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AFC to press for restoration of ferry service  across Berbice River – Patterson


While in opposition, the AFC had heavily lobbied for the reintroduction of a ferry service across the Berbice River that would provide an affordable alternative to the bridge crossing, however, the party’s General Secretary and the Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson says that moving forward will depend on the rehabilitation of stellings.

Responding to a question, Patterson recently told Stabroek News that the Alliance For Change (AFC) will be lobbying the government that it is a key part of for the reintroduction of the ferry service simultaneously as the government continues negotiations with the Berbice Bridge Company Incorporated (BBCI) to lower fares at the crossing.

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Restore the Berbice river ferry and force the bridge to reduce their rates.

When the fare is restored to a significant level and the if the ferry is no longer needed, Essequibo/NWD  farmers are always in need additional river transportation.

If the bridge goes bankrupt, Bobby can go cry on Jaggy's lap.     

Originally Posted by Tola:

AFC to press for restoration of ferry service  across Berbice River – Patterson


While in opposition, the AFC had heavily lobbied for the reintroduction of a ferry service across the Berbice River that would provide an affordable alternative to the bridge crossing, however, the party’s General Secretary and the Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson says that moving forward will depend on the rehabilitation of stellings.

Responding to a question, Patterson recently told Stabroek News that the Alliance For Change (AFC) will be lobbying the government that it is a key part of for the reintroduction of the ferry service simultaneously as the government continues negotiations with the Berbice Bridge Company Incorporated (BBCI) to lower fares at the crossing.

 Excellent move.

Bad move by Ramjattan. Let's calculate how much it would  cost to run a ferry across the river. People are used to the Bridge for efficiency and no waiting time. People would rather pay the toll before going back in time as the dictator would like very much. The ferry and speed boats are risky business. Berbice river is much wider than the Demerara river. Ramjattan would compensation the people for their lives?
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Berbice river is much wider than the Demerara river. Ramjattan would compensation the people for their lives?

The Corentyne is wider than both of them, but people have been crossing it at Springlands for more than a century in small boats. Mann has even crossed the Atlantic in a sailing boat. And many Guyanese travelled to Europe on a banana boat. So what's this about the width of those rivers?

Originally Posted by seignet:

It is better to find a solution. A bridge just cannot be abandoned.

Seignet, I believe it all comes down to control and greed, but finding a mutual solution would be in everyone's benefit.

Who allows an investor to make a small contribution for a project, but gets the largest return [23%] for his investment and the company with the largest investment gets almost nothing in return.

Most ordinary people in Berbice are not rich as others and would rather wait for a ferry than cross the bridge, at  a higher cost.

A ferry service would also be benficial to large trucks that transport rice to GT and supplies from the city, that crosses the bridge by weight.


I believe it was a deliberate attempt not to include a pedestrian walk on the Berbice bridge, so everyone have to cross in a vehicle.   


I realize a ferry service might bankrupt the bridge, but politicians who are involved with the bridge, must take responsibility and make people first before profit.     

Last edited by Tola
The ferry will not serve the need of the people, neither it wouldn't help to decrease the toll. Ramjattan can go ahead and try it to cripple the Berbice river Bridge. His crime policy is a failure. His 2:00 am curfew is a failure. His gun amnesty is destined to fail.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The ferry will not serve the need of the people, neither it wouldn't help to decrease the toll. Ramjattan can go ahead and try it to cripple the Berbice river Bridge. His crime policy is a failure. His 2:00 am curfew is a failure. His gun amnesty is destined to fail.

You are full of kaka.


Cobra worried about the collapse of his investments in the bridge. His focus is entirely on financial losses for the investors, rather than a cost reduction for those wishing to cross the river.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Cobra worried about the collapse of his investments in the bridge. His focus is entirely on financial losses for the investors, rather than a cost reduction for those wishing to cross the river.

He need to remove his blinders and think for all Guyanese equally.

Its the only way the country will go forward progressively.   

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Cobra worried about the collapse of his investments in the bridge. His focus is entirely on financial losses for the investors, rather than a cost reduction for those wishing to cross the river.

He need to remove his blinders and think for all Guyanese equally.

Its the only way the country will go forward progressively.   

Cobra does not care about the populace.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The ferry will not serve the need of the people, neither it wouldn't help to decrease the toll. Ramjattan can go ahead and try it to cripple the Berbice river Bridge. His crime policy is a failure. His 2:00 am curfew is a failure. His gun amnesty is destined to fail.

You are full of kaka.

Are you stoned?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The ferry will not serve the need of the people, neither it wouldn't help to decrease the toll. Ramjattan can go ahead and try it to cripple the Berbice river Bridge. His crime policy is a failure. His 2:00 am curfew is a failure. His gun amnesty is destined to fail.

You are full of kaka.

Are you stoned?

Have you been eating beef?


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