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Oct 14, 2017 Letters, Sports, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...r-roads-to-be-fixed/

Dear Editor,
As a resident of the Montrose Village, East Coast Demerara, I am extremely perturbed with the roads in the area. Many years ago for those who can remember, there were the days when you had to walk with long boots if one wanted to get to the public road. This squatting housing scheme was transferred into an acceptable state but under the new governance we are once again neglected. There is no repairs and maintenance schedule of the roads and bridges. The roads are becoming impassible for motor vehicles; we are now suffering the hardships again of traversing deplorable roads especially when it rains.

The NDC does little or have no control of maintaining these roads that are now filled with sizeable potholes. If one should visit, all that is necessary is recapping the surface of the roads and I am sure this can last for another few years and everyone can be happy.

Another sore issue is the collection of garbage; in the past NDC trucks would remove the residential garbage once weekly, this has stopped completely. Residents are forced to dump their garbage on the parapets of the roads and sea wall; the closest point to dispose of garbage. This action creates an unhealthy stench and breeds mosquitoes in the area especially those who reside close to the sea wall areas. The private garbage trucks pass in the area but some residents are denied this service because some of the streets are narrow or in a deplorable state.

I am appealing to the NDC and Minister Ronald Bulkan to address these situations; I do know that there are limited resources and financial challenges, but where are all the rates and taxes collected from the residents going?

Khurisha Ali

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