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FULL RESULTS: Jagdeo tops 35-member list of those elected to PPP’s Central Committee

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As expected from all earlier indications and polls, Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has emerged as the clear leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

In fact, there were resounding applause and cheers across the Congress Hall at Cotton Field Secondary School, when it was clear who took the top spot in the internal elections for the PPP 35-member Central Committee.

Delegates and observers were on their feet cheering for Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, who took the top spot with a lead of almost 100 votes, ahead of Dr Frank Anthony, who came second. Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira, landed an impressive third with only 37 votes separating her from the second spot. Over the years, the votes of the delegates at Congress, drawn as they are from all the regions of Guyana, offer the party the opportunity to have a democratic input in the election of their leadership corps.

Following is the full results obtained by INews of those elected to the 35-member CC of the PPP:

  1. Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo (718 votes)
  1. Dr. Frank Anthony (620 votes)
  2. Gail Teixeira (583)
  3. Donald Ramotar (570)
  4. Anil Nandlall (548)
  5. Clement Rohee (522)
  6. Ganga Persaud (512)
  7. Irfaan Ali (511)
  8. Zulfikar Mustapha (496)
  9. Shyam Nokta (495)

11  – Indra Chandarpal (490)

12 – Roger Luncheon (488)

13– Pauline Sukhai (460)

14 – Nigel Dharamlall (453)

15 – Vindi Persaud (439)

16 Hydar Ally (422)

17- Vickram Bharrat (408)

18 – Dharamnkumar Seeraj (393)

19– Komal Chan (378)

20– Colin Croal (360)

21 – A. Charlie (356)

22 – Brian Allicock (326)

23 – Neil Kumar (321)

24– David Armogan (317)

25 – Jennnifer Westford (304)

26– Vishwa Mahadeo (289)

27 – Clinton Collymore (287)

28– Kwame McCoy (281)

29–Bheri Ramsaran (278)

30 – Faizal Jaffaraly (277)

31– Majeed Hussain(267)

32 – Rickey Ramdat  (260)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Anil Nandlal does not impress me the least that he has the charisma or liability to be president. He is a coolie as coolie can be to win only coolie votes. Cheddi Jagan was a man who earned respect in every corner of Guyana, and Bharatt Jgdeo has done the same. 

Prince posted:

Anil Nandlal does not impress me the least that he has the charisma or liability to be president. He is a coolie as coolie can be to win only coolie votes. Cheddi Jagan was a man who earned respect in every corner of Guyana, and Bharatt Jgdeo has done the same. 

Does the presidential candidate must be one of those listed on the central committee?

Nehru posted:

FULL RESULTS: Jagdeo tops 35-member list of those elected to PPP’s Central Committee

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As expected from all earlier indications and polls, Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has emerged as the clear leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

In fact, there were resounding applause and cheers across the Congress Hall at Cotton Field Secondary School, when it was clear who took the top spot in the internal elections for the PPP 35-member Central Committee.

Delegates and observers were on their feet cheering for Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, who took the top spot with a lead of almost 100 votes, ahead of Dr Frank Anthony, who came second. Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira, landed an impressive third with only 37 votes separating her from the second spot. Over the years, the votes of the delegates at Congress, drawn as they are from all the regions of Guyana, offer the party the opportunity to have a democratic input in the election of their leadership corps.

Following is the full results obtained by INews of those elected to the 35-member CC of the PPP:

  1. Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo (718 votes)
  1. Dr. Frank Anthony (620 votes)
  2. Gail Teixeira (583)
  3. Donald Ramotar (570)
  4. Anil Nandlall (548)
  5. Clement Rohee (522)
  6. Ganga Persaud (512)
  7. Irfaan Ali (511)
  8. Zulfikar Mustapha (496)
  9. Shyam Nokta (495)

11  – Indra Chandarpal (490)

12 – Roger Luncheon (488)

13– Pauline Sukhai (460)

14 – Nigel Dharamlall (453)

15 – Vindi Persaud (439)

16 Hydar Ally (422)

17- Vickram Bharrat (408)

18 – Dharamnkumar Seeraj (393)

19– Komal Chan (378)

20– Colin Croal (360)

21 – A. Charlie (356)

22 – Brian Allicock (326)

23 – Neil Kumar (321)

24– David Armogan (317)

25 – Jennnifer Westford (304)

26– Vishwa Mahadeo (289)

27 – Clinton Collymore (287)

28– Kwame McCoy (281)

29–Bheri Ramsaran (278)

30 – Faizal Jaffaraly (277)

31– Majeed Hussain(267)

32 – Rickey Ramdat  (260)

How come PPP/American Rat Gail Texiera and the the loser Donald Ramotar got more votes than Anil Nandlall. Looks fishy to me.Something went wrong here. I am surprised that Clinton Collymore, Roger Luncheon are included in this list. Yes they made their contribution to the PPP and were always loyal. But I think that the PPP should allow these stalwarts to retire in dignity and respect. But what doesn't surprise me is that the PPP like to work supporters till they die. Clement Rohee, Kwame McCoy ( Clement a PNC ass kisser) and Kwame ( who prostitutes himself/herself as a PPP while he/she is wearing PNC clothing)and Bheri Ramsarran, (remember how Bheri he wanted to slap a woman, Gail Texiera (who is an anti indian for refusing to digitalize the Indian Immigration Records at the National Archives until Frank Anthony came and started till the Granger Governmemt stopped it) and Donald Duck (the loser who on the instructions of Granger gave Linden a Commission of Enquiry and free electricity to Linden and finally sold the country) are liabilties in the Central Committee. How come a sell out isn't at the damn bottom of the list? How come Ronald Gajraj didn't get a spot CC?  Has the PPP not yet learned their lesson? Time will tell.



