Donald Trump is narrowly leading Hillary Clinton in the race to become US president according to a new poll, which has been the most accurate predictor of America's last three elections. 

The Investor's Business Daily/ TIPP tracking poll showed the Republicancandidate with a two percentage point lead over Democrat Ms Clinton on Saturday. 


But 16 days before the national vote, Ms Clinton had a 95 per cent chance of winning according to a Reuters/Ipsos electoral-vote analysis, also released on Saturday. Another new poll had the Democrat soaring to a double-digit lead over Mr Trump.


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Analysts have said the results of the IBD/TIPP poll are surprising. Statistics on how 11 national polls performed in the last three elections rank the survey top, but the likelihood of so many other polls all being wrong is extremely low.  


The IBD/TIPP predictions suggested Mr Trump could secure 42.1 per cent of the vote, while Ms Clinton would only get 40.8 per cent.