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The first step is to accept that this is not a political issue but that of society at large. 


The next step is to get people like asj and cobra's aunts to stop encouraging corruption by paying bribes instead of escalating the offense to the proper authorities. People need to speak out against it.


Another step is a mindset change by Guyanese, as long as the population see it as benign and an acceptable way to avoid the narrow and straight, corruption will continue. 


More importantly, systems must be in place that would prevent corruption.


The  most effective, is to make the penalties on both ends, so severe that those receiving and paying bribes would be dissuaded. 


Rhetoric by the pedophile crew will not cause corruption to go away as these individuals crying about corruption are only doing so in order to effect govt change so they too can full their pockets. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The first step is to accept that this is not a political issue but that of society at large. 


The next step is to get people like asj and cobra's aunts to stop encouraging corruption by paying bribes instead of escalating the offense to the proper authorities. People need to speak out against it.


Another step is a mindset change by Guyanese, as long as the population see it as benign and an acceptable way to avoid the narrow and straight, corruption will continue. 


More importantly, systems must be in place that would prevent corruption.


The  most effective, is to make the penalties on both ends, so severe that those receiving and paying bribes would be dissuaded. 


Rhetoric by the pedophile crew will not cause corruption to go away as these individuals crying about corruption are only doing so in order to effect govt change so they too can full their pockets. 

Do you think the example set by the party in power has any effect on the mindset of Guyanese? From whom do you think the population is seeing that it is benign and acceptable to avoid the narrow and straight?
There are already systems in place to prevent corruption that are made useless because the people managing those systems are corrupt.

Why do you see complaints about the PPP corruption as rhetorical?

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The first step is to accept that this is not a political issue but that of society at large. 


The next step is to get people like asj and cobra's aunts to stop encouraging corruption by paying bribes instead of escalating the offense to the proper authorities. People need to speak out against it.


Another step is a mindset change by Guyanese, as long as the population see it as benign and an acceptable way to avoid the narrow and straight, corruption will continue. 


More importantly, systems must be in place that would prevent corruption.


The  most effective, is to make the penalties on both ends, so severe that those receiving and paying bribes would be dissuaded. 


Rhetoric by the pedophile crew will not cause corruption to go away as these individuals crying about corruption are only doing so in order to effect govt change so they too can full their pockets. 

Do you think the example set by the party in power has any effect on the mindset of Guyanese? From whom do you think the population is seeing that it is benign and acceptable to avoid the narrow and straight?
There are already systems in place to prevent corruption that are made useless because the people managing those systems are corrupt.

Why do you see complaints about the PPP corruption as rhetorical?

The party in power is a direct reflection of the people. We can argue all day long whether the horse came before the cart. The fact is that corruption is ingrained in the society, changing parties will not solve the issue. The change must be in systems and mindset.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The first step is to accept that this is not a political issue but that of society at large. 


The next step is to get people like asj and cobra's aunts to stop encouraging corruption by paying bribes instead of escalating the offense to the proper authorities. People need to speak out against it.


Another step is a mindset change by Guyanese, as long as the population see it as benign and an acceptable way to avoid the narrow and straight, corruption will continue. 


More importantly, systems must be in place that would prevent corruption.


The  most effective, is to make the penalties on both ends, so severe that those receiving and paying bribes would be dissuaded. 


Rhetoric by the pedophile crew will not cause corruption to go away as these individuals crying about corruption are only doing so in order to effect govt change so they too can full their pockets. 

Do you think the example set by the party in power has any effect on the mindset of Guyanese? From whom do you think the population is seeing that it is benign and acceptable to avoid the narrow and straight?
There are already systems in place to prevent corruption that are made useless because the people managing those systems are corrupt.

Why do you see complaints about the PPP corruption as rhetorical?

The party in power is a direct reflection of the people. We can argue all day long whether the horse came before the cart. The fact is that corruption is ingrained in the society, changing parties will not solve the issue. The change must be in systems and mindset.

