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Former Member

Mr. Anil Nandlall
Attorney General
Attorney General’s Chambers

Dear Sir


We have been consulted by Mrs. Catherine Hughes M.P. of 176 Middle Street, Georgetown.


We refer to an article headed “Inefficiency is not an offence- AG” in the Kaieteur News edition of the 21st instant.


In the aforementioned article you state at item 3 of your response that “Mrs Cathy Hughes, an executive member of the Alliance for Change and a member of parliament for the Alliance for change is (or at least was), the public relations Officer of Synergy Holdings Inc. I hope that Mrs Hughes will also be the subject of Mr. Ramjattan’s No Confidence Motion”.


We are instructed that our client was never the public relations Officer of Synergy Holdings Inc.

The baseless allegation and reckless advice to Mr. Ramjattan contained in your press release by the holder of the High Office of Attorney General is cause for deep concern and has implications for the integrity of the Office of Attorney General.


In the circumstances, our client requires from you as a matter of urgency a full unequivocal public apology and retraction of your statement coupled with an undertaking not to repeat these allegations.


We look forward to hearing from you without delay. In the meantime our client reserves all her rights.

Yours Sincerely
C.A. Nigel Hughes.
Hughes, Fields & Stoby

This is in response to: http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....s-not-an-offence-ag/

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cathy Hughes’ affiliation with Synergy Holding no conflict of interest … will be asked to recuse self if AFC wins Govt. – Ramjattan

December 6, 2010 | By | Filed Under News 

Source - Kaieteur News


Central Executive Member of the AFC Cathy Hughes making a speech during the party’s last campaign


The fact that a Central Executive Member of the Alliance for Change, Cathy Hughes has used her Public Relations company to work for controversial contractor Makeshwar ‘Fip’ Motilall does not represent a conflict of interest.


This is according to party Chairman and Presidential Candidate, Khemraj Ramjattan who said that he would not deny any company a chance to earn income.

He said that should the party assume power following the 2011 elections, then upon review of the contract, Hughes will be asked to recuse herself from any affiliation with the company, Synergy Holdings.

Ramjattan said that this is the policy of the party, pointing out that on many occasions when a decision has to be made and the person with an interest in the outcome is on the decision making panel, they recuse themselves.

He pointed to the recent Congress of the party where he was asked to pass judgment on whether Michael Carrington would be able to compete for the presidential candidate slot, he recused himself.

He said that this has happened on many occasions in the party when the need arises.

Ramjattan said that Hughes had a right to deal with Motilall and his Company, saying that it is no contradiction.

He said that the duality of persons in the party must be respected.

Motilall says his company is the most qualified to build the Amaila access road because it has over seven years of road building experience along with intimate knowledge of the terrain at the project site.


Makeshwar ‘Fip’ Motilall


AFC’s Presidential Candidate and Party Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan


He made the statements during his interview with Hughes but this position has never been qualified with any evidence.

Efforts to contact Hughes yesterday for a comment proved futile.

There is public position that the AFC should make a decision of how it will approach this issue of conflict between party and profession.

“It is an important one on which the AFC can provide leadership, and which would allow it to speak with greater credibility on a controversial economic deal which the party may have to revisit if it ever wins political power,” posited a columnist in this newspaper.


Amaila Falls US$15.4M road project … Inefficiency is not an offence-AG

March 21, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

Source - Kaieteur News


Attorney General, Anil Nandlall


Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, has responded to an article that quotes Member of Parliament for the Alliance for Change, Khemraj Ramjattan, as calling on the Attorney General to prosecute an inefficient consultant on the Amaila Falls road project.

We publish his response.

I wish to respond to the front page headline of Kaieteur News, Tuesday edition, March 20, 2012 viz:

Amaila Falls $15.4M road project…Clear evidence of inefficiency exists “…AG must prosecute or face no-confidence motion” – Ramjattan and to the Article in relation thereto published on page 6, and continued on page 17, of that edition of the Kaieteur News.

I set out hereunder my response.


(1) It is not the function of the Attorney General to prosecute anyone or entity; that is the exclusive function of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Indeed, the Constitution clearly provides that in the discharge of the functions of that office, the Director of Public Prosecutions cannot be the subject of anyone’s direction or control.  The Attorney General, therefore, cannot direct the Director of Public Prosecutions which matters to prosecute.