Great to see a very peaceful and democratic PPP in action.

Compare this to the PNC Congress with gunshots, fist fights, Rigging etc and anyone can conclude which party is best sited to govern Guyana.

The current AFC/PNC are only spreading Ko Ko Beah across Guyana today.


VVP posted:

Goat bite Anil?  I think he wants to be the Presidential candidate in 2020?

Bibi - what happen to the ole girl?

PNC man VVP shows up and fails to Pee on the PPP parade.

VVP, you backed the PNC and you should stop the spread of the AFC/PNC Ko Ko Beah.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
VVP posted:

Goat bite Anil?  I think he wants to be the Presidential candidate in 2020?

Bibi - what happen to the ole girl?

PNC man VVP shows up and fails to Pee on the PPP parade.

VVP, you backed the PNC and you should stop the spread of the AFC/PNC Ko Ko Beah.

Ah done pee pun the PPP grave LOL.

Prashad posted:

Respectable proformance by the Kwamsta.

Now this is one black man who you should hate.  Those of his ilk used to like the sound of broken Indian bones, and Indian blood, during the late 70s and early 80s.

But now he is embraced by your Indo KKK party.

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:

The PPP will be a long time in the opposition.

Based on what I going it is a race to the bottom for both APNU/AFC and the PPP.

The APNU base have said that they don't plan to vote in 2020. Granger and Nagamootoo say that they don't care as they will be enjoying their lavish pensions, made available to them by Bharat Jagdeo.  So they don't care who ru(i)ns Guyana after then.

No wonder the #1 goal of ambitious young Guyanese is to flee, even if it is to breathe volcanic fumes in Montserrat.

Prince posted:

, and Bharatt Jgdeo has done the same. 

You must be seriously dreaming about Jagdeo.   Now Cheddi did have this in 1953, but had lost it by 1961 when he allowed the Indo KKK to take over the PPP.

But Jagdeo is the Grand Wizard of the Indo KKK.  And he screams the same racist rhetoric with his howls of "taking back Guyana for "our people" (Indians)".

And as I look at the highest vote getters in the PPP. Its clear that this is the "coolie people party" as described by Jagdeo, and confirmed by Rohee. Of the top 12 vote getters only one black, and this man having NO credibility outside of the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

No Gun FIGHT at Civilized Congress. No cussing and threatening at CIVILIZED Congress!!

You mean Big Purple Barney wasn't there?

No just a bunch of slaves who do as their massa demands.   Jagdeo must laugh at their stupidity just as Burnham used to laugh at the YSM, and House of Israel fools.

Dondadda posted:
Nehru posted:

FULL RESULTS: Jagdeo tops 35-member list of those elected to PPP’s Central Committee

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As expected from all earlier indications and polls, Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has emerged as the clear leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

In fact, there were resounding applause and cheers across the Congress Hall at Cotton Field Secondary School, when it was clear who took the top spot in the internal elections for the PPP 35-member Central Committee.

Delegates and observers were on their feet cheering for Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, who took the top spot with a lead of almost 100 votes, ahead of Dr Frank Anthony, who came second. Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira, landed an impressive third with only 37 votes separating her from the second spot. Over the years, the votes of the delegates at Congress, drawn as they are from all the regions of Guyana, offer the party the opportunity to have a democratic input in the election of their leadership corps.

Following is the full results obtained by INews of those elected to the 35-member CC of the PPP:

  1. Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo (718 votes)
  1. Dr. Frank Anthony (620 votes)
  2. Gail Teixeira (583)
  3. Donald Ramotar (570)
  4. Anil Nandlall (548)
  5. Clement Rohee (522)
  6. Ganga Persaud (512)
  7. Irfaan Ali (511)
  8. Zulfikar Mustapha (496)
  9. Shyam Nokta (495)

11  – Indra Chandarpal (490)

12 – Roger Luncheon (488)

13– Pauline Sukhai (460)

14 – Nigel Dharamlall (453)

15 – Vindi Persaud (439)

16 Hydar Ally (422)

17- Vickram Bharrat (408)

18 – Dharamnkumar Seeraj (393)

19– Komal Chan (378)

20– Colin Croal (360)

21 – A. Charlie (356)

22 – Brian Allicock (326)

23 – Neil Kumar (321)

24– David Armogan (317)

25 – Jennnifer Westford (304)

26– Vishwa Mahadeo (289)