Have you been apprised of the recent discovery by The Auditor General of Millions of dollars intended for spending on education-related projects ending up in an unnamed bank account at Bank of Guyana? Ask yourself how on earth can the PPP insist on retaining the non-objection clause in the Public Procurement Commission? You are right,  the culture of stealing and covering up continues even with Ramotar as President and it will take more than committees and sub-committees to fix this mess.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The party in power is a direct reflection of the people. We can argue all day long whether the horse came before the cart. The fact is that corruption is ingrained in the society, changing parties will not solve the issue. The change must be in systems and mindset.

And who is responsible for the kind of leadership that will instill good character in a society? Are you saying that the party in power is not responsible for displaying honesty and therefore can carry on with their corruption? Who is responsible for changing the systems and the mindset if not the ruling party?
Shyte rolls downhill. In corporations the executives are responsible for corporate culture. The chief executive and supporting administration are directly responsible for directing the culture of a nation.

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The party in power is a direct reflection of the people. We can argue all day long whether the horse came before the cart. The fact is that corruption is ingrained in the society, changing parties will not solve the issue. The change must be in systems and mindset.

And who is responsible for the kind of leadership that will instill good character in a society? Are you saying that the party in power is not responsible for displaying honesty and therefore can carry on with their corruption? Who is responsible for changing the systems and the mindset if not the ruling party?
Shyte rolls downhill. In corporations the executives are responsible for corporate culture. The chief executive and supporting administration are directly responsible for directing the culture of a nation.

You must be in lala land if you believe that people wake up in the morning and decide that govt is their role model. 


It is not govt who change mindset but rather schools, parent, churches, peers and other influential organizations. Each and every person in society is responsible for each other's conduct. Remember the saying "it takes a village to raise a child"


You are suggesting that change comes from the top and trickle down but rather it is from within, starting at the grass roots. If the population is not corrupt, they will not tolerate a corrupt government. 


That being said, you will remember that those bringing claims of widespread corruption against the PPP were given the opportunity to present these claims in a public forum via a debate. Instead they ran with their tails between their legs and decided that it was better to have a one sided discussion via their mouthpieces in the Stabroek and Kaiteur.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The first step is to accept that this is not a political issue but that of society at large. 


The next step is to get people like asj and cobra's aunts to stop encouraging corruption by paying bribes instead of escalating the offense to the proper authorities. People need to speak out against it.


Another step is a mindset change by Guyanese, as long as the population see it as benign and an acceptable way to avoid the narrow and straight, corruption will continue. 


More importantly, systems must be in place that would prevent corruption.


The  most effective, is to make the penalties on both ends, so severe that those receiving and paying bribes would be dissuaded. 


Rhetoric by the pedophile crew will not cause corruption to go away as these individuals crying about corruption are only doing so in order to effect govt change so they too can full their pockets. 

Your ideas seem fine and nice, sir.

However, ideas are only ideas. With the information and experience I have at hand, I doubt whether the PPP/C brains will have the will and thrill to implement your ideas.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The first step is to accept that this is not a political issue but that of society at large. 


The next step is to get people like asj and cobra's aunts to stop encouraging corruption by paying bribes instead of escalating the offense to the proper authorities. People need to speak out against it.


Another step is a mindset change by Guyanese, as long as the population see it as benign and an acceptable way to avoid the narrow and straight, corruption will continue. 


More importantly, systems must be in place that would prevent corruption.


The  most effective, is to make the penalties on both ends, so severe that those receiving and paying bribes would be dissuaded. 


Rhetoric by the pedophile crew will not cause corruption to go away as these individuals crying about corruption are only doing so in order to effect govt change so they too can full their pockets. 

Your ideas seem fine and nice, sir.

However, ideas are only ideas. With the information and experience I have at hand, I doubt whether the PPP/C brains will have the will and thrill to implement your ideas.


They have no intention to do so unless it serves their interest. Remember politicians only act in their own interest, self serving to win elections and retain power. The public must not depend on the "good" nature of govt to curb corruption, it must be rejected at the grass roots. Those demanding bribes are only as powerful as the will of the people willing to pay those bribes. But I don't believe that the Guyanese people are against corruption enough to take action. Corruption is only being highlighted today because it serves as ammunition for the opposition. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The first step is to accept that this is not a political issue but that of society at large. 


