote, and large numbers turned out for Al Gore.  So at most you can accuse 10% of black voters of turning our purely for racial reasons.  Indeed it is possible that Hillary would have gotten this as well, given the perceived threat from those in the GOP who ride around with white hoods hidden in their brief cases. 


So who are these black power honchos who Obama appointed to dominate his cabinet?  Would have to eb at least 1/3 if blacks are so clannish.


Aside from Valerie Jarrett (a close personal friend who plays a background role and is more interested in helping white women) with the White House's women's initiative which she concieved.  Eric Holder is a Clinton man who Obama promoted from Asst AG to AG.  Not a high risk choice.  Clinton, a WHITE man, had far more diversity in his cabinet then Obama has.  Even George Bush can make this claim.


You will note that Obama signed legislation aimed at reducing pay inequity faced by females when minority males suffer equally from this.  Yet no attention from him on this as the Democratic party knew that the politics of fear, based on the violent behavior of the GOP, would keep them home.


Its really sad to look at the White House posting earlier this year when they feared a low black turnout due to wide spread dissatisfaction with Obama within many black communities.  So they quickly had to dig up to find something to show that Obama had done something for blacks. One or two initiatives aimed at helping a few young blacks get to college and not much else.  You know a pilot program that one would expect some civic group, or a wealthy philanthropist, to do.  Not anything dealing with the ongoping problems of institutional arcism faced even by the black middle class.


Lucky for them their best friend Karl Rove ran around trying his best to make elections in black neighborhoods reminiscent of Forbes Burnham...widespread and clumsy voter fraud.  This motivated many blacks, who didnt even care whether they were registered or not, to run out and vote...even if it meant 8 hours waiting!!!!!!


The GOP should hold Rove responsible for their loss as his antics cost Romney VA,FL, OH and maybe even PA.


If one studies the electoral map, one can see clearly that the core support base of the Republican party is rural confederate mindset america therefore, anyone of color has to be delusional to think they can or will be able to make a dent towards changes within the ideologue of the party. Micheal Steele, th4e first african american who was made Chairman of the RNC was side swiped and I bet you he will leave the party given the fact he now realizes he was just a friken mop. Nixon took the Republican party on an irreversible political tangent and Reagan tried to bring the party back but they are a lost  friken case and to all the people of color who are Republicans and think they can make a difference you are f@(ked ! you are pathetic morons . BTW is Rev still alive or did he hang himself already ?

Originally Posted by kidmost:

If one studies the electoral map, one can see clearly that the core support base of the Republican party is rural confederate mindset america therefore, anyone of color has to be delusional to think they can or will be able to make a dent towards changes within the ideologue of the party. Micheal Steele, th4e first african american who was made Chairman of the RNC was side swiped and I bet you he will leave the party given the fact he now realizes he was just a friken mop. Nixon took the Republican party on an irreversible political tangent and Reagan tried to bring the party back but they are a lost  friken case and to all the people of color who are Republicans and think they can make a difference you are f@(ked ! you are pathetic morons . BTW is Rev still alive or did he hang himself already ?

The GOP are a rural and southern party.  That is still enough for them to control the House and win the presidency though.  Especially if they act on winning 40% of the Hispanic vote, as they did in 2004 when they controlled the House, Senate and the Presidency.


The Rev was last seemn begging to be allowed to join the KKK and the other lunatics who are planning a new Civil War.  See if the South leaves the Union then the GOP is assured victory and the rest of us are rid of them.


If they got 40% o0f the Hispanic vote a scant 8 years ago you better believe that they think that they can do it again, merely by donning some sheeps skin over the wolf and getting a Hispanic running mate and conceding some measure of immigration reform.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Hey, you stop playing "divendra" tag-team with your other buddy?

i guess U have to say . . . . something


back & fill; back & fill; back & fill; hustle, hustle


U shameless lil antiman

Try something "original" nah!

nahh . . . i want to hear mo fat talk from U and the rev bout da Blackman Obama and how y'all run he out of the White House 

Nah, it's over, Obama won.  He and the GOP need to work together and get the economy going.  The Reps got defeated due to their own fault, and Obama ran a good/better operation.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Obama won.  He and the GOP need to work together and get the economy going. 

Sadly, neither has any intention of doing that. They will continue to kill the host, in an attempt to feed the Wall Street parasite.

Nah, Obama and Boehner like cry too much, dem gon wuk out tings to end the crying!

Originally Posted by kidmost:

If one studies the electoral map, one can see clearly that the core support base of the Republican party is rural confederate mindset america therefore, anyone of color has to be delusional to think they can or will be able to make a dent towards changes within the ideologue of the party. Micheal Steele, th4e first african american who was made Chairman of the RNC was side swiped and I bet you he will leave the party given the fact he now realizes he was just a friken mop. Nixon took the Republican party on an irreversible political tangent and Reagan tried to bring the party back but they are a lost  friken case and to all the people of color who are Republicans and think they can make a difference you are f@(ked ! you are pathetic morons . BTW is Rev still alive or did he hang himself already ?

