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Responding to a political grasshopper

September 22, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor,
Mr Kit Nascimento has once more lived up to his reputation of defending any cause for a fee.  On Thursday, he was the moderator at a press conference hosted by Winston Brassington on the controversial Marriott hotel.
Perhaps this position proved to be too heady for him to appreciate what he was really supposed to do. The fact that there were seven reporters from Kaieteur News could in no way “monopolise the press conference to the exclusion of other media.” “It was my determination not to allow it.”
Let it be clear that the very professional Nascimento then left his seat to remind Stabroek News of the said press conference. We did not hear the conversation but we believe that Stabroek News told him something dirty because no reporter turned up.
For starters, it is the moderator who determines who asks questions. Kaieteur News could have had 100 reporters at the conference. If Kit Nascimento had so decided then none could have asked a question without his approval.
But so engrossed was Nascimento with being  a moderator at Brassington’s press conference that he claims that he took a decision to limit each reporter. That was an unnecessary decision because Kit was in the position of God at the press conference.
The truth is that Kaieteur News has been a strong critic of the Marriott project, much to Winston Brassington’s chagrin.
It did not escape notice and the recording would show that as soon as a reporter identified himself as being a staff member of Kaieteur News Brassington looked at Nascimento.
Vintage Nascimento then does what he was once good at. He links me to the reporters attached to Kaieteur News. I am also the Editor-in-Chief of Prime News and I attend press conferences in that capacity. Anyone who tuned in to Prime News would have seen two stories, voiced by me, on the press conference. But Nascimento writes that I led the reporters to pack into the press conference of press briefing. He claims that I was there as a Kaieteur News reporter. I blame his poor eyesight and memory since I introduced myself as a Prime News reporter.
A week earlier Nascimento was the moderator at a press conference hosted by BK International to lambaste Works Minister , Robeson Benn. He was as critical of the government’s accusation of a stone shortage as he was of the criticisms against the Marriott.
This was the Nascimento who proclaimed that Minister Benn should explain the stone shortage allegation but who supported Brassington who found any question about money and expenditure to be confidential. Poor Robeson Benn did not have Nascimento to tell him to say that the report on the stone was confidential.
Nascimento then becomes a critic of Kaieteur News and of me more than anything else. He claims that it pains him that “Harris, hiding behind the thinly disguised pseudo name ‘Dem boys seh’. I never had to hide. In fact, at one time my name was attached to the column.
But what gets Nascimento going is the fact that having been paid by Brassington, he must attack the column that attacks Brazzy almost daily.
Should Kaieteur News pay Nascimento to moderate a forum on the Marriott, the very Nascimento will crucify Winston Brassington. And it is all for a few dollars. He cussed out the PPP until Bharrat Jagdeo invited him over. He got into bed with the PPP.
When BK paid him he jumped into bed against the PPP. He is the type of person they would call a soup drinker. I am steadfast in my beliefs and in my loyalty.
Adam Harris

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Mr. Nascimento is trying to make the Marriott Hotel stench smell like perfume

September 22, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
Even Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo couldn’t best the cuss-out in Mr. Kit Nascimento’s Kaieteur News letter, “A wholly unprofessional attempt to monopolize a Press Conference” (21st September, 2013).  The way he is behaving he has to be getting a hefty sum of taxpayers’ money to make the stench on the Marriott Hotel smell like perfume. Imagine his indignation when the media is using a strategy to expose it. If it were not for Kaieteur News, the PPP would have already sold out the country. The Stabroek News is always playing catch-up. The Guyana Times covers up and promotes the criminality as acceptable. The Guyana Chronicle is a rag sheet.
Mr. Nascimento thinks if this country had different libel laws Kaieteur would be in trouble. I think if this country has better laws, the corrupt would be jailed and Mr. Nascimento’s career would be in the cesspit where it belongs. No, Mr. Nascimento, Kaieteur News has not corrupted the practice of journalism in our country; in fact you are trying to corrupt the minds of people to see Kaieteur in this light when you cannot hold a candle to what this paper has over the years done to save Guyana.
Hope everyone noticed when Mr. Nascimento finished cussing out the newspapers he ended his letter by promoting a television schedule for people to watch the press conference on the corrupt Marriot scheme he is telling us is good for us. This is Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo signing off as Mr. Kit Nascimento, or Mr. Kit Nascimento who was signing off as Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo! These two men are cut from the same cloth.  Mr. Nascimento is just like the PPP and when he throws a curve ball at the government it is not because he is angry with them but because he is wants in on the action.
Suresh Ramkellawan