(2) Even if the Attorney General is empowered to prosecute, Mr. Ramjattan is requesting that I prosecute, because according to him there is “clear evidence of inefficiency”.  “Inefficiency” is not an offence for which one can be prosecuted under the laws of Guyana.  One would expect that as an experienced legal practitioner, Mr. Ramjattan ought to have, at least, a fleeting acquaintance with these rudimentary legal principles.  It is patently obvious that this is not the case.


(3) I observe that Mr. Ramjattan in his tirade, omits to inform Kaieteur News that Mrs. Cathy Hughes, an executive member of the Alliance for Change and a Member of Parliament for the Alliance for Change, is (or at least was), the Public Relations Officer of Synergy Holdings Inc.  I hope that Mrs. Hughes will also be the subject of Mr. Ramjattan’s No Confidence Motion.


(4) If any inquiry or proper inquiry was made by Mr. Ramjattan, he would have found that when Synergy Holdings Inc. instituted proceedings against the State and obtained certain Conservatory Orders which prevented the State from taking into possession certain assets used by Synergy Holdings Inc. on the project, it was the Attorney General, who appeared in person and successfully   presented legal submissions which resulted in the discharge of those Conservatory Orders.


(5) A press release was made by the Office of the Attorney General in relation to this issue and sent to every media house in Guyana.  Unfortunately, it did not find expression in the Kaieteur News, although when the Orders were granted, the story was carried over several days as a front page feature in the Kaieteur News.


(6) Additionally, a claim has been filed by the Attorney General against Synergy Holdings Inc. on the 9th day of March, 2012, in which the Attorney General is claiming, inter alia, damages in excess of $1,000,000 (one million dollars) as general damages for breach of contract, and special damages in the sum of US$3,880,029.80. These proceedings are pending in the Commercial Division of the High Court.


(7) I feel obliged to comment upon what I consider to be the real motive of Mr. Ramjattan’s constant criticisms of me.  He has, without any lawful basis or any reasonable grounds, called for my resignation in relation to the role I played in dismantling the persons who unlawfully presided over the administration of cricket in Guyana.  He is again, without any lawful basis or reasonable grounds, calling for my resignation.


The fact remains, Cathy Hughes was never the PRO for Synergy.  More importantly, the fact is it is the PPP who hired Synergy.  What a poor attempt to obfuscate the issue. smh

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Cathy Hughes' Public Relations company worked for Makeswar 'Fip' Motilall.

Even were that so, does that make Cathy the PRO????  What about the bigger issue that it was the PPP that hired synergy???

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The specific issue is about Cathy Hughes' Public Relations company working for Mukeswar 'Fip' Motilall.

No, the specific issue is that Cathy Hughes was accused of being the PRO of Synergy.  Your own highlight in red shows this.  Let's not obfuscate here.  Please.


Also, in your opinion, what is the major issue, the Gov't hiring Synergy or Cathy doing some work for them?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Cathy doing some work for them?

The gist of the issue.

You didn't answer my question.  Why?  


Nor is this the gist of the issue.  The gist, as highlighted by you, is that Cathy was accused of being Synergy's PRO when she was not.  Yes or no?


De_Vulture is a Certfied Gadaha.

Kwame use the OP phone fuh arrange some Bu@@erng  with Julius (a Minor).

All the evdence was produced......but Gadaha and Nandalall saw nothng wrong...Dem say "Eeee followng De Leader"

"De Leader" give US$ 15 Million to one of eee friend.ooks


Gadaha want Us to forget about

(1) Jagdeo who give the contract 

(2) Fip who is a Con Man.

(3) The US$15 mllion them thief.

(4) And All them crooks & Vultures who thiefing nonstop.


Gadaha tell us what Kathy Hughes or AFC got to do with the US $15 Millon???


Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Cathy doing some work for them?

The gist of the issue.

You didn't answer my question.  Why?  


Nor is this the gist of the issue.  The gist, as highlighted by you, is that Cathy was accused of being Synergy's PRO when she was not.  Yes or no?

He wouldn't answer because he is the delusional.... he is good at halucinating and creating his own issues.... perhaps it's his medication or lack thereof.


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