White ppl are entitled to represenation, and in America they have the right to do so and whomever they pleases to support. That is what makes America great and WHOLE WORLD comes to waddle in their troughs. And in whatever way.


Republicans are people who work the economy and make wealth. Democrats have always piggybacked on Republican successes.


Non-White ppl have seldomly developed Progressive Nations-thank God for the White ppl. Otherwise we would all be still living in the stone age. Their evolution has gauarnteed FREEDOM in every spirit of the word. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

Republicans are people who work the economy and make wealth.


 . . . thank God for the White ppl. Otherwise we would all be still living in the stone age. Their evolution has gauarnteed FREEDOM in every spirit of the word. 

ahmmm . . . ok


i suggest u go read a book . . . it's one of the cures for stupidity 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Ahrite, suh tell me how I stupid. I could entertain ur rants.


Suh, leh we begin!

there is nothing [more] to tell, debate or discuss . . . i refuse to waste time dignifying the utterances of fools


just reflect awhile on my post . . .

Wow, you think a lot of yourself.  When will you revert to your tag-team on the "divendra" handle.  You did better there.

Originally Posted by baseman:
  They do have good support among Indians/Asians.  Currently, they are pandering too much to the TEA party, which is hurting them.



Sorry baseman but polling shows that Asians gave Obama over 70% of their votes, a huge increase from 2008 when more than 50% did. 


The GOPs current base is among less educated rural whites and Southerners.  They have lost the Hispanic and Asians, and are losing college educated whites and young whites as well. 

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Obama won.  He and the GOP need to work together and get the economy going. 

Sadly, neither has any intention of doing that. They will continue to kill the host, in an attempt to feed the Wall Street parasite.

What host?  Your usual nonsense about an industrial base.  Tell you what.  Advanced economies are dominated by the service sector and by advanced technology.  The days of screwing widgets together in countries with high wages is OVER!!!  You will never pay the cost that it will take to do this.

Originally Posted by seignet:

White ppl are entitled to represenation, . 

Oh I see the Rev Al replacement ha sarrived.  Another brown man who thinks that he is white.


Wenj last I checked the vast majority of the leaders in the House, the Senate and in teh Obama administration are white, mainly males.


So where do you get this notion that the USA is now controlled by non whites?  55% of Obama's votes came from whites.


Now go and put on your IndoNazi brown hood and see how fast the KKK come and lynch you for thinking that you are white.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Nah, it's over, Obama won.  He and the GOP need to work together and get the economy going.  The Reps got defeated due to their own fault, and Obama ran a good/better operation.


So will you finally admit that your excuses for Romney were deeply flawed and that Americans saw through that.  True only 50%, but still.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Nah, it's over, Obama won.  He and the GOP need to work together and get the economy going.  The Reps got defeated due to their own fault, and Obama ran a good/better operation.


So will you finally admit that your excuses for Romney were deeply flawed and that Americans saw through that.  True only 50%, but still.

Romney had a good plan for the US.  Problem was the radical Right pushed him to the Right in the Primary then continued with their extremist blabber during the campaign.  This made it difficult to appeal to the Center.  In the end, the TEA extremists screwed the Reps chances.  Obama out-flanked them, I gave him credit.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Romney had a good plan for the US.  Problem was the radical Right pushed him to the Right in the Primary then continued with their extremist blabber during the campaign.  This made it difficult to appeal to the Center.  In the end, the TEA extremists screwed the Reps chances.  Obama out-flanked them, I gave him credit.

Really!!!  Well maybe if these "good" plans werent as much of a secret as his tax returns who could have persuaded a scant 2% of the voters in key swing states to switch.



But Romney has as much back bone as an amoeba so, even though he knows most of the voters are center right/center left, he allowed the bullies to push him to boast "I am EXTREME conservative".


He could instead have told the GOP that if they want to beat Obama they need to allow for the fact that most Americans believe in global climate change, dont hate gays, support a woman's right to chose in most instances, and hate liars.


But he didnt.  Instesad he changed his mind every time he heard a faint rustle of the wind, and ended up looking ridiculous.


The GOP lost an election in a weak economy, against a wounded president. Shame shame shame.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Obama won.  He and the GOP need to work together and get the economy going. 

Sadly, neither has any intention of doing that. They will continue to kill the host, in an attempt to feed the Wall Street parasite.

What host?  Your usual nonsense about an industrial base.  Tell you what.  Advanced economies are dominated by the service sector and by advanced technology.  The days of screwing widgets together in countries with high wages is OVER!!!  You will never pay the cost that it will take to do this.

It's true that the host has been largely killed already. The so-called "service sector and advanced technology" (read "speculation and entertainment") sector survives by sucking the life out of Third World countries, which are being used for cheap labor and raw materials. This is what I imagine that the AFC has in mind for Guyana. Contrary to your ideology, however, the US could be revived as productive nation. The first thing to do, after cleaning out the Augean Stables of the financial system, would be to take on the enormous task of rebuilding the nation's infrastructure from the ground up. That's the only hope for New York City, for example.


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