The next step is to get people like asj and cobra's aunts to stop encouraging corruption by paying bribes instead of escalating the offense to the proper authorities. People need to speak out against it.


Another step is a mindset change by Guyanese, as long as the population see it as benign and an acceptable way to avoid the narrow and straight, corruption will continue. 


More importantly, systems must be in place that would prevent corruption.


The  most effective, is to make the penalties on both ends, so severe that those receiving and paying bribes would be dissuaded. 


Rhetoric by the pedophile crew will not cause corruption to go away as these individuals crying about corruption are only doing so in order to effect govt change so they too can full their pockets. 

Your ideas seem fine and nice, sir.

However, ideas are only ideas. With the information and experience I have at hand, I doubt whether the PPP/C brains will have the will and thrill to implement your ideas.


They have no intention to do so unless it serves their interest. Remember politicians only act in their own interest, self serving to win elections and retain power. The public must not depend on the "good" nature of govt to curb corruption, it must be rejected at the grass roots. Those demanding bribes are only as powerful as the will of the people willing to pay those bribes. But I don't believe that the Guyanese people are against corruption enough to take action. Corruption is only being highlighted today because it serves as ammunition for the opposition. 

Sir, your view to put it mildly, is stupid. It is a mimic man's view. It is classically the Naipaul argument or rather the colonial reservation that corruption only happen to the subaltern dredges; the woefully culturally backward others who have to be salvaged from this savage state through behavior modification. They must be educated in the ways of modernityâ€Ķ..what a load of crock!


Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The first step is to accept that this is not a political issue but that of society at large. 


The next step is to get people like asj and cobra's aunts to stop encouraging corruption by paying bribes instead of escalating the offense to the proper authorities. People need to speak out against it.


Another step is a mindset change by Guyanese, as long as the population see it as benign and an acceptable way to avoid the narrow and straight, corruption will continue. 


More importantly, systems must be in place that would prevent corruption.


The  most effective, is to make the penalties on both ends, so severe that those receiving and paying bribes would be dissuaded. 


Rhetoric by the pedophile crew will not cause corruption to go away as these individuals crying about corruption are only doing so in order to effect govt change so they too can full their pockets. 

Your ideas seem fine and nice, sir.

However, ideas are only ideas. With the information and experience I have at hand, I doubt whether the PPP/C brains will have the will and thrill to implement your ideas.


They have no intention to do so unless it serves their interest. Remember politicians only act in their own interest, self serving to win elections and retain power. The public must not depend on the "good" nature of govt to curb corruption, it must be rejected at the grass roots. Those demanding bribes are only as powerful as the will of the people willing to pay those bribes. But I don't believe that the Guyanese people are against corruption enough to take action. Corruption is only being highlighted today because it serves as ammunition for the opposition. 

Sir, your view to put it mildly, is stupid. It is a mimic man's view. It is classically the Naipaul argument or rather the colonial reservation that corruption only happen to the subaltern dredges; the woefully culturally backward others who have to be salvaged from this savage state through behavior modification. They must be educated in the ways of modernityâ€Ķ..what a load of crock!


You misunderstand my views, I see corruption as driven by society while you see it as driving by politicians.  You see the eradication of corruption as a responsibility of politicians and I see it as the responsibility of the society. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You misunderstand my views, I see corruption as driven by society while you see it as driving by politicians.  You see the eradication of corruption as a responsibility of politicians and I see it as the responsibility of the society. 

u, sir, are a moron . . .


find something useful to do - like constructing a carrier to port yuh goadie

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The first step is to accept that this is not a political issue but that of society at large. 


The next step is to get people like asj and cobra's aunts to stop encouraging corruption by paying bribes instead of escalating the offense to the proper authorities. People need to speak out against it.


Another step is a mindset change by Guyanese, as long as the population see it as benign and an acceptable way to avoid the narrow and straight, corruption will continue. 


More importantly, systems must be in place that would prevent corruption.


The  most effective, is to make the penalties on both ends, so severe that those receiving and paying bribes would be dissuaded. 


Rhetoric by the pedophile crew will not cause corruption to go away as these individuals crying about corruption are only doing so in order to effect govt change so they too can full their pockets. 