Y does that putagee racists still has a voice to speak to the ppl of Guyana. Disgusting man-in his days as a PNC hoodlum, he hated kuli ppl. He still does and the likes of the PPP cabal uses his sick mindset to foster their corruptible appetite.


The present cabal of the Peoples Progressive Party rewards the PNC racists.


Useless men and women who royally ream the Blacks. Indians and Amerindians to suit their own selfish agenda.  


NICIL will travel through one disater after another and the staff that provide corruptible cover will also suffer for their misuse of the Peoples money.


 Grasshopper, now Webster would have TK as the meaning.  These SHAMELESS BASTARDS are beyond repair. The funny thing is in their demented minds they believe they FOOLING the Guyanese People!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

 Grasshopper, now Webster would have TK as the meaning.  These SHAMELESS BASTARDS are beyond repair. The funny thing is in their demented minds they believe they FOOLING the Guyanese People!!!!!!

Kit Nascimento takes the cake. Show him de money and he will get down his knees for you.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

 Grasshopper, now Webster would have TK as the meaning.  These SHAMELESS BASTARDS are beyond repair. The funny thing is in their demented minds they believe they FOOLING the Guyanese People!!!!!!

Kit Nascimento takes the cake. Show him de money and he will get down his knees for you.

Yeah BUT TK gone in front of him. Dat Boy is a REAL SLIMEBAG!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

 Grasshopper, now Webster would have TK as the meaning.  These SHAMELESS BASTARDS are beyond repair. The funny thing is in their demented minds they believe they FOOLING the Guyanese People!!!!!!

Kit Nascimento takes the cake. Show him de money and he will get down his knees for you.

Yeah BUT TK gone in front of him. Dat Boy is a REAL SLIMEBAG!!!!

Don't try to detract. It won't work. Comment on Kit Nascimento and his horish behaviour and how the PPP/C harboring the PNC/ thugs. THis putagee hates Indians and Ramotaur has rewarded him with a brand new 4X4 truck.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

 Grasshopper, now Webster would have TK as the meaning.  These SHAMELESS BASTARDS are beyond repair. The funny thing is in their demented minds they believe they FOOLING the Guyanese People!!!!!!

Kit Nascimento takes the cake. Show him de money and he will get down his knees for you.

Yeah BUT TK gone in front of him. Dat Boy is a REAL SLIMEBAG!!!!

Don't try to detract. It won't work. Comment on Kit Nascimento and his horish behaviour and how the PPP/C harboring the PNC/ thugs. THis putagee hates Indians and Ramotaur has rewarded him with a brand new 4X4 truck.

His Article on KS and GL is spot on.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Y does that putagee racists still has a voice to speak to the ppl of Guyana. Disgusting man-in his days as a PNC hoodlum, he hated kuli ppl. He still does and the likes of the PPP cabal uses his sick mindset to foster their corruptible appetite.


The present cabal of the Peoples Progressive Party rewards the PNC racists.


Useless men and women who royally ream the Blacks. Indians and Amerindians to suit their own selfish agenda.  


NICIL will travel through one disater after another and the staff that provide corruptible cover will also suffer for their misuse of the Peoples money.

 he has to be getting a hefty sum of taxpayers’ money to make the stench on the Marriott Hotel smell like perfume.


APNU and AFC must push for a forensic audit on Braazinton assets.


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