27 – Clinton Collymore (287)

28– Kwame McCoy (281)

29–Bheri Ramsaran (278)

30 – Faizal Jaffaraly (277)

31– Majeed Hussain(267)

32 – Rickey Ramdat  (260)

How come PPP/American Rat Gail Texiera and the the loser Donald Ramotar got more votes than Anil Nandlall. Looks fishy to me.Something went wrong here. I am surprised that Clinton Collymore, Roger Luncheon are included in this list. Yes they made their contribution to the PPP and were always loyal. But I think that the PPP should allow these stalwarts to retire in dignity and respect. But what doesn't surprise me is that the PPP like to work supporters till they die. Clement Rohee, Kwame McCoy ( Clement a PNC ass kisser) and Kwame ( who prostitutes himself/herself as a PPP while he/she is wearing PNC clothing)and Bheri Ramsarran, (remember how Bheri he wanted to slap a woman, Gail Texiera (who is an anti indian for refusing to digitalize the Indian Immigration Records at the National Archives until Frank Anthony came and started till the Granger Governmemt stopped it) and Donald Duck (the loser who on the instructions of Granger gave Linden a Commission of Enquiry and free electricity to Linden and finally sold the country) are liabilties in the Central Committee. How come a sell out isn't at the damn bottom of the list? How come Ronald Gajraj didn't get a spot CC?  Has the PPP not yet learned their lesson? Time will tell.


Oh skites...what is kwame doing in the bunch?...this is why black peolle have no respect for dem people. 

VishMahabir posted:
Dondadda posted:
Nehru posted:

FULL RESULTS: Jagdeo tops 35-member list of those elected to PPP’s Central Committee

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As expected from all earlier indications and polls, Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has emerged as the clear leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

In fact, there were resounding applause and cheers across the Congress Hall at Cotton Field Secondary School, when it was clear who took the top spot in the internal elections for the PPP 35-member Central Committee.

Delegates and observers were on their feet cheering for Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, who took the top spot with a lead of almost 100 votes, ahead of Dr Frank Anthony, who came second. Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira, landed an impressive third with only 37 votes separating her from the second spot. Over the years, the votes of the delegates at Congress, drawn as they are from all the regions of Guyana, offer the party the opportunity to have a democratic input in the election of their leadership corps.

Following is the full results obtained by INews of those elected to the 35-member CC of the PPP:

  1. Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo (718 votes)
  1. Dr. Frank Anthony (620 votes)
  2. Gail Teixeira (583)
  3. Donald Ramotar (570)
  4. Anil Nandlall (548)
  5. Clement Rohee (522)
  6. Ganga Persaud (512)
  7. Irfaan Ali (511)
  8. Zulfikar Mustapha (496)
  9. Shyam Nokta (495)

11  – Indra Chandarpal (490)

12 – Roger Luncheon (488)

13– Pauline Sukhai (460)

14 – Nigel Dharamlall (453)

15 – Vindi Persaud (439)

16 Hydar Ally (422)

17- Vickram Bharrat (408)

18 – Dharamnkumar Seeraj (393)

19– Komal Chan (378)

20– Colin Croal (360)

21 – A. Charlie (356)

22 – Brian Allicock (326)

23 – Neil Kumar (321)

24– David Armogan (317)

25 – Jennnifer Westford (304)

26– Vishwa Mahadeo (289)

27 – Clinton Collymore (287)

28– Kwame McCoy (281)

29–Bheri Ramsaran (278)

30 – Faizal Jaffaraly (277)

31– Majeed Hussain(267)

32 – Rickey Ramdat  (260)

How come PPP/American Rat Gail Texiera and the the loser Donald Ramotar got more votes than Anil Nandlall. Looks fishy to me.Something went wrong here. I am surprised that Clinton Collymore, Roger Luncheon are included in this list. Yes they made their contribution to the PPP and were always loyal. But I think that the PPP should allow these stalwarts to retire in dignity and respect. But what doesn't surprise me is that the PPP like to work supporters till they die. Clement Rohee, Kwame McCoy ( Clement a PNC ass kisser) and Kwame ( who prostitutes himself/herself as a PPP while he/she is wearing PNC clothing)and Bheri Ramsarran, (remember how Bheri he wanted to slap a woman, Gail Texiera (who is an anti indian for refusing to digitalize the Indian Immigration Records at the National Archives until Frank Anthony came and started till the Granger Governmemt stopped it) and Donald Duck (the loser who on the instructions of Granger gave Linden a Commission of Enquiry and free electricity to Linden and finally sold the country) are liabilties in the Central Committee. How come a sell out isn't at the damn bottom of the list? How come Ronald Gajraj didn't get a spot CC?  Has the PPP not yet learned their lesson? Time will tell.


Oh skites...what is kwame doing in the bunch?...this is why black peolle have no respect for dem people. 

Kwame is one of the hardest working people in the PPP party.  Who do you think writes all those press releases and news articles?  He is a fast and accurate writer.  The man was blessed with journalistic abilities and he is extremely loyal.

Bibi Haniffa

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