Your ideas seem fine and nice, sir.

However, ideas are only ideas. With the information and experience I have at hand, I doubt whether the PPP/C brains will have the will and thrill to implement your ideas.


They have no intention to do so unless it serves their interest. Remember politicians only act in their own interest, self serving to win elections and retain power. The public must not depend on the "good" nature of govt to curb corruption, it must be rejected at the grass roots. Those demanding bribes are only as powerful as the will of the people willing to pay those bribes. But I don't believe that the Guyanese people are against corruption enough to take action. Corruption is only being highlighted today because it serves as ammunition for the opposition. 

Sir, your view to put it mildly, is stupid. It is a mimic man's view. It is classically the Naipaul argument or rather the colonial reservation that corruption only happen to the subaltern dredges; the woefully culturally backward others who have to be salvaged from this savage state through behavior modification. They must be educated in the ways of modernityâ€Ķ..what a load of crock!


You misunderstand my views, I see corruption as driven by society while you see it as driving by politicians.  You see the eradication of corruption as a responsibility of politicians and I see it as the responsibility of the society. 

I do not misunderstand anything. You are speaking from a position of complete ignorance about corruption in a state and by extension absolutely tangential to anything I ever stated on the matter.


Corruption as society driven is as saying the car is a combustion engine.  Of course it is a societal dysfunction but the mode and manner are not generalizable except as classifications; structural vs interactive.


In Guyana we have a society ran by people who are learning on the job. We have people whose only experience in management is graduation from Lumumba U or Gimpex U. These insubstantial candidates who were dirt poor are suddenly given the key to the treasury.


A new sybarite class rapidly rose from their ranks as they have no capacity to make the distinction between their own property and state assets. After all, they had no property intil the stole from the state.


This management class has developed no industry and over saw no development to any native industry. They live on the charity of the international community or by exchanging state assets for money from predatory states.


That they cannot manage the police or strengthen the justice system is no great surprise. After all, their main enterprise is not administration but managing grifts and grafts. In their era we see the backlog in the courts drift from 5 years to 8 years. No wonder there is a compulsion for street justice and for paying bribes to facilitate action. It all comes from the incapacity of the administrators of the state to meet their primary objective, security of the citizens being distracted by their thievery.


Corruption means a democratic deficit. It happens because of a lack of systems, poor, inefficient or lack of bureaucratic reach, the necessity for people to get business done in the absence of finite rules, in-transparent process and lack of accountability etc. It seldom has to do with morals etc and all to do with opportunity given the very abundance of opportunists.

Last edited by Former Member

Govt is a subset of society therefore if the mindset of society is changed so too will govt and the tolerance of corruption will not stand. 


Guyana is not a communist nation where the govt manages industry. It is up to the private sector to develop industry, govt should only play the role of facilitator. But now we have opposition disruption progress such as the recent blocking of the money laundering bill, causing barriers to trade for the private sector. 


Police must remain an independent entity, the PNC/AFC control the police, why are they not doing the job of curbing corruption as it is their task? Govt should not police itself, it is up to the independent police and society. 


You will note that the perception of corruption occurs at the lower levels where immigration, customs, police, law clerks and govt workers, all 99.9% afc/pnc supporters, demand bribes from the people for doing their jobs.  A skill obtained during the 29 PNC years and carried over into the ppp regime over the past 20 years. The afc/pnc police are the ones charged with stamping out corruption, the govt is not allowed to micromanage them. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Govt is a subset of society therefore if the mindset of society is changed so too will govt and the tolerance of corruption will not stand. 


Guyana is not a communist nation where the govt manages industry. It is up to the private sector to develop industry, govt should only play the role of facilitator. But now we have opposition disruption progress such as the recent blocking of the money laundering bill, causing barriers to trade for the private sector. 


Police must remain an independent entity, the PNC/AFC control the police, why are they not doing the job of curbing corruption as it is their task? Govt should not police itself, it is up to the independent police and society. 


