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Former Member



Your site has become a cesspool; I find it downright repulsive and I am sure others do also. There are people on here who claim to be educated, and maybe even rich, but all the education and money in the world does not buy an ounce of class. These individuals are crass; preoccupied with homosexuality, for whatever reason, and are disrespectful to women in general.


I visit and post on another Caribbean site ( and the behavior there compared to this site is like night and day. Anyone coming to this site would mistakenly think that all (or most) Guyanese are this way.

Perhaps you like the site the way it is or are just being over tolerant but to me the behavior of many on here is an embarrassment to many Guyanese.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I started a thread pointing out a poster who called a Minister of Guyana a B**** and then another poster (Jaili) used the same word to describe the Minister.


My thread was attacked by defenders of the poster who called  the Minister a B****.


I have since informed admin.

Bhai, Those FILTH cant help themselves. They are surrounded by such elements. Just pray for them!!!

Originally Posted by politikalamity:



Your site has become a cesspool; I find it downright repulsive and I am sure others do also. There are people on here who claim to be educated, and maybe even rich, but all the education and money in the world does not buy an ounce of class. These individuals are crass; preoccupied with homosexuality, for whatever reason, and are disrespectful to women in general.


I visit and post on another Caribbean site ( and the behavior there compared to this site is like night and day. Anyone coming to this site would mistakenly think that all (or most) Guyanese are this way.

Perhaps you like the site the way it is or are just being over tolerant but to me the behavior of many on here is an embarrassment to many Guyanese.




Don't curse the bridge that you crossed. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:



Your site has become a cesspool; I find it downright repulsive and I am sure others do also. There are people on here who claim to be educated, and maybe even rich, but all the education and money in the world does not buy an ounce of class. These individuals are crass; preoccupied with homosexuality, for whatever reason, and are disrespectful to women in general.


I visit and post on another Caribbean site ( and the behavior there compared to this site is like night and day. Anyone coming to this site would mistakenly think that all (or most) Guyanese are this way.

Perhaps you like the site the way it is or are just being over tolerant but to me the behavior of many on here is an embarrassment to many Guyanese.




Don't curse the bridge that you crossed. 

His rank is #73. He joined in 01/10/04 and his posts count is 2,248. Do you think he has relevance?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I started a thread pointing out a poster who called a Minister of Guyana a B**** and then another poster (Jaili) used the same word to describe the Minister.


My thread was attacked by defenders of the poster who called  the Minister a B****.


I have since informed admin.

Bhai, Those FILTH cant help themselves. They are surrounded by such elements. Just pray for them!!!

Look who is talking. Yuh razz is an embodiment of the Classless Ministers who run the affairs of the Guyanese ppl. If I remember correctly, yuh is the first one started with all the vulgarity on here. Many thought u were a joke. But look how they encourage ur nastiness and BB becomes a thrashy site.


PRAY-who u praying to? Prayers have a devine attachment.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I started a thread pointing out a poster who called a Minister of Guyana a B**** and then another poster (Jaili) used the same word to describe the Minister.


My thread was attacked by defenders of the poster who called  the Minister a B****.


I have since informed admin.

Bhai, Those FILTH cant help themselves. They are surrounded by such elements. Just pray for them!!!

Look who is talking. Yuh razz is an embodiment of the Classless Ministers who run the affairs of the Guyanese ppl. If I remember correctly, yuh is the first one started with all the vulgarity on here. Many thought u were a joke. But look how they encourage ur nastiness and BB becomes a thrashy site.


PRAY-who u praying to? Prayers have a devine attachment.

And you are Mother Theresa, bloody BASTARD like you!!!!

Originally Posted by politikalamity:



Your site has become a cesspool; I find it downright repulsive and I am sure others do also. There are people on here who claim to be educated, and maybe even rich, but all the education and money in the world does not buy an ounce of class. These individuals are crass; preoccupied with homosexuality, for whatever reason, and are disrespectful to women in general.


I visit and post on another Caribbean site ( and the behavior there compared to this site is like night and day. Anyone coming to this site would mistakenly think that all (or most) Guyanese are this way.

Perhaps you like the site the way it is or are just being over tolerant but to me the behavior of many on here is an embarrassment to many Guyanese.




These individuals are crass; preoccupied with homosexuality, for whatever reason, and are disrespectful to women in general.



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I started a thread pointing out a poster who called a Minister of Guyana a B**** and then another poster (Jaili) used the same word to describe the Minister.


My thread was attacked by defenders of the poster who called  the Minister a B****.


I have since informed admin.

Bhai, Those FILTH cant help themselves. They are surrounded by such elements. Just pray for them!!!

Look who is talking. Yuh razz is an embodiment of the Classless Ministers who run the affairs of the Guyanese ppl. If I remember correctly, yuh is the first one started with all the vulgarity on here. Many thought u were a joke. But look how they encourage ur nastiness and BB becomes a thrashy site.


PRAY-who u praying to? Prayers have a devine attachment.

And you are Mother Theresa, bloody BASTARD like you!!!!

I know meh mohma and daddy.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:



Your site has become a cesspool; I find it downright repulsive and I am sure others do also. There are people on here who claim to be educated, and maybe even rich, but all the education and money in the world does not buy an ounce of class. These individuals are crass; preoccupied with homosexuality, for whatever reason, and are disrespectful to women in general.


I visit and post on another Caribbean site ( and the behavior there compared to this site is like night and day. Anyone coming to this site would mistakenly think that all (or most) Guyanese are this way.

Perhaps you like the site the way it is or are just being over tolerant but to me the behavior of many on here is an embarrassment to many Guyanese.




mr nice guy,guyana is a embarrassment to guyanese,maybe if we had a decent government run by people with any moral this site will be only for tourist,now run along and read your bible and leave real guyanese that care for their country try to win it back from hell,and trust me i am trying to be nice to for the rest of white mouth ppp posters go hide because the warrior is hear to help kick the ppp to jail


I don't think that Jalil's use of homosexual vocabulary crosses the line. Sometimes those words lose their impact because of overuse - so Jalil you can be more creative. His point is taken though and that is the behavior of the custodians of the Government of Guyana not only brings that institution into disrepute but it demeans us all and makes the Government less efficient.


Overall I don't think that this site has descended into a cess pool. I've already provided my thoughts on words that demeans the poster, not the subject of the words.


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