You will note that the perception of corruption occurs at the lower levels where immigration, customs, police, law clerks and govt workers, all 99.9% afc/pnc supporters, demand bribes from the people for doing their jobs.  A skill obtained during the 29 PNC years and carried over into the ppp regime over the past 20 years. The afc/pnc police are the ones charged with stamping out corruption, the govt is not allowed to micromanage them. 

you might as well revert to cartoons as Rev Simplicio. You convey as much information on the subject here as he on any subject. The idea of equating government to the corruption in the rest of the society in is pure nonsense. One has invested in a group to represent their interest, ie manage the state so when management fails it is the managers and not the people who hire them that is at fault.


Guyana is presently managed by autocrats. Evert institution and agency of state is in their control so the distinction between the Leninist vanguard party and this one is only a matter of the way the got into office; an ethnic driven electoral process. Were you cognizant of the prime feeding grounds for rent seeking corruopticrats you would not have to look far. Here is the party that demands and defends their autocratic turf and insist they are accountable only to themselves.


I do not know the AFC has authority over the police. You excuse the government in office but say the AFC/PNC who has no administrative purview here are to be blame! Even if one take the question you beg...the police are predominantly black so they are not PPP why not the flip side? Why not blame the low rent administration that is predominantly Indian for what is their charge? But therein is the problem. You are suffocating under your own burden of defending crooks.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You must be in lala land if you believe that people wake up in the morning and decide that govt is their role model. 


It is not govt who change mindset but rather schools, parent, churches, peers and other influential organizations. Each and every person in society is responsible for each other's conduct. Remember the saying "it takes a village to raise a child"


You are suggesting that change comes from the top and trickle down but rather it is from within, starting at the grass roots. If the population is not corrupt, they will not tolerate a corrupt government. 


That being said, you will remember that those bringing claims of widespread corruption against the PPP were given the opportunity to present these claims in a public forum via a debate. Instead they ran with their tails between their legs and decided that it was better to have a one sided discussion via their mouthpieces in the Stabroek and Kaiteur.

Villages belong to nations which are governed by governments. Are we discussing people should wake up and decide Govt is their role model or are we discussing the responsibility of govt to act responsibly?

How do you think parents, peers, the administrations of churches, schools, and other influential organizations react when they live every day, every week, every month, every year witnessing the blatant corruption in Govt?

With a corrupt govt, people have no choice but to be corrupt.

Originally Posted by antabanta:

Villages belong to nations which are governed by governments. Are we discussing people should wake up and decide Govt is their role model or are we discussing the responsibility of govt to act responsibly?

How do you think parents, peers, the administrations of churches, schools, and other influential organizations react when they live every day, every week, every month, every year witnessing the blatant corruption in Govt?

With a corrupt govt, people have no choice but to be corrupt.


Maybe you know better than I do about who should be a role model. I never heard a Canadian or American claiming that govt was their role model. In fact neither trust the government and don't want it telling them what to do.  Look how much corruption occurred under Bush with "friends and family". Look how much fat cats are getting fatter under Obama. 


You have yet to explain why the opposition ran away from proving their charges against the PPP when they were offered the golden opportunity on NCN.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Villages belong to nations which are governed by governments. Are we discussing people should wake up and decide Govt is their role model or are we discussing the responsibility of govt to act responsibly?

How do you think parents, peers, the administrations of churches, schools, and other influential organizations react when they live every day, every week, every month, every year witnessing the blatant corruption in Govt?

With a corrupt govt, people have no choice but to be corrupt.


Maybe you know better than I do about who should be a role model. I never heard a Canadian or American claiming that govt was their role model. In fact neither trust the government and don't want it telling them what to do.  Look how much corruption occurred under Bush with "friends and family". Look how much fat cats are getting fatter under Obama. 


You have yet to explain why the opposition ran away from proving their charges against the PPP when they were offered the golden opportunity on NCN.

Why do I have to explain what the opposition did or did not do? This is between you and I.
The fat cats in America/Canada can at anytme be held accountable and face the law while in Guyana PPPites blatantly, I repeat blatantly, conduct their abhorent business.

You cannot take away the govt's responsibility to prosecute illegal activities. Nothing you say will ever take away the govt's responsibility to provide direction and proper infrastructure to the nation at the true cost, which does not include amounts siphoned off for personal benefit, regardless of what happens elsewhere in the world.


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